With the numbers of infections by covid-19 and, what really matters, hospitalizations on the rise , uncertainty is once again being established in public administrations and, therefore, among the population.
According to information from ‘El Espanol’, Pedro Sanchez has put on the table the possibility of implementing mobility restrictions in the autonomous communities similar to those of Phase 2.
The measures would affect, above all, the mobility of people and would mean “taking steps back” in the de-escalation of the coronavirus.
Can confinement return
, will there be new mobility restrictions
, will bars, shops or leisure activities close
The doubts are numerous and one of the options that is handled is to return to the limitations that were established in the various phases of the de-escalation .
Specifically, from various health entities and even from government sources, there is talk of returning to phase 2 of the lack of confidence.

What could be done in phase 2

One of the greatest restrictions that existed in phase 2 had to do with geographic mobility. In this phase of lack of confidence, travel within the same province was exclusively allowed, but not crossing interprovincial borders .
However, from the Government they have already clarified that in the case of going back in the new normality, the mobility limitations would be limited to the community and not to the provincial level.
In addition, in this phase there were still time limitations for leaving the home . The time slots between 10:00 and 12:00 and between 19:00 and 20:00 were reserved for people over 70 years of age.

Bars and shops

As for restaurants and hotels, during phase 2 the bars were able to start opening their interior premises , but with a capacity of 40% and with the bars closed , the terraces were limited to 50%.
With regard to commerce, shopping centers could remain open but respecting a capacity of 40% inside the stores. For retail trade, the 40% maximum capacity was also in force in its premises.

Hotels and activitiesHotels
were able to open their doors in phase 1 of
the lack of confidence, but without keeping their common areas open. Already in phase 2, the tourist accommodations were able to open all their facilities, respecting a maximum capacity of 30 %.
As for active and nature tourism activities , during phase 2 they could carry out their experiences, but with maximum groups of 20 people .

In the case of returning to this phase of the de-escalation, congresses and scientific activities could be carried out with maximum quotas of 20 people, although even then it was recommended to use videoconferences whenever possible.

Weddings and funerals

Likewise, the celebrations could have a maximum of 100 people for weddings and religious celebrations and without exceeding 50% of the permitted capacity.
In the case of wakes, burials and cremations , the maximum allowed would be 25 people in open spaces or fifteen people in closed spaces.

pools and beaches
With summer still present, returning to phase 2 of the lack of confidence would mean that public swimming pools could remain open, but always with prior reservation and with capacities that do not exceed 30% . Showers must remain closed.
For their part, the beaches would continue to be open to the public , but the measures and recommendations established by the health authorities would be extreme. The practice of sports, professional or recreational activities would be allowed.

Sport and cultural activities

One of those affected in the case of returning to past phases of lack of confidence, would be sport, specifically, the amateur, since athletes from non-professional leagues will be able to train, but only individually .
For their part, the professionals will be able to carry out total character training sessions for up to a maximum of 14 people . In addition, professional competitions will be able to continue, although behind closed doors .
In the cultural field , all cinemas, libraries and museums would remain open, but the capacity would again be reduced to 30% .

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