Directed by Alejandro Amenabar, La Fortuna, a 6-episode miniseries, will be released today on the Movistar+ platform. Thus, today the first two episodes will be released , and it will be from October 8 that a new installment will be published every Friday until the chapters are completed.
Framed in the adventure and thriller genres , its synopsis reads as follows: “Alex Ventura, a young and inexperienced diplomat, finds himself unintentionally turned into the leader of a mission that will test all his convictions: recover the underwater treasure stolen by Frank Wild, an adventurer who travels the world looting the common heritage of the depths of the sea. Forming a unique team with Lucia, an armed officer, and Jonas Pierce, a brilliant American lawyer passionate about old pirate stories , Alex will embark on the adventure of his life, discovering the importance of love, friendship and commitment to that. in what one believes”.
But, who are the actors who will give life to these characters
Alvaro Mel as Alex Ventura
On the one hand, the undisputed protagonist, Alex Ventura, will be played by the actor Alvaro Mel, Spanish actor and model known for playing Tomas Peralta in The Other Look. This young man is currently one of the most famous instagramers, however, this would be his third appearance on the small screen.
Ana Polvorosa as Lucia Vallarta
On her part, Lucia Vallarta, the official who accompanies the protagonist in her adventure, is played by nothing more and nothing less than Ana Polvorosa . The film career of this woman is amazing, and at 33 years old she has participated in numerous prestigious films and series, an example of this is Mi gran noche, by Alex de la Iglesia or the famous Pieles, by Eduardo Casanova.. On the small screen, everyone will know her as Lorena Garcia, the daughter of Aida in the production with the same name, but the truth is that the boom of this great woman came from the hand of Las Chicas del Cable, where she played the hard of being a transsexual man at the time of the ruthless Franco dictatorship .
Stanley Tucci as Frank Wild
Another of the most popular faces that can be seen in this miniseries will be that of the famous Stanley Tucci, which will give life to Frank Wild, the plunderer of the deep sea. This actor has participated in numerous major productions, and his film career is, at 60 years old, one of the longest and most recognized in American cinema. Some of the most famous deliveries in which this Spotlight has participated, The Hunger Games, A Midsummer Night’s Dream or The Terminal among many others.
Clarke Peters as Jonas Pierce
Also, Clarke Peterswill give life to the lawyer Jonas Pierce, the character who is fascinated by pirate stories. This American actor is best known for playing Lester Freamon and Albert “Big Chief” Lambreaux on the HBO series The Wire and Treme. As for the cinema, he has participated in films such as Gigantic, Endgame, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men or Come Away.
— OfficialClarkePeters (@clarkepeters) November 9, 2020
Other Spanish actors of great cinematographic stature are, on the one hand, the well-known Blanca Portillo who will play the character Zeta, about whom we still do not have any information and, on the other hand, another, Karra Elejalde (better known for being the father of Clara Lago in Eight Basque surnames) who will put himself in the shoes of Enrique Moliner.