When you think about how to burn calories , sleep is not the first thing that comes to mind. But you should know that rest is essential, not only to regenerate our brain health, but it is also essential for it to consume its 20% of daily calories. And it does during these hours. In fact, the relationship between sleep and weight has been proven several times by science. It has been proven that poor rest and few hours of sleep canalter metabolism and make you fat.
Of course, this energy expenditure is due to several processes, but it is much higher during the REM phase of sleep. Therefore, sleeping well is also essential to make it easier for your body to consume calories during the night. If you sleep the statutory 8 hours, how many calories are burned on average
Several factors influence and there is no exact figure, but it can be calculated approximately.
As we said, the amount of energy consumed while you sleep is related to several factors, including aspects such as age, weight, metabolism and of course the quality and duration of sleep.
The body burns more calories while sleeping.during the REM phase. This is the deepest phase of sleep and during it, the brain is very active, which leads to a high consumption of glucose or, in other words, the energy source of your body. In turn, at this stage, heart rate and blood pressure also increase, which encourages the burning of calories.
As for the relationship between little sleep and gaining weight , it may be due, in part, to the alteration of the hormones that control appetite ( ghrelin ) and hunger (leptin) .. Adipocytes release leptin into the bloodstream to signal a sufficient deposition of fat; leptin then acts as a natural appetite suppressant. The stomach releases ghrelin when it is empty, to signal hunger. Sleep deprivation lowers leptin levels and increases ghrelin levels. It is a double action at the hormonal level that increases the feeling of hunger and decreases the feeling of satiety.
It also influences other factors such as genetics, the basal metabolic rate, which determines the amount of energy that a body needs to maintain its functions, or muscle mass.In general, you can stay with the idea that,The higher your weight and the more hours you sleep, the more calories you will consume while sleeping.
Calories in 8 Hours of Sleep
That said, there is a good starting point for determining how many calories you’ve burned. Basically, it’s a simple formula:
Normally, a person burns about 1 calorie for every kilo of weight in an hour of sleep . A person of about 57 kilos will burn around 38 calories per hour of sleep, that is, about 304 calories if you sleep the recommended 8 hours.
During sleep, your body functions at about 95% of what it does at simple rest. So if you can find out the average caloric expenditure of a person at rest (for example, 45 calories per hour), you can calculate the nightly calories burned using this equation:
(The MB per hour or calories burned) x .95 (equals 95%) x hours of sleep:
5 x 0.95 x 8 = 342 for 8 hours of sleep. 45 x 8 = 360 calories in 8 hours of rest.