“I agree with those who see in the Zan bill a danger to freedom of expression given the enormous discretion left to the investigating power”, says the senator of Forza Italia, Stefania Craxi, vice president of the Foreign Commission of Palazzo Madama
In the debate unleashed in political and media Italy of the “politically correct”, which chases the likes of Fedez, who pulls the words of Prime Minister Mario Draghi by the coat, there is a lot of talk about the Concordat. And someone even goes so far as to invoke the revision of the revision. Without even delving a little into the spirit of the Concordat we are talking about. This is explained by the senator of Forza Italia, Stefania Craxi, vice president of the Foreign Affairs Commission of Palazzo Madama, daughter of that secular, socialist, modern reformist premier, Bettino Craxi who with a “far-sighted enterprise succeeded where the leaders of Democracy had not succeeded for 30 years Christian “. So said Craxi at the conference, organized in the Zuccari hall of the Senate by the Foundation named after the socialist statesman, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the death of the former premier in Hammamet and the 36th anniversary of the revision of the Concordat. The conference was held in February 2020, just over a year ago.
In the title the spirit of the Concordat revised in 1984: “Agreements of freedom”, so I call them Craxi who in his enterprise reaffirms “the centrality of the individual and his free choices” and, without prejudice to the centrality of the Catholic values of the Italian people, “He put religions on an equal footing: afterwards agreements were signed with the Waldenses, the Methodists, the Jewish Communities …”, Senator Craxi recalled in that event. Present were the President of the Senate Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, the same Secretary of the Holy See for relations with States Paul Richard Gallagher and a prestigious parterre of historians and scholars.
Now and precisely referring to the spirit of the revision of the Lateran Pacts, or the spirit of “Freedom Agreements”, that Craxi, in an interview with the AdnKronos news agency, takes a stand in favor of the Vatican’s requests on the Zan bill, because “It is not a question of religion but of freedom of expression”. The senator begins: “Of course it is special to see the Church forced to recall the values of pluralism and secular thought present in the Concordat, but I believe that the Vatican did well to ask for respect for those values. Because here it is not a question of religion but of freedom of expression ”.
As for the Zan bill, the senator observes: “First of all, politics, which should give answers on a political-cultural level to make the country grow while respecting diversity and rights, it is not clear why it always gives criminal answers. Secondly, I agree with those who see the Zan bill as a danger to freedom of expression given the enormous discretion left to the investigating power ”. Craxi asks: “Freedom of expression is guaranteed, but what does a magistrate do when faced with a criminal complaint
“. He warns of a risk: “And then this constant attempt to protect the rights of minorities does nothing but ghettoize other minorities”. He concludes: “The law, as it is written, goes in the opposite direction to what we want to do with respect to the rights of minorities and freedom of thought”. “But – observes Stefania Craxi – I believe that there is ample scope for discussing it, also bearing in mind the issues raised by the Vatican which, I stress, do not concern religion but freedom of expression”.