He was El Solitario in the miniseries about this criminal and went through Companeros, La Senora or Cuentame como paso. This actor from Madrid lives in the Cadiz town of Puerto Real with his family, which has not been an obstacle to working on numerous national television projects. His character has just appeared in Alli below, on Fridays on Antena 3, where for this second season he plays Carmen’s father (Maria Leon), willing to make life impossible for Inaki (Jon Plazaola). To model this rancher, he has taken a good handful of expressions from Cádiz under his arm.
-Introduce your character.
-I am Antonio Almonte, father of nurse Carmen, a rancher who has always lived on a farm in La Janda. I proposed to the screenwriters of Alli below that it be from the province of Cadiz. It’s more fun this way, it has more game elements.
-And is he a bad person
-It’s not that Antonio has a bad idea, it’s that he’s very primal. He is a country man. It always comes in handy to play a character like that: he arrives and blurts out everything he had to say.
-How has he built this Mr. Almonte
-It was something special. I meet in Puerto Real with a friend who is from Medina Sidonia, from a family of ranchers and foremen. He adapts my phrases, he gives me jokes to make this vehement father of Carmen more believable. Well, I’m going to say it: that friend is Gregorio Gori Perez Marquez. I have to make it public. Thanks to him this Antonio character is so good.
-What expressions have you personally contributed to the dialogues of your characters, based on your Asidonian friend
are many. The most important, which is the word that Inaki is going to stay with all season, is “cage”. It is also a very carnival word. And of course, “carajote”, which is very Cadiz.
-You have to extol the word “carajote”: the one who got off the hell stunned, the mainmast of the ship, where those who bothered him were sent…
-Indeed, what a great word. The “carajote” had to include it. I also add “anger, anger”, pointing to someone, “guachisnay”…
-What is the journey of this rancher father
mission is to always put Inaki in trouble. The dialogues of Alli below are very well written and carried out, but here I have the freedom to add Andalusian words to give more body to the character.
-How is this job
-This is a good opportunity. It is a series made up of a very experienced cast. Both the older and the younger actors. My representative admitted to me about two years ago that for the series they were looking only for youngsters and projects like this arrive and it shows you that fiction in Spain once again gives everyone a chance.
-What do you think of the location on Fridays
-It seems to me a brave location on the part of the chain and the public has accepted it, according to the audience of the first episode of the season. There was no series on Fridays and it was a well-received idea.
-Will you continue in Puerto Real
-Puerto Real is magnificent. It’s nice to live in a city like this. I am already retired, although I will never abandon acting.