The PP with its abstention and the left-wing parties (Mas Madrid, PSOE and United We Can) with their vote against have overthrown the Vox Equality Law in the Madrid Assembly, which included repealing the laws of Identity and Expression of Gender and Social Equality and Non-Discrimination and Comprehensive Protection against LGTBIphobia and Discrimination for Reasons of Sexual Orientation and Identity approved during the mandate of former President Cristina Cifuentes.
Thus, Vox has been left alone against the rest of the regional Chamber.The Government of Isabel Diaz Ayuso and the Popular Parliamentary Group had previously announced their position because, although they do want to modify these regulations to improve some articles, such as the reversal of the burden of proof, they do not agree with their repeal.
The Madrilenian president herself pointed out, in the control session first thing in the morning, that “equality is not imposed by a law if it is disastrous or if it is not well articulated” or leading “from the halter to others”.
“We can change things but not throwing laws at each other’s heads. We are not on fascist lists to be singled out like the far-left does with these flags, nor do we have to try to be subject to a law that, by the way, it brought deep deficiencies,” he launched. Ayuso has not been in the debate on the initiative as it coincided with a visit to the Jose Cubero Yiyo Bullfighting School .
In the parliamentary debate, in which Cogam and the LGTBI activists Carla Antonelli and Boti Garcia were present on the platform, the Vox spokeswoman, Rocio Monasterio, highlighted that her party has been “loyal” to the regional government but has recalled that they have not come to politics “to distribute posts, but to wage the ideological battle.” Her law, in her opinion, defends the rights and freedoms “of all Spaniards without distinction of race, sexual orientation or religion.”
For this reason, he has proposed to the president of the Community of Madridthat he remove that “cowardice” that he has in his party and confront the “totalitarian ideologies of the left.” “The great advance we have made in our democracy was to make us all equal before the law and these principles are threatened by LGTBI laws that give privileges to an elite (…) We do not get into anyone’s bed, but that cannot generate new rights”, he lamented.
The former Minister of Culture of the Community and now a deputy of the PP, Jaime de los Santos, has defended that the LGTBI laws came to “solve some problems that simply put some citizens in situations of vulnerability.”Thus, he has stressed that he is not better, worse or different for being gay but he is “in terms of the countless occasions” in which he has been insulted for it, “also from progressives.”
Thus, they have reiterated that they are not in favor of the repeal of the regulations and for this reason they have opted for the vote of abstention . At this point, he has criticized that “comrades on the left” try “on a lie to build a story that is that of the repeal of the laws and that this region will take a step back in rights”, as wanted to do, in his opinion, in the demonstration that took place in Puerta del Sol.

United We Can shows the rainbow flag in the plenary

session Next,the “inequality” caused by this Law presented by Vox against LGTBI people, women, migrants and disabled people”. The most important right and freedom for the parliamentarian is “freely loving whoever you want” and He has warned that whoever goes against LGTBI rights “is going against human rights.
LGTBI people were put in prisons, psychiatric hospitals and they beat us up . They want to put us back in the closets and sabotage our laws. The PP that gave away bracelets with our bell flags, today proposes cuts with Vox. They want us not to exist and that if we exist we should not be noticed “, she has launched.
At the end of her intervention,The parliamentarian has placed the LGTBI flag on the platform where she was speaking , while the rest of her deputies from the bench have also shown rainbow flags. The president of the regional Chamber, Eugenia Carballedo, has asked the deputy of United We Can to remove her from the rostrum but she has ignored her request and has left the hemicycle without picking her up.
For his part, the deputy of the PSOE, Santiago Rivero , when leaving on his turn to speak, took the flag and stuck it in his pants pocket. ” You want to deceive citizenship, because the recognition of rights does not limit anyone’s rights . The fact that I can marry a man does not mean that you have to marry a woman,” he launched the Vox spokeswoman.
Likewise, Rivero has lamented that Vox intends to repeal the recognition of the sexual identity of people and the recognition of trans minors . Faced with this, he has warned them, “they are going to lose again because society passes them by”, since the region “does not buy their postulates because it is open, diverse and welcoming”.
The deputy of Mas Madrid Eduardo Fernandez Rubino has asked Vox for “respect” towards the people “who made the freedoms possible” of the group and has insisted that the institutions cannot go back in rights, for which he does not understand that this is taking place debate today with a law that would leave LGTBI people and women “unprotected”.
(…) It is proposed to turn its back on discrimination, it is intended to erase LGTBI people and women from this country,” Rubino lamented, while accusing the ‘popular’ of being “cowards”, of ” whiten Vox” with its abstention from this regulation and “market” with these rights.

The equality law proposed by Vox
The purpose of this regulation was to regulate the principles, measures, instruments and procedures to guarantee the right of every person in the Community of Madrid not to be discriminated against for reasons of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal circumstance or and to see their dignity, freedom, equality and free development of their personality respected, as well as their right to physical and mental integrity, in all phases of their lives and in all spheres of action, both public and private.
They asked that all people have the right to be treated under equal conditions in any area of ​​life, in the civil, labor, social, health, educational, economic and cultural spheres, as well as to effective protection by the Administration of the Community of Madrid in those cases where they are victims of discrimination and violent crimes, or suffer discriminatory, humiliating or degrading treatment.
In addition, it proposed that information, care, training, awareness and advice regarding situations of special risk of discrimination be guaranteed through information and care programs, depending on the Department responsible for social services.
Likewise, that the Community and city councils carry out actions to promote and defend equality, aimed at preventing any discrimination in access to the labor market and to the rest of services, rights and benefits

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