The Tomares Book Fair 2019 exceeds, one more year, and there are already eleven, the expectations of the book sector. More than 60 writers of the moment attend the event, from April 3 to 7, with the aim of being part of what is “a benchmark in Andalusia and the first major book fair to be held in Spain”, detailed the mayor de Tomares in his presentation at La Casa del Libro, in the presence of its director, Rafael Garcia Organvidez, and the delegate of Tomarena Culture, Mª Carmen Ortiz.
Data from the organization of the Tomares Book Fair certify this growth. To the high level of its authors, “the most distinguished of the moment”, there are 19 exhibitors , 18 bookshops, 23 book signings, a central tent that doubles its capacity this year with 300 square meters, a children’s booth and an extensive program for the little ones.
Rafael de Leon and Magallanes and Elcano as axes
In the same way that last year Murillo and The Little Prince marked the theme of the fair, this 2019, Rafael de Leon and the V Centenary of the Around the World Magellan and Juan Sebastian Elcano will be axes programming centers.
The poet of the Generation of 27 Rafael de Leon, which gives its name to the Tomares Auditorium, will be the protagonist of an audiovisual production that will be screened on Thursday, April 4, at 8:15 p.m. The documentary Rafael de Leon, about 50 minutes long and narrating the author’s life and work, is directed by Francisco Robles, produced by Lola Chaves and directed by La Merceria.
The V Centenary of Magallanes and Juan Sebastian Elcano’s Around the World will be part of the intense children’s program, where the School Story Contest stands out, Thursday and Friday at 10:00.
From Jose Maria Aznar to Pablo Carbonell passing through Manuel Vilas
A large and interesting poster of writers will pass from the 3rd to the 7th of opening to present or sign their latest copies.
The inaugural proclamation, on Wednesday, April 3 at 8:00 p.m., will be given by the 2016 Cervantes Prize for Letters, Eduardo Mendoza . Mendoza is one of the most valued Spanish-language authors of recent decades and has received awards such as the Lara Novel Prize, the Liber Prize or the Franz Kafka Prize.
Along with the traditional book presentations and signings of renowned authors, the presentation, on Thursday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m., of The future is today, by Jose Maria Aznar , stands out, since it will mean the first visit of a former president of the Government to this literary quote. Interesting will also be the table on historical novels starring Jorge Molist and Juan Eslava Galan , on Friday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m.
The closing of the fair will correspond to another of the great national firms, Juan Jose Millas , who has chosen Tomares to present his new novel, La vida a ratos, on Sunday, April 7, at 2:00 p.m.
Santiago Posteguillo , Planeta Prize 2018 with Yo Julia and one of the most widely read writers on the Spanish scene, will also be present on Saturday, April 6, at 11:00. The fair will accommodate authors such as Manuel Vilas , with whom many consider to be the book of the year, Ordesa (Saturday, April 6, at 7:45 p.m.); Julia Navarro, who has sold more than a million copies throughout her career and will present the play Tu no Mataras in Tomares (Friday, April 5, at 8:15 p.m.); to Eva G. Saenz de Urturi, with the latest installment of one of the best-selling trilogies of recent years, La saga de los longevos (Saturday, April 6, at 8:30 p.m.); to Ayanta Barili , finalist for the 2018 Planeta Prize with Un mar violet obscuro (Sunday, April 7, at 12:00) or to Antonio Soler , Umbral Prize for the best novel of 2018 with Sur (Sunday, April 7, at 12:45).
Also of great interest will be the visit of Pablo Carbonell, in his debut as a fiction writer with Pepita (Friday 5 at 6:00 p.m.), and the presence of local authors such as Jose Miguel Valle (Friday at 5:15 p.m.) and MM Valle (Saturday at 11:45). The signature of the presenter Pilar Salazarof his recent poetry book 80 pulsations (Saturday 6 at 8:00 p.m.) marks the agenda, without forgetting the appearance of Offreds , who has been leading the national poetry lists for more than a month (Sunday at 12:00 p.m.).
Youth and children’s programming Youth
literature will be embodied in the works of Mercedes Ron , who signs her trilogy Culpables (Saturday 6 at 7:30 p.m.) and Juan Pedro Delgado with Mosquetero del Rey (Saturday 6 at 5:30 p.m.).
Thursday and Friday, at 18:00, children’s workshops will be held, to leave the parades for Saturday and Sunday, at 12:00. The Friday parade stands out at 6:00 p.m., featuring the character Geronimo Stilton .
There will be no shortage of storytellers, Saturday at 12:30 pm and Sunday at 1:00 pm.
Participating bookstores and publishers
In the presentation of the schedule for the Tomares Book Fair 2019, Mayor Sanz highlighted the important “collaboration of Planeta and Penguin Random House in the growth of the fair in its eleven years of life. We started with about 8 exhibitors and, today, all the authors know which fair they come to and its importance”.
Bookstores and publishersParticipants are close to twenty in this edition: Prisma Bookstore, Verbo Bookstore, Casa del Libro / Jose Manuel Lara Foundation, Ediciones en Huida, Botica de Lectores, Extravertida Editorial, Ediciones Labnar, Libreria Entrelineas, El Erizo de Papel Bookstore, Padilla Ediciones , Premium Publishing House, Rat Hunter Publishing House, La Nueva Bookstore, Almuzara Publishing House, Baobab Bookstore, Tagore Bookstore and Barret Publishing House.
The XI Book Fair of Tomares will be located on Avda. de Blas Infante of the town, from April 3 to 7, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. , except for the first day that the exhibitors will open from 6:00 p.m. Full schedule at