The revolution in the world of fashion came when sneakers ceased to be an exclusive footwear for sports practices to become the king of footwear for absolutely all looks. They began starring in the most informal outfits and became the perfect match for jeans, but now sneakers are the protagonists even in the most sophisticated looks. We have seen celebrities parade with them on the red carpet, presenters who change their heels for original sneakers and you do not take them off even to go to a wedding. It is clear that the reign of the sneakers is experiencing its best moment and that, fortunately, it will last for a while.
When choosing a pair of shoes, there are several things that we take into account. That they are comfortable, that they are original, that they can become very versatile and that they are fashionable. For this reason, among your sneakers you may find models from Munich , Victoria, El Ganso or Muroroexe, among others.
You have noticed their colors and maybe even the materials they are made of, but perhaps you have never considered where these brands come from. Now that everything seems to have been created in the US and that if it doesn’t come from the other side of the pond it doesn’t deserve to become a trend, we discover the ten sneakers that succeed in street style and that you didn’t know were Spanish .
Muroexe, sustainable shoes made in Spain
This firm came out in 2013 and only two sold out of all their stock. Muroexe was born from the hand of two entrepreneurs who sought comfort mixed with minimalism and opted for a balance between functionality and aesthetics . The result was a hybrid silhouette, called Atom, which broke the schemes of the street style scene.
Currently, the firm is present in more than 50 countries and has a very satisfactory exponential growth throughout the world. A plus for this firm is that another of its hallmarks is the use of high quality vegan products in its manufacturing materials and that these are highly recyclable. A commitment to sustainable fashionwith Spanish seal.
Munich, 100% Spanish shoes, although the name is misleading
A classic in the panorama of sneakers, the Munich can mislead some because of its German name. But no, the Munich shoes are 100% Spanish. This firm began as a sports benchmark in the world of indoor soccer and indoor soccer. In fact, they still are today. Its relevance is such that at the beginning of the millennium they made the leap around the world with the Gresca model, the most mythical of the form.
Shortly after its launch, these sneakers made the leap from the world of sports to the streets of all of Europe, making a name for themselves in the world of street wear. Currently, it has a line of sneakers that you can customizeand retro models that are perfect to combine with any outfit.
Kelme, from the Barcelona Olympics to street fashion
Kelme has been, is and will be one of the most beloved Spanish firms in history. The reason may be that we all keep in our memories the image of the Spanish Olympic team wearing this brand at the Barcelona Olympic Games that summer of 1992. This sports firm has its casual line in which you can find silhouettes with retro airs and colors current .
Air ‘British’ for El Ganso shoes
It’s not exactly a sneaker brand, but rare is the city where you don’t look at the ground and see one of its models. This Spanish firm was born in 2004 and since then it has not stopped growing. Its founders realized during a walk through London that the British style could fit perfectly in Spain and they decided to go for launching the firm. Since then it is one of the favorite brands among those who love fashion with British reminiscences .
Victoria, a childhood classic
It is one of the oldest footwear firms in our country. Victoria has been in every summer for several generations with her canvas espadrilles and brown rubber soles and, shortly after, with her legendary lace-up sneakers .
The multicolored label with their logo name has always been very present on the street and now they don’t just make those endearing canvas shoes anymore . All kinds of materials and technologies appear in its sample.
Sneep Crew, sneakers designed and manufactured in Spain
Sneep Crew is the Spanish firm whose models bet more on a sneaker design. Created in 2013, since then this firm has worked to offer designs 100% made in Spain. They have an integrated manufacturing process in Spain, in their own facilities, located in a small town in Alicante. In their designs they are committed to craftsmanship and to including the latest technology.
Aro, the Vialis shoe line
Aro is the line of shoes from the Vialis brand and they were born in 2005 with the idea of ​​providing freshness and well-cared silhouettes . Surely you will identify them when we tell you that they are those sneakers that have a circle on the outside. We like the Joaneta and the Picada the most because they have a lot of vibes. That yes, they are models for summer.
Fick, personalized and sustainable shoes
In 2018 Fick was created, the shoes known for their 3D printed soles. These shoes can be fully customized and are made only with electricity, with 100% recyclable and sustainable materials and with an exclusive design that adapts to the footprint and provides maximum comfort.
HOFF, the shoes that are inspired by places in the world
HOFF was born in 2016 with the purpose of adjusting the prices to the quality of its shoes and taking inspiration for its models from iconic places in the world. Since then they have sold more than 250,000 in more than 70 countries.
Yuccs, slippers that are born from nature
Yuccs can boast of manufacturing 100% Spanish slippers, since they are designed and made here. The inspiration of the shoes comes from nature and they rely on technology to create unique and innovative natural materials to offer a comfortable experience. His latest model is made of merino wool and sugar cane.