There is in the air something strange, subtle, impalpable but which speaks of what the Latins called “turbĭdus” from turmoil, confusion, disorder “.
“When its shock wave runs out, the pandemic will leave behind a more uncertain and fearful society, but above all a society with a deep economic and employment crisis, of which not everyone will pay the same costs. Enough interventions of subsidies and refreshments without term and without logic, the Bonus Economy. With a devastating effect on behavior, on the basis that underlies every democratic system. The passive fear of the unknown leads to the ultimate dichotomy better subjects than dead and leads non-sovereign lives voluntarily submitted to the good Leviathan ”.
No, I’m not the one who affirms it with my usual skepticism mixed with, some call it cynicism (and on this I often love to quote Lillian Hellman who stated “cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth” … No, they are the authoritative scholars and researchers of Censis last December.
Attention must therefore be maximum. Even words must return to have a meaning and should not be thrown away just for … When it is said, “social crisis”, “social revolt will arrive” , “It will be a devastating social crisis”, then moves a world that legitimizes its very existence by blowing on the fire of discomforts, certainly present, but which are systematically exploited.
Compared to previous years, when the situation, it must be remembered, was no less serious for other reasons, (also in this case there is a need for an effort of serious profession of truth) there is a very powerful and very penetrating ally, the Web. Sistema cannot afford to underestimate the many alarm bells that come not only from anarcho-insurrectionist groups, but from extra-parliamentary exponents of both the extreme right and the extreme left who continue to fuel these flames
The moment is serious, it is true and we have been saying it for some time. The whole world is worn down by a crisis which, however, will wedge itself in epochal turning points that occur cyclically and which have found their sad outcome, in the past, in global wars. Now we do not run that risk but at the same time there are creeping wars and, if we want, more subtle and dangerous. Free thought is affected, culture understood as the desire to know, understand and know, giving way to the simple, banal, easy, superficial answer that one can give in a tweet or believe that having read a blog on the internet can replace years and years of competent studies and above all concrete experience. The continuous attempts to relativize normality are clearly more comfortable and easier, but they do not involve the search for truth and the use of reasoning.
We are still in an emergency, of course, but let’s remember that the term “emergency” derives from the Latin “emergĕre” so when it emerges, an event suddenly comes to light but it is, in fact, an alarm, a danger, an urgency, a disaster, something exceptional, which must be remedied with swift resoluteness and not to make the same lasting and constant, would be a serious and shameful oxymoron for a society that wants to be healthy.
In this period everyone must be committed to giving their contribution with conviction, starting from the variegated world of the media: following the belly of the country and being accomplices in spreading fake news, fears, in amplifying even things that are not true at times, and intellectually dishonest and very dangerous.
Yes, of course, the country has been worn down by a year of pandemic, many have burned their savings to plug the losses, more and more impatient with the closures of the DCPM, more and more distressed by the sacrifices to make ends meet. And there is this damn deadline that worries everyone, spring, when the freeze on layoffs will end and even if it will be extended it will only mean postponing the agony.
At that point, the temptation to go down to the streets, out of conviction or political calculation, risks becoming unstoppable: we fear no longer the famous “hot autumn” but a “hot spring”.
Covid is throwing almost 5.5 million Italians into poverty and Istat estimates that 14 million people are likely to find themselves in the same condition soon. This is why it is vital to know how to spend funds well, be they structural or so-called refreshments. Instead, one has the feeling of having wasted a lot of money in buffer measures without any painstaking control of the recipients who would have really been entitled to receive support in such a dramatic moment.
Police chief Gabrielli, today deservedly called by Draghi to fill the delicate role of Undersecretary of State to the Prime Minister as Delegated Authority for the Information and Security System of the Republic, clearly stated: “We are witnessing a movement of rebellion that is transversally involving all social categories “,” the mobilization intentions of exponents of small and medium-sized enterprises have been joined by those of adherents to neo-sovereign and independence movements, all united by a single criticism of the government. The presence of ultras groups has been recorded with the obvious aim of channeling popular discontent: there is a widespread feeling of rebellion and opposition to the rules with acts of intolerance and violence “.
The bad teachers return to give “lessons” on the web, but monitored by the police, Gabrielli explains it again: “There has been an intensification of the moments of online confrontation between the militants and the most representative groups who have agreed to prepare to face the future that awaits us, developing new strategies to get back on the road ”.
So far, attempts have been made to stem the wave with rain “refreshments”, which however have not even “wet” all the applicants, and with social safety nets. The Bank of Italy in a study stated that government measures have already saved about 600,000 jobs; a very expensive parachute, which we would like to extend, but the state budget has already accumulated 142 billion in debts.
Of course, there is Europe and the Next Generation Eu, but it will still be distributed, as long as Italy makes a serious, sustainable and factual Recovery Plan, over several years. Therefore accompanying the country in the post-pandemic transition is a complex task, immense but possible and that is why today we have a new, by goal, government, but above all a guide, Mario Draghi who represents, at the moment, the latest, competent, authoritative, also and above all at the international level, a true reserve of the Republic. The problems are many and serious, at Mise for example, there are more than 100 crisis tables still open, on which the salary of 110,000 people depends with the real risk that two million jobs could be lost in the coming months.
And I do not return to the real danger of the appetites of organized crime on these huge funds, as recently highlighted in the semi-annual report of the DIA and already the subject of an article of mine, last July.
Returning to the creeping crisis, those who live in Rome, for example, have the opportunity to notice and speak with these first victims of the prevailing crisis. A restaurant owner in the center unleashes: “We have always been targeted as tax evaders, he says, but here there is only the hope of being able to bring food to my children, between the rent of the walls, the lack of tourists and the closure at 6 pm I will no longer be able to stay open and so far I have managed not to fire any of my 12 employees, but it’s over ”.
You cross an empty and dark square (another absurd thing … keep it dark and with the street lamps off, now that unfortunately many shops are no longer open with their lights, a great European capital, the oldest and among the most beautiful in the world, what that sooner or later requires clear explanations about it, which go beyond a few knowing smile and a fake “love for energy saving”), you find the taxi driver standing in his taxi looking at you hopefully for a ride explaining you with the emptiness of a Rome without tourists and the fear of the pandemic, the races are almost eliminated and he doesn’t know how to keep his family going.
Voices among many that feed the great fear of the “hot spring”. With desperate squares ready for anything. With professional agitators who, from right to left extremism, trigger the clash. We saw the general rehearsals in October with the riots from Catania to Turin, from Milan to Naples.
The risk is therefore great even for a disenchanted country like ours. The great economic crises create an army of “marginal” individuals, that is, of women and men who are in the world without being of the world, the new invisibles, who have lost much or almost everything. Thus the masses also lose the link with the institutions, drifting, first of all in thought, which becomes a fantastic delirium in which everything can be done, losing the points of reference. No one will be able to judge with his own moralism such a confusion that occurs in exceptional circumstances.
Social mobilization begins with a “rupture”, a serious crisis of the system, which spits out a hot lava, made up of thousands of marginal and resentful individuals, ready to try any path, including subversion.
Whether the road is good or bad depends, to a preponderant extent, on the political, social, industrial and cultural elites: because people have come to believe, in this country (but the presence is still granite, veiled only by a truly never seen transformation to save their own “particular” and their interests) and to entrust power to smoke sellers who, contrary to what they have always said, take advantage of popular credulity, unfortunately still very present, and who have always considered true democracy only NOT competence and here we have arrived in an inexorably “weak” era.
The Draghi government was born in this crisis, I hope the undoubted and recognized authority of those who lead it will suffice, the whole system understands this rupture well, we are inside social mobilization. However, it can also become a moment of possible positive relaunch, if only all of us, public and private actors, those of the “legal economy”, do our part even for those who either do not want to through fraud and indolence, or who fail just to understand, the slow decline of progress and knowledge.