The youth try but the April Fair is not the April Fair if it doesn’t sound like Seville. Neither Bad Bunny nor Rosalia have managed to take away the traditional lyrics that, whether through a CD or at the hands of the most lively of the flamenco groups, resonate in the booths for more than twelve hours. With great banners of sevillanas, such as Maria del Monte, Cantores de Hispalis or Ecos del Rocio, this type of cante presents novelties every year, but those who go to the Real always expect to hear their timeless classics.
look at her face to face
It’s not going to win the prize for the most beautiful letter, but it might be for the most repetitive. They look at each other’s faces in the first, in the second, in the third and even in the fourth. So, in a loop, until the couple memorizes the moles that their dance partner has. That yes, the reiteration makes this one of the Sevillian improvements to start in the world of sevillanas dance.
To dance!
Cantores de Hispalis makes it clear; At the Fair, no time is good to sit in the chair. They repeat it so many times that it is impossible to ignore them. Cheerful -as they say at the beginning of each sevillana-, fast and very easy to learn, this batch of sevillanas fulfill their mission and sounds an average of 150 times an hour in the same booth (in fact, there are times that they sound in different booths at a time).
Life moves on
Real as life itself, a slap without a hand is the lyrics of this Sevillian song composed by the recently deceased Manuel Garrido. Author of the mythical Sevillanas del adio, Garrido makes time stop during this sevillana. The passage of time, inexorable, is breathed in each chord, in each verse and in each word and invites the dance partner and everyone who is listening to want to drink life in one sip.
From Cai to Seville
The start of this Sevillana may be the most recognizable in history. That Tirititran tran tran, tirititran tran tran at the beginning leaves no room for doubt, the Friends of Gines make their star appearance to talk about their Cadiz hobbies. The walk from Cadiz to Seville, the walls of La Caleta and the long river of its Seville make this one, in addition to being popular, much loved in Seville.
I am from the south
The claim made Seville. Maria del Monte (although she is originally from Ecos del Rocio) defends Andalusian traditions tooth and nail in a Sevillian full of topics to fight against but which in turn we make our own for a kind of patriotic feeling that is difficult to explain. But, who does not shed a tear with that from here were my grandparents, my elders were formed / here my parents were born, and my loves were born
They sang poems to the Virgin
Sevillanas rocieras that year after year resonate in the booths. Slow, because the Romeros de la Puebla take their time singing them, these sevillanas are a hymn to the experiences of the road. Difficult to dance -in the slowness of the chords, those who do not completely master the dance cannot hide it-, these sevillanas feel more than they dance.
Sevillanas de Triana
Perhaps the name doesn’t say anything, but if you hear that about When I pass over the bridge, Triana, with you, my life, they know how to recognize it. Popular during the Fair -and at the Vela de Santa Ana- of these sevillanas, perhaps only the first one is known, which is the one they put on a loop in all the stands. But it doesn’t matter, the three remaining sevillanas are just as pretty.
Seville had a girl
It’s not a fair if not if this sevillana doesn’t sound. This Pali masterpiece tells the story of the baptism of Triana, the pretty girl from Seville. A baptism in style in which, in addition to some classy godparents, they drank a lot of wine and ate marinated barbels. Some came out even knowing how to dance bulerias.
The margarita sounds with being rosemary
Who hasn’t learned to dance with this sevillana
Popularized by Amigos de Gines in the early 90’s, the agile rhythm of this sevillana has invited many to start in the world of sevillanas. Its lyrics are so well known that a few years ago they parodied it on the program La camara de los balones with a gazelle, a cheetah and Samuel Eto’o.
That’s Triana
Yes, yes / That’s how Triana is and it will be / I don’t know what Triana has / When Triana leaves. Another classic of each Fair, the girl who is walking on her way to the sands counting, the creature, the little steps she is taking. Joy, fluidity and rhythm for this Sevillian who invites you to jump onto the dance floor with the first person who passes by.