The most representative prosecutors of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla and of the institutions of the field of Justice of Granada have celebrated in this city the 40th anniversary of the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the basic rule that regulates this institution, in an act presided over by the Superior Prosecutor of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, Ana Tarrago , together with the president of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia, Lorenzo del Rio, and the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Junta de Andalucia, Manuel Alejandro Cardenete.
Ana Tarrago underlined that this act is intended to signify the historical importance that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has played in these four decades, “which has evolved in parallel with our democracy, has demonstrated its professional qualifications and autonomy and its ability to adapt to new social realities and to the context of changing criminality “.
In the event, a video was shown that narrates the forty years of this institution and the book published by the State Attorney General’s Office was presented, under the title 40 years of Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. At the service of society, edited for this commemoration and which compiles the contribution of twenty signatures of representatives of State and Justice institutions.
In her speech, the Superior Prosecutor stated that there have been “four decades in which the Public Prosecutor’s Office wants to reaffirm its public commitment to the mission granted to it by the 1978 Constitution in defense of legality, fundamental rights and social interest. “. And it has highlighted the strengths of this institution, such as its implementation in the territory, the unity of action when working as a team, specialization and continuous training to provide a qualified, uniform and transversal response.
The Organic Statute of the institution is approved three years after the Constitution and has had several modifications in its regulations, being that of 2007the one that meant the greatest changes “by promoting greater effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out its activity and promoting the specialty as a response to emerging crime”, according to Ana Tarrago.
But this reform in the Statute had as its purpose, in addition to reinforcing its autonomy, updating its structures to achieve a greater implantation and more efficient territorial structuring and led to the creation of the Superior Prosecutors’ Offices in the autonomous communities and the Area Prosecutors’ Offices and in Andalusia. allowed to create those of Marbella, Dos Hermanas, Algeciras, Jerez de la Frontera plus those of Ceuta and Melilla, configuring a public service that is closer and more efficient to citizens. In his speech, he also pointed out that this anniversary is a time to reflect on its future and remember that the institution faces an “exciting and motivating” challenge with the Draft Criminal Procedure Law, which implies a new procedural framework in that the Prosecutor’s Office will assume the leadership of the criminal investigation to implement a procedural model that harmonizes Spain with the rest of Europe. It will be a paradigm shift that will entail the elaboration of a new Organic Statute and has claimed that it must guarantee full organic autonomyand functional in the organizational, budgetary, regulatory and training space to manage personal and material resources.
This commemoration has also wanted to be a tribute to the men and women who have exercised the prosecutor’s career throughout this period and the Superior Prosecutor has dedicated an emotional memory to those who have been killed by ETA terrorism in the exercise of the defense of legality and democratic values, the chief prosecutor of the TSJA, Luis Portero , and the prosecutor of the National High Court, Carmen Tagle .
She has also transmitted a message of recognition to the team of almost five hundred Andalusian prosecutors for their commitment and personal involvementthat they are demonstrating in this long period of pandemic to attend to the most vulnerable groups that have been and are the most affected.
The act was attended by the prosecutors of the Superior Prosecutor’s Office, the eight provincial chief prosecutors, the six Area prosecutors and the five regional delegated prosecutors for Gender Violence, Anti-drugs, Disability, Road Safety and Information Technology.

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