There are premonitory dreams
Sometimes it happens to dream about people or events and then find yourself, in the days immediately following, to witness the realization of the dream in real life. In this type of dream it is very frequent to anticipate unfortunate events about the state of health or potentially dangerous events, concerning the life of the dreamer or a relative.
It is well founded to think that these dreams are real premonitions, information that, breaking the barriers of time and space, reach us to warn us
If we think of the dream as the place where conscious and unconscious communicate through a language belonging to a humanity timeless the answer is: Yes, premonitory dreams exist .You can recognize the premonitory dreams
According to some scholars and psychoanalysts it would be possible, under certain circumstances. In particular, there are two characteristics from which dreams cannot ignore to be premonitory: the fact of being recurrent and at the same time pregnant from an emotional point of view. In short, if you happen to frequently repeat a dream and wake up in the morning quite shaken and speechless, it is likely that a certain situation can reappear in real life. It is a question of a possibility, mind you, not a certainty. The premonitory dreams can be interpreted
We start from the assumption that all dreams can be interpreted, as long as we can remember them well once we wake up and be able to draw on some secondary but essential details that appeared during our dream experience. If we are able to recognize (however difficult!) A premonitory dream, then yes, the answer can only be affirmative: interpreting a premonitory dream is possible.
It is as if a part of us somehow came into contact with the larger “general project” of the collective unconscious, from which it draws information. For Freud there are no premonitory dreams but only coincidences. Jung’s position is entirely different. Jung distinguishes two types of dreams: small dreams, that is, those we do without retaining memories or other relevant traces; and the great dreams , that is, exceptional events in which, through the dream, it is possible to come into contact with energies of an “archetypal” nature, custodians of those primordial, innate and inherited data of the human mind that enable us to foresee events otherwise inexplicable with only the elements of the individual life of those who dream. Messages from the gods
In ancient times, dreams were considered messages from the gods. Dreams were believed to act as a bridge between the human world and the spirit world by allowing the communication of revelations by gods or demons. It was therefore used to draw advice and forecasts. An authoritative testimony of the spiritual value of dreams in antiquity and given by the Bible. Many dreams and visions described in the Bible are of a prophetic nature: Joseph receives in a dream the news of the supernatural conception of Mary; and always in a dream that God warns him to flee to Egypt; in the book of Genesis, God speaks to Jacob in a dream, showing him the ladder that extends to Heaven. Thomas Aquinas, in the Theological Sum, believes that dreams are subject to supernatural influences, sometimes of a demonic matrix.God reveals certain things to men in a dream by means of angels. The rationalistic theory
In a more empirical interpretation, however, the premonitory dream would be nothing more than an unconscious deduction drawn from everyday experience, which reconstructs and re-proposes possible situations and behaviors in dreams. During the day, that is, our brain records in a more or less conscious way numerous details and information, of the data that it stores and then processes during the sleep phase. It is from the result of this elaboration that the so-called premonitory dreams originate. In support of this thesis there is the observation that this type of dream usually recurs in periods of strong stress or anxiety of the dreamer. Quantum theory
Laquantum theory believes that reality consists of quanta , that is, very short electromagnetic radiations, very rapid light pulsations moved by non-physical forces. In quantum physics two objects can occupy the same space at the same time only when they vibrate at different speeds, unless they are massless, such as photons of light. Other studies on the atom have concluded that there are even larger condensates comprising many more atoms. This quantum premise made it possible to venture the hypothesis of the possibility of multiple results for each single event. However, the hypothesis necessarily refers to a concept of multi-dimensionality. Such a statement implies that every possibility has already been created and present. But howHow Gregg Braden , a computer geologist believed to be an authority on linking the knowledge of the past with science and medicine, hypothesizes that our world is made up of “packets of light” that vibrate at different speeds: on our three-dimensional plane these packages, moving slowly, give shape, with different vibrations to mineral, vegetable, animal, human life as we know it; in the rest of the universe instead, with a lot of vibrationsfaster, so as to escape our perception, it originates different dimensional planes: the seats of “multiple possibilities”. According to this theory, during the premonitory dream the spirit frees itself from matter to proceed along the paths regulated by the universal space-time rhythms. It is from these journeys and from the “universal” information that he derives from them that the intuitions and presentiments of the premonitory dream derive.

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