Awnings installed in spring. After the huge fiasco with the placement of the awning in the historic center last summer, the Urban Planning Department has approved in the middle of autumn the tender for the new sails contract that has a duration of three years, extendable for another year. The intention of the socialist government is twofold: to guarantee that they can be installed next year before ever and that the company will be the same until 2025. With the annual investment of 269,900 euros, the central streets Albareda, Alcaiceria de la Loza, Admiral Bonifaz, Banos, Carlos Canal, Cerrajeria, Cordoba, Cuna, Duque de la Victoria, Plaza Empecinado, Francos, General Polavieja, Hernando Colon, Jaen, Plaza Jesus de la Pasion, Lineros, Plaza de La Campana, Pedro Caravaca, Puente and Pellon, O´Donnell, Rioja, Rivero,
The contract contemplates the supply of the canvases under lease, as well as their installation, assembly, disassembly and maintenance. This system implies that Urbanism is going to rent the candles to the winning company, which will be its property, not having to take charge of the maintenance or replacement of any element during the duration of the contract, if necessary. Installation will take place in the spring and removal in early fall. The specific dates of these operations will be communicated to the successful bidder in advance.
In unique spaces such as the Plazas de la Campana, El Duque, Jesus de la Pasion and Calle Tetuan, a canopy system is proposed based on the staffs that the Management already has. In addition, small variations in height and width may be made on this central road to allow better accessibility for public service, emergency or loading and unloading vehicles.
The assembly will be carried out between six and 12 meters high, coinciding in most of the sections with the fixing lines of previous years and the height of the existing posts in the municipal warehouse. In general, and whenever possible, the anchors will face each other. The awnings will be removed from the facades at a distance of approximately 75 centimeters. The contractor, prior to the start of the first installation, must prepare an assembly project for the suggested system detailing the breakdown of the awnings and the position of the new anchors to be installed.
Urbanism takes out the contest in the middle of autumn to avoid the fiasco of last summer
In the document, a series of representative enclaves for the city are established, such as Tetuan, the squares of Duque de la Victoria, Campana and Jesus de la Pasion, and the confluence between Rioja and Sierpes streets (with a total area of ​​1,650 square meters ) in which it is anticipated that the awnings to be installed will be made with stamps, anagrams or emblems that must be previously approved by Management and may be used in any of the annuities of the contract.
These canvases to be printed will be newly manufactured, as well as those that are installed to replace them in subsequent years when it is decided not to repeat the design installed the previous year. Urbanism has also established partial deadlines in relation to this service (counting from the signing of the contract) whose fulfillment constitutes an essential obligation of the contract. Specifically, two weeks are granted for the drafting of the installation and assembly project, nine weeks for the supply of the canvases, including screen-printed ones, and 45 days for the installation of the awning, including the areas that, due to their uniqueness, are installed with the staffs and metal supports owned by the Management. Finally, 21 days are granted for the dismantling of the installation.
In parallel, the socialist government processes the contract for the awning of the Avenida de la Constitucion so that it can also be installed in the spring with an annual budget of 203,000 euros. The award will take place in the next few days. Juan Espadas’ team points out that the scheduled budget for street tenting in 2022 is 470,000 euros, “the largest the city has ever had, and in November of the previous year everything was already being processed with the aim of installing what soon as possible”.

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