“The Pages of Our Lives” is a 2004 film directed by Nick Cassavetes and based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. Considered one of the most romantic films ever, “The Pages of Our Life” is a real cult of its kind. With their intense and haunted romance, Noha and Allie made us dream and – we admit it – even cry all our tears. “The pages of our life”, the plot
Duke tells Allie, who is suffering from senile dementia, a love story. And in 1940, on Seabrook Island, the young worker Noah Calhoun and the 17-year-old Allison Hamilton, a wealthy heiress, met for the first time at the carnival. Seeing her, Noah takes the first step and manages to spend time alone with her. Allison and Noah thus end up falling in love and, although from different social backgrounds, they decide to get engaged: one evening, Noah shows Allison an abandoned house and reveals that he wants to renovate it for their future life together. Allison, however, is forced by her mother to return to Charleston. For a whole year Noah writes her a letter a day but receiving no response, she loses all hope. “Me before you”, the film based on the novel of the same name by Jojo Moyes
“Me before you” is a 2016 film directed by Thea Sharrock and based on the novel of the same name by Jojo Moyes A film that tells the “forever”
“The pages of our life” and, first a novel, then a film, that tells the power of love. The kind of love that really lasts a lifetime and that allows those lucky enough to live it to say that a “forever” really exists. What this film wants to teach us, between smiles and tears, and that it does not matter who we are and where we come from, it does not matter where life has taken us and how far we have gone, because if it is destiny to want it, love will find us everywhere, joining us or, as in this case, reuniting at our apple destination. Duke and Allie’s is really a journey through the pages of our life. The discourse on love
My beloved Allie,
I don’t know what else to tell you except that I couldn’t sleep tonight because I know it’s over between us. For me it is a strange feeling, which I never imagined I would feel, but looking back on it I understand that it could not have been otherwise.
You and I are different, we come from different worlds, yet you taught me what it means to love and dedicate yourself entirely to another person. Now I am much better than I was before. I wish you would never forget that. I am not embittered by what happened. Indeed, I am comforted by the idea that there was something authentic between us, and I am happy that it was possible for us to be together even if for such a short period of time. And if, in some remote place and in the distant future, we can ever see each other again, each with a new life, I will smile at you with joy and remember the summer spent under the trees, the summer in which we built our love.
And maybe, for a brief moment, you too will have the same feeling and smile at me and relive the memories we have in common. The most beautiful love is the one that awakens the soul, and that makes us want to reach higher; and what sets our hearts on fire and brings peace to our minds. This is what you gave me. And that’s what I was hoping to give you forever.
I love you, Allie.