The drums of the Andalusian electoral battle sound like the drums of war in the Ukraine: with exaggerated effect, like the tam-tam of the tribe. It is about exciting the warrior ardor to get the fighting spirit out. There is agitation. Manuel Gavira opened this week , willing to join the left to force an extraordinary plenary session of health with expectations of a coven; and closed an enraged Angeles Ferriz , in the frustrated plenary commission, unleashed like Tarantino’s Django. Politics makes strange bedfellows, as Churchill ironized, and Elias BendodoI take the opportunity to maliciously baptize them the Single Opposition Party (the PUO): “A 3 in 1: PSOE, Vox and Podemos.” Another poll, one more, places the PP bordering on 50 seats. The polls will sharpen expectations but, in the bibloquism scenario, the right over and over again adds up to around 60% of the Chamber. The change.
I, I, I, Yolanda… You, you, you, tururu
The PSOE does not wake up, according to the polls that Juan Espadas prefers to ignore, as is recommended in these cases; and to their left they even fall in half, with two seats for Adelante and 7-8 for United We Can. kichihas exhibited the impotence of that left that never believed in the PSOE, suffering from Yolanda Diaz’s indifference: “She is very present in the conflicts in the northern third of the country but she has not come to Andalusia yet.” That goes to the waterline of the emerging leader of a Broad Front that narrows too south of Madrid, and disappears in Despenaperros, where Yolanda Diaz has avoided appearing. Kichi accuses the Government of PSOE and United We Can (“despite the calls, it seems that mobile coverage is broken from Despenaperros upwards (…) no minister has attended me”), but his message is addressed to the Andalusian indifference of Yolanda Diaz.
This week Andaluces Levantaos attended Congress, with Inigo Errejon as host for Esperanza Gomez: “Andalucia’s voice is asleep in Parliament”, they maintained at the door of the Cortes. There they coincide with Kichi: “The deputies represent their party, none of them represent Andalusia.” Of course, the Andalusian message that Teresa Rodriguez bets onIt has never rolled at the polls. Errejon, in any case, proclaimed that the Andalusian candidacy would be held in Andalusia without tutelage; and he also pointed out that it will be seen in Castilla y Leon if the problem of the left is the number of ballots. The dart is nourished by the polls that point to the collapse of the PSOE and the blow of United We Can even to nothing. That seems to encourage Yolanda Diaz… to hide. In Castilla y Leon as in Andalusia. To avoid a bad result, her option seems to be deleted and has no result, neither on February 13 there nor after here. She will wait for the generals. And his escape from the south, ignoring the distress messages, is what generates a feeling of being an orphan.
February 13 will mark the calendar. No one puts their hand in the fire because on February 14, or a little later, there will be no Andalusian call if the result allows the PP to govern alone without Vox in the cabinet. In fact, Juanma Moreno does not seem to be as concerned with the left as he is with what is on his right. That is why he appealed to the Castilian-Leonese president of the PP, or rather he implored, a sufficient majority; and exclaimed a “My God!” as if he were a missionary praying before a tribe asking that they at least not be cannibals. If the polls are fulfilled, PP+Cs can add a stable majority without Vox in San Telmo. That’s why Vox presses. Macarena Olona insisted that the elections are already late. Late for what
Vox not only wants an electoral advance, but also to wear down the PP so that it comes out of the polls weaker, under 45, and a missing Cs, which would allow it to enter. It is your logical goal. This week he starred in a pirouette with a double somersault and corkscrew when joining the left for an extraordinary plenary session on healing, or extra-incendiary. That confluence of Vox and PSOE made the Andalusian president raise his warning one point: “If throughout the month of February, when the normalized daily session begins, we see that there is a systematic and permanent blockade by both political forces , the political clamp, obviously we will not be able to follow the legislature”. Enchanted Vox, of course; but the notice was to the PSOE, whose candidate still needs a tour.
The plans did not come out to Vox -you have to know the regulations- and ended up in a commission, for them expendable, where the PSOE raised the tone until it went too far. Espadas had denied that with the PSOE there were queues in Andalusian Health, which he places at the worst point in history with privatizing efforts; and Jesus Aguirre, who admitted the collapse of care in this overwhelming sixth wave, showed him with data that the Health Service has been strengthened, showed him photos of queues for the flu in 2017-2018 with the PSOE -yes, a flu- and he wondered whether to increase the investment in public health can be understood as a desire to privatize. Swords, in short, faces that and other contradictions, in spite of himself. He complains that the PP only thinks about confronting the central government on a daily basis “even before saying good morning” while he raises the tone of the confrontation. He is also trying to whitewash Maria Jesus Montero , who is going to be weighed down by the newspaper library while she prepares a financing plan far removed from what she claimed as an Andalusian counselor.
The Government has taken stock of the three years in power since the investiture in January 2019… with a comfortable account of taxes, reduction of bureaucracy, administrative simplification, even employment, but uncomfortable with health. The opposition has also taken stock: health, health, health. There they want the bell. Aguirre defended himself by explaining that this is not a tidal wave, but rather a tidal wave of infections: “We are committed to the fact that by the beginning of February, 80% of Andalusians will have passed the omicron infection.” Then everyone to vote.