The Governing Council has given the green light to the decree approving the Public Employment Offer of the General Administration of the Junta de Andalucia for 2021 with 2,605 places, of which 1,566 are open access and 1,039 internal promotion. This call represents an increase in the positions offered compared to the previous year by 99 more , while contemplating an increase in free access of 328 places.
Of the total number of places, for the group of civil servants there are 1.31 2, of which 783 are free access and 529 internal promotion, and for the workforce, 1,293 , of which 783 are free access and 510 promotion internal.
These amounts suppose the application of the maximum allowed by the General State Budget Law for the rate of replacement of troops, which determines that this will be 110% in the priority sectors and 100% for the other sectors.
In this Public Employment Offer, exactly 50% is included in the free access for each of the groups of civil servant and labor personnel , taking into account that it is necessary to increase the figures for the access of labor personnel in order to progressively reduce the rate of temporality in public employment, which is higher than that of civil servants.
This Offer reflects a prioritization of human resourcestaking into account, in addition to the temporary rate, the evaluation of the organizational and planning needs that occur in each case.
In this sense, it is based on the inclusion in the Offer of all the positions occupied on a temporary basis during the 2020 financial year and that currently continue in this situation, also proceeding to the incorporation of those bodies, specialties, options and sub-options for staff access civil servant, and of the professional groups and categories of labor personnel in which organizational needs demanded by the different ministries have been identified .
In this way, they highlight the inclusion of places in free access for official personnel corresponding to the CSuperior Body of Administrators , both in the specialty of General Administrators and in Financial Management .
Likewise , places are contemplated in most of the options of the Optional Body , such as Superior Architecture, Agronomic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mining Engineering, Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Psychology, Computer Science, Telecommunications Engineering, Lawyers of the Health Administration , Archives, Physical Activity and Sports, Sciences of the Natural Environment and Environmental Quality and Inspection of Benefits and Sanitary Services, Medical Inspection option. Likewise, vacancies in the Corps of Lawyers of the Junta de Andalucia are offered.
Also for the Administrative Management Corps, vacancies are foreseen in the specialty of General Administration and in Financial Management . In the same way, in the Corps of Intermediate Grade Technicians, vacancies are incorporated in the options related to Agricultural Technical Engineering, Industrial Technical Engineering, Technical Mining Engineering, Technical Forestry Engineering, Nursing, sub-option Occupational Nursing, Social Work, Assistants Archives and Museum Assistants.
In the same way, vacancies related to fire prevention and extinction services are contemplated , in the specialty of Environmental Agents. The Offer is configured with vacancies in the General Administrative and Auxiliary Administrative Corps.
Regarding labor personnel , the Public Employment Offer corresponding to 2021 is committed to the incorporation of new personnel to sectors of activity linked to the provision of essential services such as health, social assistance and education , as well as in those professional categories with greater need for personnel and in those others that support higher rates of temporality. To this end, a number of positions notably higher than in recent years is contemplated , with a more balanced distribution of the offer between official and labor personnel. This Public Employment Offer establishes a reservation of places of not less than 10% of the vacancies to be filled among people with disabilities.
Since the beginning of this legislature, including this 2021 Offer, the Andalusian Government has offered a total of 10,182 places for the General Administration. Of these, 7,467 correspond to ordinary offers and 2,715 to extraordinary offers.
Environment Agents
With regard to the specialty of Environment Agents, the inclusion of 20 vacancies in free access stands out , as it is a group framed in the priority sector of fire fighting and prevention, and together with to the places included in the 2019 and 2020 Offer, it represents a total of 50 places .
This fulfills the commitment made by the president of the Junta de Andalucia at the beginning of the legislature in 2019, with the aim ofimprove human resources and rejuvenate the workforce , gradually covering the positions of staff who have been retiring in recent years.
In fact, to date, 65 people have passed the opposition phase in free access , corresponding to the 2017 and 2018 offers, who will soon be appointed career civil servants.