The new teachings of Primary Education, after the basic regulation of the same in the Organic Law by which the Organic Law of Education is modified (Lomloe, 2020), are being developed by the Government and the autonomous communities. The most relevant modifications, with respect to the current organization of this educational stage, have to do with the teaching curriculum; although, other aspects, such as the areas and the distribution of the six courses of the same in three cycles, are also subject to changes.
The following areas will be taught in all Primary Education courses: Knowledge of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment (which can be divided into Natural Sciences and Social Sciences), Artistic Education (with the possibility of separating Plastic and Visual Education, on the one hand, and Music and Dance, on the other), Physical Education, Spanish Language and Literature (together, where appropriate, with Co-official Language and Literature), Foreign Language and Mathematics. In some of the courses of the third cycle (5th and 6th), Education in Civic and Ethical Values ​​will be taught. And the educational administrations will be able to add a second foreign language, in addition to other possible areas (another Co-official Language, Spanish Sign Languages, an area of ​​a transversal nature). The area of ​​Religion will also be taught in all the courses of the stage,
The curriculum of such areas is of special interest, given that a substantive modification is adopted. With the reform of the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (Lomce, 2013), the distribution of competences between the State and the autonomous communities for the design of the basic curriculum of the areas started from the distribution of the areas in three blocks of subjects: core, specific and free autonomous configuration. The definition of the teachings of the former, which occupied half the time of weekly school hours, as well as a good part of the curriculum of the latter, corresponded, practically in its entirety, to the State. With the declared purpose of homologating the educational system, which also explained the performance of final evaluation tests (known as “revalidas”),
Through the reform of the Lomloe (2020), such blocks of subjects disappear and the Government, after consulting the autonomous communities, sets the minimum teachings of all areas, which will require 50% of the school hours in the autonomous communities that have co-official language and 60% in those that do not have it. The educational administrations have to establish, in turn, the curriculum that corresponds to their territorial scope, of which the minimum teachings will be part. And the educational centers develop and complete, where appropriate, the curriculum in accordance with the autonomy that is recognized for them.
Therefore, the distribution of competences, based on blocks of subjects, gives way to progressive levels of specification of the curriculum. On the other hand, “revalidations” disappear and are replaced by diagnostic evaluations, without academic effects. In this way, a diagnostic evaluation is regulated in the 4th year of Primary, census and annual, carried out by the educational administrations. In addition to similar evaluations, although sample and multiannual, carried out by the National Institute of Educational Evaluation, at the end of Primary Education.
On the other hand, in basic education, which is compulsory and free, the need to guarantee continuity, coordination and cohesion between its two stages is underlined. To this end, the educational administrations will adopt the appropriate measures of an organizational and curricular nature. Among the latter, the inclusion, in the teachings, of “competence profiles” that specify the principles and goals of the educational system, in order to determine the key competences that students must achieve both at the end of Primary Education and of secondary education stands out. mandatory. Such profiles, based on a Recommendation of the Council of the European Union, of May 22, 2018, are, therefore,
The new design of the curriculum constitutes, in short, one of the most relevant changes in the new arrangement of Primary Education, whose implementation is established for the next two school years, unless a new reform modifies, once again, the educational system.

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