Masks are no longer mandatory , for the moment, in outdoor public outdoor spaces. Even so, there are still many situations where wearing a mask is still mandatory, such as offices, premises without a terrace or closed public spaces.
One of the main discomforts when using this mask for people with glasses or sunglasses is the problem of fogging.The combination of glasses and masks is something that has brought a large part of the population from the street, since they prevent correct visionwhen the crystals fill with mist. This phenomenon is produced by the difference between the temperature of the crystals and the environment. Aware of this, Mercadona is putting on sale the new anti-fog dry wipes, marketed by Bosque Verde, so that the combination of masks and glasses ceases to be a problem and an excuse for not using the former.
Reusable up to 20 uses
Since June 9, the anti-fog dry wipes can be found in all the chain’s physical supermarkets , as well as inits app and online store.This product is marketed by the Bosque Verde brand and has an affordable price of 1 euro per unit.
The main quality of this type of article is that it is effective for up to 8 hours once used on our lenses. During use, it also has another benefit: these wipes do not have to be moistened , so they can be used at any time and on any occasion. On the contrary, for its application even the surface of the glasses must be properly dry.
How to use
These Mercadona anti-fog dry wipes have a really simple system of use, which does not detract from their great effectiveness. First of all, we will check that our lenses are completely dry and we will clean them for a greater effectiveness of the wipes. To continue, we will usethe wipes in a circular direction on the surface of our glasses. To conclude, we will keep the wipe in its container, which has a closing label.
For greater effectiveness, the brand recommends repeating this process every time the glasses are to be cleaned. After application, Bosque Verde guarantees that our crystals will remain fog-free for at least eight hours.In addition, after storing the wipe in its container, it is capable of keeping it free of impurities, so its reuse can be extended up to 20 uses.
For a small price of 1 euro we can get one of Mercadona’s star products, designed exclusively for the pandemic. The Valencian chain continues to choose to offer quality and comfort to its consumers at prices always adapted to the pockets of all types of public.