The maximum price of the 12.5-kilogram butane cylinder will increase by 4.96% starting this Tuesday, up to 16.92 euros, according to a resolution published this Monday in the Official State Gazette (BOE).
This rise in this new review is due to the sharp rise in prices of raw materials (+20.59%) to which must be added the depreciation of the euro against the dollar (-0.94%) and partially offset by the drop in freight rates (-2.07%).
However, according to sources from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the increase in the maximum price has been attenuated thanks to the upper variation limit of 5%. If this limit did not exist, the price without taxes of the bottle would have increased by 13.45%.
The maximum sale price of bottled liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) in containers of between 8 and 20 kilograms (the traditional butane cylinder) is not liberalized.
Its value is reviewed bimonthly on the third Tuesday of the month, by Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, according to the methodology established by current regulations.
The bimonthly revision of the price is calculated based on the cost of the raw material (propane and butane) in the international markets, as well as the cost of freight (transport) and the evolution of the euro-dollar exchange rate. On the other hand, said revision of the price, upwards or downwards, is limited to 5%, accumulating the excess or defect in price for its application in subsequent revisions.
Bottled liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly composed of butane, which serves as an alternative to natural gas for energy consumption in pressurized containers, especially in towns or urban centers without connection to the natural gas network. .
Currently, 68 million LPG containers of different capacities are consumed, of which 53 million are subject to the maximum regulated price (78%). It is a fuel in decline: from 2009 to 2018 the total consumption of bottled LPG has decreased by 20%.

The liquefied gas for the pipeline rises 3.2 percent
The new maximum price of piped liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has also been published in the BOE, which represents an increase of 3.2% in the bill for an average customer, with respect to the current prices, which will begin to be applied this Tuesday.
This rise is due to the increase, compared to the previous month, both in the international prices of propane (+11.9%), butane (+11.1%) and freight rates (+13.5%).

Increase of the thermal bond
To further protect vulnerable consumers from the escalation in prices of energy raw materials in international markets, the Government approved on October 26 an increase in the thermal social bonus, a direct aid charged to the General State Budget destined to cover costs of heating, cooking and domestic hot water.
The aid is distributed by the autonomous communities and varies depending on the climatic zone.
Following the decision of the Executive, the minimum amount to be charged by vulnerable consumers has grown from 25 to 35 euros -two butane cylinders- and the budget allocated for this purpose has doubled during this 2021 with an additional 100 million, reaching the 202.5 million.
Thus, the direct help of the thermal bonus will translate into a check that will have a greater amount in cold areas than in warm ones, with a minimum of 35 euros and a maximum of 124 euros. Based on the number of beneficiaries, the average amount will be 90 euros per beneficiary vulnerable consumer.

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