The wavering positions of Matteo Salvini, former Christian Democrat minister Calogero Mannino tells , have created a sort of infinite cage that will prevent him from leading the country, as well as overtaking Giorgia Meloni to the right. The occasion and the pacifist turning point of yesterday’s former allies Lega and M5S, which according to Mannino must be clarified once and for all because it is now the moment of Atlanticist responsibility. Giuseppe Conte announces the vote against the M5s at more military expenses: there is a problem of pro-utinism in the majority
I don’t want to suspect, but the fact that M5s and Conte believe they are responding to an urgent urgency of the moment speaks for itself: in the sense that it is the risk that it objectively runs, that is, to appear falsely pacifist and not authentically pacifist. I would also say very conditioned by a favor towards Vladimir Putin, while we have before our eyes the images of the destruction of cities in Ukraine. Even Matteo Salvini’s words on pacifism seemed to her sui generis
They are out of place and to be honest they were expected, like Conte’s, because Lega and M5s are the two populist movements that have developed in recent years in a very contradictory key: nationalistically and detached from Europe and its history . I remember that an important part of European history is the relationship between the EU and the Atlantic, a very significant part that arises from two world wars, in particular from the second, which rearranged a world order in which Italy has found its place in the system of democracies. The distinctions on the weapons of both former yellow-green allies reopen the debate on their atlantist position and, therefore, on their future reliability
I would leave them the responsibility of the choices and the words that are used. In fact, it is precisely the words that reveal true and authentic intentions. I hope they overcome this confusing phase, especially for the League. Why is it one of the fundamental elements of the center- right
alternative: if the League does not clearly make a pro-European and Atlantic choice, it will not be able to lead the country, thus creating a great problem that will come in handy for the Democratic Party, which on its own will have the problem of dealing with the M5s. Even the Democrats will not be able to present the alliance with the Grillini in peaceful terms: the Grillini are not the ones who can ensure the Democratic Party. And the League, however, has an existential problem. That is to say
In consideration of what little I know of northern regions such as Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, I remain convinced that a very large part of the electorate of the League there is Christian Democrat. When the fathers are no longer there, there are the children, so that electorate is certainly placed in the Italian historical tradition: pro-European and Atlantic. If the League does not relocate itself within this context then it will be an aporetic party, which will not be able to lead Italy. The voters will tell. If only Salvini thought about it, he would realize that he is slowly not moving forward, exactly since he has taken such wavering positions. In this respect Giorgia Melonihe did better, as he took precise positions with which he denied his Achilles’ heel relative to the derivation of a certain area of ​​the past. Politically he has given himself a different dimension, in fact he did not join the party of Le Pen but the conservative one. How to get out of it then
The Meloni is placed in the right place, while Salvini is not, this is the crossroads at which the Lega is called. It is a problem that will have to be faced: I don’t know if Giorgetti will want it, what is certain and that he will not be able to remain undecided, because Salvini must be confronted with this issue. The conversion of the leader would be desirable, otherwise the Northern League’s ruling class will have to acknowledge that the leader is an impediment to maintaining the strength of the League and to the establishment of a center-right alternative to the center-left. Yellow-green majorities are no longer repeatable, because voters will no longer choose them. At such a time, more responsibility would have been needed on the part of all the subjects, mostly in the Ukrainian case
The premier has taken the position that Italy must take: both the coherence and the courage with which it is doing it is appreciable. Courage is given by the sense of difference with respect to the position of two partners in the majority. This is the moment of Atlanticist responsibility.

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