MILAN – Hirotoshi Ito can be considered to all intents and purposes a son of art, as his family has been working stone since 1879. Although initially the Japanese artist was intent on continuing in the footsteps of his family, he still decided to attend the Metallic Department of the Tokyo University of the Arts . The inspiring encounters in the school with other metal artists and their work became the foundation of her thinking and his creativity.
A post shared by Hirotoshi Ito (@itohirotoshi) on Aug 29, 2016 at 02:08 am PDT CATEGORIES– Hirotoshi Ito’s work can be divided into two categories. One is the solid sculpture carved in marble or granite, where Hirotoshi Ito alters the natural surface of the stone giving life to sculptural forms that don’t even make you think of stone, however good he is at working them. The other group is made up of the alterations of the natural shapes of the stones, which give the material different characters. All the works in both categories refer to ordinary images, objects and experiences of everyday life. An important feature of both types of Hirotoshi Ito art is its attempt to give the stone another nature, to give it a new life. Hirotoshi Ito is very active in promoting the growing craft traditions of the Nagano area of ​​Japan. Twenty years ago, in fact,
A post shared by Hirotoshi Ito (@itohirotoshi) on Sep 11, 2016 at 7:33 am PDT SCULPTURES– In the artist’s mind, ordinary rocks become bizarre stone sculptures with a disturbing and amusing character at the same time. A way to harness his potential through humor and warmth. The rocks used by the artist for his creations come from the river bed of his country and which he considers as a perfect canvas. Matsumoto City, where Hirotoshi Ito lives, is surrounded by beautiful mountains and is full of natural beauty. The stones delivered by these mountains have been washed by fresh streams of water over long periods of time, and each stone has a unique shape that has been naturally shaped. While Hirotoshi Ito collects stones on the riverside, he imagines stories and works of art that he can create through their processing. However, Hirotoshi Ito tries to highlight the natural shapes, colors and beauties of these stones and in general tries not to change their original shapes. Respect and use the natural characteristics of the original material and a very old and important aspect of Japanese culture. This is the concept of creativity known as Mitate, which involves creating new values ​​by taking something that has a certain meaning in one context and placing it in another. Although Hirotoshi Ito is widely regarded as a contemporary artist, he believes such ancient Japanese concepts are deeply embedded in his DNA. Respect and use the natural characteristics of the original material and a very old and important aspect of Japanese culture. This is the concept of creativity known as Mitate, which involves creating new values ​​by taking something that has a certain meaning in one context and placing it in another. Although Hirotoshi Ito is widely regarded as a contemporary artist, he believes such ancient Japanese concepts are deeply embedded in his DNA. Respect and use the natural characteristics of the original material and a very old and important aspect of Japanese culture. This is the concept of creativity known as Mitate, which involves creating new values ​​by taking something that has a certain meaning in one context and placing it in another. Although Hirotoshi Ito is widely regarded as a contemporary artist, he believes such ancient Japanese concepts are deeply embedded in his DNA.
You can see Hirotoshi Ito’s talent on his instagram profile:

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