Remedy the signs of aging with marine collagen
The last few years have been the protagonists of a strong debate on nutrition, especially on the quality of food and how food affects the health of the organism. The exponential growth of the population has altered the agricultural production logic, today more focused on quantity, offering products that are poorer in essential nutrients for the organism. If to this impoverishment we also add wrong eating habits , not paying attention to the respect of the organism’s nutritional needs, we can come across pathologies due to wrong dietary regimes. It is no coincidence that a disease that has now disappeared like scurvy has returned to Europe, caused by the absence of Vitamin C in the body, leading to the lack of collagen production, the fundamental element for the structural maintenance of skin and bones .
The health of our skin: on which components it depends
Food impoverishment puts us in front of more informed choices: which foods to choose
Which are richer than the natural substances our body needs
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, fundamental for health of our skin are Vitamin C and Collagen. In general, many skin diseases are linked to vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin A tooit is an effective antioxidant and stimulates skin regeneration, as well as Vitamin B , which contributes to the brightness and health of the dermis. Vitamin C compared to other vitamins plays a role of greater importance for the skin as it does not simply stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, but it is absolutely essential for their survival , as it stimulates the production of collagen.
The importance of collagen
Collagenand the fundamental element for the structure of all the tissues of our body. On the skin it has the same usefulness as lime for construction: it keeps its structural components cohesive and avoids desquamation, as well as the failure to regenerate the tissues of the dermis. Its deficiency can have many causes, but its effects are evident: the skin is weakened and inflammations, as well as superficial lesions, appear more easily and their repair less rapid. The presence of collagen in the skin begins to decrease with age and the first signs begin to be seen around the age of 35 – 40, especially on the face, and then become more and more evident. Supplement your diet with marine collagenand an excellent remedy for improving skin health and defeating the signs of aging. It is type 1 collagen, like that naturally present in the skin of the face, replacing it effectively without altering the body’s balance in any way.
The enemies of the skin: alcohol and smoking
Some substances negatively affect the health of the skin, anticipating the signs of its aging ahead of time. The smoke from cigarettes causes a weakening of the skin tissues, with a yellowing of the skin and also making the hair more fragile. Like smoking, alcohol is also a dilator and alters the natural vascularity of the blood vessels in the face. But the most serious damage of alcohol on the skin (especially that of the face) is due to its ability to dehydrate the tissues. Alcohol abuse can thus lead to skin dehydration, weakening the skin and making it more vulnerable.
Good habits for glowing skin
It is essential to have a healthy lifestyle and to choose foods with a high vitamin content, especially Vitamin C. For breakfast, integrate the first meal of the day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Eat lots of orange vegetables, like squash and carrots, as well as kale and broccoli. If the signs of your face are particularly evident, take advantage of marine collagen supplementsto return to a young and radiant skin.