With the return to school, work and routine, the cities return to full activity and the General Directorate of Traffic has decided that it is a good time to clarify the speed limits that we have on the different roads and the sanctions and fines that this entails. skip each of them. Special emphasis is placed on Traffic, remembering that the speed limit on streets with one lane in each direction is 30 km/hour and that if the urban limit is exceeded by 60 km/h or the interurban limit is 80, it is a crime
#Speed ​​limits are set to protect everyone’s road safety. Failure to respect them entails a penalty of between €100 and €600 and the loss of 2 to 6 points. If the urban limit is exceeded by 60 km/h or the interurban limit is 80, it is a #crime. #MejorMasDespacio pic.twitter.com/Hlp6ok102q
– Dir. General. Traffic (@DGTes) September 7, 2021
Being fined for committing a driving offense is always a nuisance, but as he would say ‘8 is not the same as 80’ and it is important to know how to differentiate the limitsthat we are overstepping with our actions. It is not the same that our foot goes a little on the accelerator and we go at 124 km/h on a motorway to that we free ourselves without measure and place the speed counter above 190 km/h, for example. of what could be considered as a maximum penalty within the norms established by the regulation.
It is not ruled out that your infraction could be considered a crime that results in prison sentences
Because you must be clear that depending on your speed, the economic sanction and the lost points will increase. And it is not even ruled out that your infraction could be considered a crime that results in prison sentences , so be very careful with our behavior behind the wheel regarding what speed is concerned.

New speed limits

The table that the DGT has shared through its Twitter account perfectly differentiates between serious and very serious actions and quantifies both in license points and economically what it would mean to exceed each permitted limit. From 100 euros without loss of points when we exceed up to 19km/h on roads with the speed limit established at up to 50km/h (29km/h from 60 to 120km/h speed limit) up to 600 euros and loss of 6 card points when, for example, we drive at more than 190 km/h on motorways or more than 100 km/h in permitted sections of 50 km/h in urban sections.
Caution (driver friend)! How the DGT affects the motto ‘Better slower’. Over the years many of these aspects have changed, so you should review the information provided by Traffic and then not raise your head in your hands. Streets on urban land where you have to go at 30km/h, secondary roads where you have to go at 90km/h… New speed limits that you have to know well so as not to be forced to scratch your pocket.

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