Andalusia has decided to advance the second dose of AstraZeneca to 10 weeks after the first puncture, in all age groups that receive this preparation against Covid. People who already had an appointment assigned to complete the vaccination schedule will receive an SMS or call to change it, starting the change of appointments for people who are over 60 years old and continuing with those who are younger.
The Ministry of Health and Families has made this decision due to the uncontrolled expansion of the delta variant of Covid-19 in the United Kingdom, which already produces community transmission in other regions.
Dating for under 40s
On the other hand, Andalusia continues this week to progressively lower the age from which an appointment can be made for vaccination against the coronavirus for those under 40 years of age with the opening of agendas for self-appointments for those born in 1981 and 1982 ( from Tuesday June 15); 1983 and 1984 (from Thursday the 17th) and 1985 (from Friday the 18th).
The Ministry of Health and Families wants to remind you that these appointments are subject to the availability of dosesand to the programming carried out by the health districts and areas themselves, which are also calling or summoning via SMS the population pending vaccination. The opening of agendas by age groups is a way of streamlining the vaccination process that is proving to give good results, so patience and understanding are requested from the population of these ages.
Ways to request an appointment for the Covid vaccine
The request for an appointment for the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine can be made directly on the ClicSalud+ website, through the mobile application and the Salud Responde telephone number (955 54 50). 60) and also at your health center, preferably by phone.
As for the appointment for the administration of the second dose, it cannot be requested by these means.and will be provided in most cases at the time of vaccination or will be communicated later by your health center.
This week, Andalusia receives 577,820 doses: 428,220 from Pfizer, 55,000 from Moderna, 71,400 from AstraZeneca and 23,200 doses from Janssen.
Recruitment of people over 55 years
of age All people over 55 years of age who have not been summoned due to not having the data updated in the SAS database or due to another type of incident have the option of contacting the SAS to obtain an appointment for vaccination through the phone numbers provided for this purpose.
These lines are served from each center and have been specifically reinforced.