The sixth wave of the Covid pandemic shows no signs of letting up in the province of Seville. In fact, during the last week, the pandemic has chained several record days . Never before have so many active cases or new positives been reported in 24 hours and, although the advance of the sixth wave is marked by the predominance of the omicron variant , characterized by its less dangerous nature, the increase in cases is beginning to be noticed more and more in the hospitals of the province.
The main victim, the Covid-19 Emergency Hospital, in the facilities of the old Military Hospital, converted since February 2021 into the first center specialized in coronavirus care in the entire Andalusian community. Yesterday’s day closed with 92 patients admitted to the ward and another 14 in the ICU . This translates into 74% occupancy and 55%, respectively, taking into account that, as this newspaper has learned, it has 124 beds and 25 ICU boxes, at a time when the total hospital pressure in the province amounts to 297 patients, of which 44 are treated in an intensive care unit in Seville centers. For their part, the other 205 patients are distributed among the Covid plants set up in the rest of the province’s public hospitals: Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Virgen Macarena, Valme, the regional hospital of La Merced in Osuna and the Hospital San Juan de Dios. of the Aljarafe.
Everything, just two months after the Military Hospital, dependent on the Virgen del Rocio Hospital, reached its lowest figure for Covid admissions last October when only 18 people remained admitted to the facilities with coronavirus, that is, five times less that now, even treating more patients with other pathologies than those with Covid, according to what health sources pointed out at the time.
And it is that, despite the fact that the sixth wave advances more slowly than the previous ones towards the hospitals, the situation is already beginning to worry health personnel who, exhausted, witness a progressive increase in admissions that, in just two weeks, have doubled. In other words, according to the data updated every day by the Ministry of Health and Families, between December 21, 2021 and yesterday, January 4, 2022, the hospitals in the province have increased the number of beds dedicated to care by 169 Covid, going from 128 to 297 current admissions. With more recent figures, there is nothing to portend an improvement, quite the contrary. Between last Friday, December 31, and this Monday, the first day of 2022, in which the Junta de Andalucia offered data on the pandemic in Seville after the break for the New Year’s holiday, hospital pressure grew by up to 20 patients in the province of Seville, going from 265 to 285 hospitalizations,
The situation is no different in the ICU, where two weeks ago there were 25 patients and today there are 44. An increase of almost 50% in 15 days and an average of 1.2 admissions each day.