The Council of Ministers approved the reform of the CSM and the judiciary with the rules on stopping revolving doors. After a morning of confrontation and tension between the political forces, the green light for the reform developed by the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia arrives.
The CDM, initially convened for this morning at 11, and started almost an hour and a half late due to the in-depth analysis requested by some members of the majority on justice reform. And it ended after just over an hour. On the agenda, officially, there was no discussion on the text of the reform but “urgent measures to stop the spread of African swine fever” and the “delegation to the Government for the reorganization of the discipline of hospitalization and care institutes. scientific”. Then various and possible. Forza Italia, according to party sources, had asked for a further postponement:“We want to examine the text and understand what the procedure of the provision will be”. The shift – reveal blue sources – has allowed Forza Italia to “have the time necessary to study the contents of the CSM reform”.
More time to “read the papers” and evaluate the proposed amendments to the reform of the CSM: the request was also made by the technicians of the various ministries during the pre-council meeting, convened this morning at 8.30 to examine the “rules on the legal system judicial”. Yesterday the parties had asked to be able to deepen, texts in hand, the package developed by the minister . In short, the discussion was intense, and the premier up to
Create a distinction between elected magistrates and ‘technical’, non-elected magistrates, as regards the possibility of returning to the judicial function. This would have been the request made during the CDM by Andrea Orlando, Giancarlo Giorgetti and Roberto Speranza, delegation heads of the Democratic Party, Lega and Leu.
The undersecretary to the presidency of the Council Roberto Garofoli asked not to participate in the work of the Council of Ministers when the discussion on the justice reform began. Although there are no substantive reasons for refraining from participating, because the rules in question do not apply (already based on the Bonafede text) to the current posts, therefore neither to Garofoli nor to the other magistrates involved in this government, the undersecretary asked to leave the room due to institutional sensitivity.
According to the rumors circulated in the morning the draft of the reformprovides that ordinary, administrative, accounting and military magistrates who have held top positions in ministries or non-elective government posts (heads of cabinet, general secretaries in ministries or department heads), at the end of these experiences for three years, will not be able to perform judicial functions. Their destination will be identified by the respective self-governing bodies. The same discipline will apply to magistrates who are candidates in politics but have not been elected.
It remains possible to assume other non-role positions in other administrations and to assume non-judicial functions in the consultative sections of the Council of State, the control sections of the Court of Auditors and the Office of the Massimario of the Court of Cassation.
As regards the election of the CSM , a mixed electoral system is indicated , based on binominal constituencies , which each elect two members of the CSM, but which also provides for a proportional distribution of 5 seats at the national level. There are no lists, but individual candidates. The members of the CSM return as in the past at 30: 20 togates and 10 lay people. In the planned mixed electoral system there is also room for the draw. It will serve to ensure that the minimum required of 6 candidates is reached in each binominal college and to rebalance the candidates of the less represented gender.
Among the issues examined by the CDM also the issue of the privatization of Ita Airways. The council of ministers will examine a dpcm for the sale of shares in the public company, with which the process for privatization would be initiated. It is learned from government sources.

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