The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) continues to tighten traffic regulations, and this time the new measures have to do with the points on the driver’s license.
Some traffic violations will have a harsher punishment . Using a mobile phone while driving can lead to the loss of up to 6 points, using radar detectors up to 3 points and not wearing a seat belt up to 4 points. In addition, these will be more difficult to recover .
– Dir. General Traffic (@DGTes) February 28, 2021 These times depended on the seriousness of the offense committed, but with the changes that are coming, the driver will have to spend two years without committing an offensethat supposes loss of points to recover those that it has lost previously.
Changes in the license for points
In addition, the fundamental project is to toughen the withdrawal of points for driving offenses and promote the mechanism of safe driving courses as a formula to improve road training for drivers.
The novelties that arise are the following:
Using the mobile phone at the wheel: 6 points less. The fine for using the mobile while driving will go from deducting the current four points to six points. The legal text that the DGT intends to approve establishes that the deduction of six points will also be applied in the event that an authority agent notices that a driver is carrying the phone in his hand, even if it is turned off.
Not wearing a seat belt: 4 points less . The renewal of the Permission for Points includes an increase in the deduction of points for not using the seat belt, going from 3 points to 4. The sanction will also apply to those drivers who travel with minors without a Retention System appropriate to their age. or weight and motorcyclists who do not use a helmet.
Carry radar detectors and jammers: 3 points less. Another of the new regulations is the one that expressly prohibits carrying a radar detector or inhibitor in the vehicle. This was already expressly prohibited, but until now to sanction Traffic had to show that the device was being used, while now it is enough for an agent to notice the presence of the device inside the car.
Promote safe driving courses
The new regulations of the DGT are not only aimed at increasing fines and toughening traffic regulations, they also seek safer drivers and reduce accidents.
If you have lost points on your card or even if you have a loss of validity due to exhausting your balance of points, you can take re-education coursesin concerted centers for a partial recovery of points or recovery of permit or license that you had lost.