The deconfinement will be progressive and by provinces. It will be organized in four stages (from 0 to 3) and, if all goes well, by the end of June phase 4 or “new normality” announced by the Government will arrive. The so-called phase 0 will start on May 4 and will last a week for all, except for the islands of La Gomera, La Graciosa and Formentera, which skip the initial period to start directly in phase 1.
The ascent from one step to the next will depend on the capacity of each territory to control the pandemic. If the figures continue to be favorable and there is no setback in the balances, each area will progressively overcome stages. As of phase 1, the duration of each cycle will be two weeks so, if there are no setbacks, by June 22 the whole country will already enjoy the long-awaited freedom with limits that has been expected since the 15 March the state of alarm was declared.
The relaxation of the prohibitions that confinement brought does not imply forgetting the masks or interpersonal distancing, which will last until a vaccine or other effective alternative treatment against covid-19 is found.
This calendar may undergo changes with respect to the permitted activities or their duration as it develops if the Executive deems it appropriate.
Phase 0, from May 4 to 10
The Government will begin to open its hand to sectors recommending the use of masks outside the home, especially if public transport is to be used. Teleworking
will be maintained in all jobs where possible and, if not, the entry of workers will be designed in a staggered manner.
Sectors such as commerce will be able to open their doors to the public , except for large surfaces, and offering individual customer service, by appointment and complying with strict security measures.
bars and restaurants will be able to operate at home and in delivery mode to take away, never to serve in the premises itself.
Mobility will also relax. Citizens who share a home will be able to go for a walk together, but visits to friends or relatives will still have to wait.
The practice of individual sports without contact also arrives with this first cycle. Thus, it will be possible to go out to exercise outdoors and federated athletes and those who play in professional leagues will be able to attend private training sessions one by one.
Those who own a self-consumption gardenThey will be able to attend to it, but only if it is in the same locality as the home itself or in an adjoining one and maintaining strict protection measures. Signage and posters will
be prepared in public areas with a view to the start of the next cycle. Phase 1, from May 11 to 24
The return to work will depend on the results of the occupational risk analysis of each area.
Small businesses will be able to open leaving aside previous appointments but making sure they meet the security conditions and giving priority to those over 65 years of age.
the hospitality
It will wake up, allowing the terraces to open to 30% of their usual capacity, and hotels and tourist apartments will be able to start operating, as long as they restrict the use of common areas.
The practice of sport will advance progressively. Medium training sessions will resume in professional league teams and activities without physical contact will be allowed for amateur athletes, but not the use of locker rooms in sports facilities.
Regarding mobility, small group meetings will be authorized as long as they do not include vulnerable people or people with previous pathologies.
The culture sectorcomes into play again. Museums and libraries will open, nature tourism will be allowed for limited groups and events in closed spaces will reduce their capacity to a third and limit them to 200 people if they are held outdoors.
The fishing and agri-food sector will resume all the activities that had been prohibited.
Other activities such as cults may be officiated with 30% of the usual public. Wakes will be held again but with limited attendees and maintaining security protocols. Likewise, the universities will reopen for their management and will be able to hold congresses with a maximum of 30 attendees.
The sectorfishing and agri-food will resume all the functions that had been prohibited.
Phase 2, from May 25 to June 7
The relaxation of measures increases. Transfers to second homes within the same province and visiting people with disabilities in sheltered homes or residences will be allowed.
It’s time to reopen shopping centers , although the use of common areas is not allowed. Hospitality
premises may open their interior spaces to 30% and only table service will be allowed, except for discos.
Regarding the sport
, basic training will be resumed in non-professional leagues and the professionals will be able to hold matches behind closed doors or limiting the allowed capacity.
Cinemas and theaters will reopen and cultural events organized indoors will be limited to 50 people or 30% of their capacity. Outdoor shows will only allow an audience equivalent to 400 seated people.
Masses and other worship activities will increase their permitted capacity from 30 to 50%. Weddings may be held with a restricted number of guests.
Educational reinforcement centers and special education or children’s schools will resume their activity to help families reconcile.In addition, fishing and hunting may be practiced again.
Phase 3, from June 8 to 21
Workers will begin to return to their jobs in person andgeneral mobility will be made more flexible . Travel throughout the national territory will be allowed as long as the protection protocols are respected, recommending the use of masks outside the home and when using public transport.
The capacity of shopping centers will be increased to 50% and it will be mandatory to maintain a physical distance of two meters.
The hospitality businessesThey will reflect the restrictions regarding the number of clients allowed but it will be mandatory to respect the interpersonal distance. The capacity in discos and night bars will be increased to 50%.
Performing arts and music venues may resume their activity as long as they reduce their capacity to a third of their usual capacity.Access to beaches
will be allowed as long as safety and distance conditions are respected.
Bullfights will be held again, however, the amount of public in the square should be limited to one person for every nine square meters.