Relive the villages and historic centers, remove concrete and plant trees, protect the testimonies of the past, return to our best yesterdays, so that God for those who believe or nature for those who do not believe, can begin to think about forgiving us and helping us to create a better Italy.
– Alexandre Cuissardes
Ehh yes, forgive us God and Mother Nature if we have forgotten about you, or rather (worse), if we simply do not care about you. No blasphemy, just truth. How true it is that those who created, and who keep alive, the villages of Italy and the world can only be divine signs .
Characterized by an architectural and natural heritage certified by the Superintendency of Fine Arts and made up of a population of less than 6,000 inhabitants, the Italian villages are more than 300, all with one characteristic in common: they make you smile, they make you fall in love. And they are as beautiful as Anna Magnani’s wrinkles, as good as good wine and as wise as wise grandparents.
Their beauties are celebrated by TV programs such as “Alle falde del Kilimangiaro” and “Il Borgo dei Borghi” (broadcast on RAI networks), or “Borghi d’Italia” (broadcast on TV2000); but above all preserved and promoted by tourism networks and associations such as the Most Beautiful Villages of Italy Association (almost 300 certified villages) or the younger Authentic Villages of
The most beautiful villages in Italy region by region
Region Villages Complete ranking Abruzzo Vasto, Ortona, Chieti, … ranking Abruzzo villages
Basilicata Venosa, Matera, Maratea, … ranking villages Basilicata
Calabria Aieta, Gerace, Civita, … villages ranking Calabria
Campania Procida, Castellabate, Ravello, … villages ranking Campania
Emilia Romagna San Leo, Bobbio, Gualtieri, … villages ranking Emilia Romagna
Friuli Venezia Giulia Venzone, Raveo, Cordovado, … villages ranking Friuli
Lazio Subiaco, Sperlonga, Sermoneta, … ranking of villages in Lazio
Liguria Apricale, Tellaro, Moneglia, … ranking of villages in Liguria
Lombardy Nesso, Lovere, Monte Isola, … ranking of villages in Lombardy
Marche Gradara, Offagna, Grottammare, … villages ranking Marche
Molise Fornelli, Venafro, Larino, … villages ranking Molise
Piedmont Garessio, Barolo, Orta San Giulio, … Piedmont
Puglia villages ranking Locorotondo, Cisternino, Bovino, .. . villages ranking Puglia
Sardinia Posada, Orosei, Bosa, … villages ranking Sardinia
Sicily Erice, Gangi, Cefalu, … villages ranking Sicily
Tuscany Suvereto, Chiusdino, Pitigliano, … Tuscany villages ranking
Trentino-Alto Adige Rango, Chiusa , Mezzano, … Trentino
Umbria villages ranking Spello, Bevagna, Assisi, … Umbria
Valle d’Aosta villages ranking Fenis, Gressan, Arnad, … Valle d’Aosta villages ranking
Veneto Asolo, Mel, Follina, … villages ranking Veneto
Borgo dei Borghi: ranking and official winners
For several years, “mamma Rai” has been holding an annual competition between Italian villages to elect the most beautiful village in Italy , first as a column within the successful program “Alle Falde del Kilimangiaro”, subsequently through the specific program “Borgo dei Borghi”. Below you will find more information on the winning villages of all editions of the review!
2021 Edition: Tropea, Calabria
For its beauties Tropea is also called the “pearl of the Tyrrhenian”. Despite its small size, this small village offers various activities and wonders to admire. Its symbol is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell’Isola but it is also famous for its beautiful beaches, such as Spiaggia della Rotonda.
- Typical products : red onion, Pecorino di Monte Poro, Bergamot liqueur
- Typical dish : risotto with red onion, fried surici, fileja with pork sauce (fresh pasta)
- Ideal period for a visit : Spring, Summer
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Baunei (Sardinia) finished second , Geraci Siculo (Sicily) took third position .
Other participating villages were: Pico (Lazio), Pomponesco (Lombardy), Issime (Valle d’Aosta), Borgo Valsugana (Trentino-Alto Adige), Buonconvento (Tuscany), San Giovanni in Marignano (Emilia-Romagna), Poffabro ( Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Trivento (Molise), Valsinni (Basilicata), Finalborgo (Liguria), Cocconato (Piedmont), Corciano (Umbria), Pietramontecorvino (Apulia), Malcesine (Veneto), Campli (Abruzzo), Grottamare (Marche) , Albori (Campania).
SEE ALSO : Complete ranking Borgo dei borghi 2021
Edition 2019: Bobbio, Emilia-Romagna
Photo by Davide Papalini. Bobbio is a pretty Emilian town made up of just 3500 souls, which leaves a sweet memory of itself for its medieval charm. Among the architectures that make the atmosphere magical, one cannot fail to mention the Roman bridge with 11 arches known as “Ponte del Diavolo”. According to an ancient legend, this was designed with an irregular shape by the Devil himself, who intended to discourage the monks from crossing the Trebbia river.
- Typical products : Salami, porcini and truffles
- Typical dish : macaroni alla bobbiese with stew sauce
- Ideal period for a visit : Spring and Summer
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Palazzolo Acreide (Sicily) took second place , Rotondella (Basilicata) finished third and Laigueglia (Liguria) fourth .
Other participating villages were: Atzara (Sardinia), Tremosine sul Garda (Lombardy), Fiumefreddo Bruzio (Calabria), Vitorchiano (Lazio), Cella Monte (Piedmont), Bagnoli del Trigno (Molise), Gradara (Marche), Castellabate (Campania ), Bovino (Puglia), Tassullo (Trentino-Alto Adige), Gressoney-Saint-Jean (Aosta Valley), Fratta Polesine (Veneto), Strassoldo (Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Castel del Monte (Abruzzo), Cetona ( Tuscany), Lugnano in Teverina (Umbria).
SEE ALSO : Complete ranking Borgo dei borghi 2019
Spring 2018 Edition: Gradara, Marche
Photo by Santista1982. Probably made immortal by Dante, who in his Divine Comedy chooses the Castle of Gradara as the theater of the death of Paolo and Francesca. Less than 5,000 inhabitants for what is a true jewel of the province of Pesaro and Urbino, a worthy successor to Venzone, a hamlet of 2017, and Sambuca di Sicilia the year before that.
- Typical products : Country herbs, cicerbita grass (scarpen in dialect) and sausage
- Typical dish : bigol: hand-made spaghetti served with porcini mushrooms from Montefeltro or with meat sauce from the Marche region.
- Ideal period for a visit : Spring and Summer
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Castroreale (Sicily) took second place , Bobbio (Emilia Romagna) finished third and Furore (Campania) fourth .
Other participating villages were: Monte Isola (Lombardy), Bagnoli del Trigno (Molise), Stintino (Sardinia), San Giorgio di Valpolicella (Veneto), Pescocostanzo (Abruzzo), Sesto al Reghena (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Altomonte (Calabria) , Noli (Liguria), Chiusdino (Tuscany), Tursi (Basilicata), Bevagna (Umbria), Arnad (Valle d’Aosta), Barolo (Piedmont), Rodi Garganico (Puglia), Vigo di Fassa (Trentino Alto Adige), Sermoneta (Lazio).
SEE ALSO : Complete ranking Borgo dei borghi 2018
Autumn Edition 2018: Petralia Soprana, Sicily
Photo by Filippo Piazza. Petralia Soprana is a small gem perched on the southern slope of the Madonie, known for its Norman architecture and especially for the Church of Saints Peter and Paul and the Church of Santa Maria di Loreto.
Cia inhabited by the Sicans (who called it Petra), is the highest town in the Madonie, from which you can admire the beauty of the surrounding natural area.
- Typical products : cheeses (pecorino, cacio horse and ricotta), sfuogghiu (sfoglio – cheese cake with chocolate and cinnamon)
- Typical dish : virdura maritata (soup with wild vegetables such as chicory and borage)
- Ideal period for a visit : Summer or spring
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Subiaco (Lazio) took second place , Mel (Veneto) finished third , Guardiagrele (Abruzzo) fourth .
Other participating villages were: Acerenza (Basilicata), Avise (Valle d’Aosta), Bosa (Sardinia), Castel Petroso (Molise), Corinaldo (Marche), Dozza (Emilia Romagna), Garessio (Piedmont), Lovere (Lombardy) , Massa Martana (Umbria), Mezzano (Trentino Alto Adige), Moneglia (Liguria), Monteverde (Campania), Morano Calabro (Calabria), Otranto (Puglia), Palmanova (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Poppi (Tuscany).
SEE ALSO : Complete ranking Borgo dei Borghi 2018
Edition 2017: Venzone, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Photo by MichaelXXLF. Venzone tells a story of courage, rebirth and great dignity. This wonderful town of 2000 inhabitants was rebuilt following the 1976 earthquake with the reuse of original stones through the anastylosis method.
The flagship of the architecture of the village is the Cathedral, still today the only Friulian testimony of the ancient fourteenth-century fortified citadels.
- Typical products : Caciotte and fresh ricotta
- Typical dish : Tagliatelle with fresh mushrooms from the Julian Pre-Alps and Frico with pumpkin
- Ideal period for a visit : All year round
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Arqua Petrarca (Veneto) took second position , Conca dei Marini (Campania) finished third .
Other participating villages were: Gressan (Valle d’Aosta), Montegridolfo (Emilia Romagna), La Maddalena (Sardinia), Tellaro (Liguria), Orta San Giulio (Piedmont), Rocca San Giovanni (Abruzzo), Canale di Tenno (Trentino ), Zavattarello (Lombardy), Suvereto (Tuscany), Panicale (Umbria), Castel Gandolfo (Lazio), Vastogirardi (Molise), Montecassiano (Marche), Castelmezzano (Basilicata), Fiumefreddo Bruzio (Calabria), Castiglione di Sicilia (Sicily) , Otranto (Puglia).
SEE ALSO : Complete ranking Borgo dei borghi 2017
Edition 2016: Sambuca di Sicilia, Sicily
Photo of Mboesch. We are in Sicily, a land of myths, stories, legends. Like that of Sambuca, the village built by the Arab emir from which it takes its name, and which develops with multiple facades, such as the Arab one “inside the walls” and the eighteenth-century one outside. The Arab heart is an irregular, confused but fascinating jumble of narrow alleys, squares and squares. The smell of elderberry accompanies the visit: welcome to Borgo dei Borghi 2016 !
- Typical products : Oil, ricotta and cheeses
- Typical dish : Minni di virgini (typical dessert)
- Ideal period for a visit : Any season
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Cervo Ligure (Liguria) was awarded the second position (but was subsequently excluded due to irregularities in online voting), Santa Maria di Castellabate (Campania) and finished third .
Other participating villages were: Spello (Umbria), Subiaco (Lazio), Lovere (Lombardy), Cordovado (Friuli), Scanno (Abruzzo), Locorotondo (Puglia), Chianalea Di Scilla (Calabria), Cison Di Valmarino (Veneto), Offagna (Marche), Viggianello (Basilicata), Ricetto Di Candelo (Piedmont), Fornelli (Molise), Egna (Trentino), Fenis (Valle D’Aosta), Giglio Castello (Tuscany), Posada (Sardinia), San Leo (Emilia Romagna).
2015 Edition: Montalbano Elicona, Sicily
Photo of Effems. It develops on a small promontory with all the urban fabric stretching towards its top, dominated, guess what … by a castle! A fortress that immediately opens to the eyes with the walls bordered by towers, an extraordinary example of medieval architecture. Inside, a Byzantine royal chapel. From the top of the village, the view sweeps over the Nebrodi Mountains on one side, and the Aeolian Islands on the other.
- Typical products : cheeses and cured meats
- Typical dish : Broad beans
- Ideal period for a visit : Any season
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Monteverde (Campania) took second position , Castel Sardo (Sardinia) finished third .
Other participating villages were: Pitigliano (Tuscany), Bovino (Puglia), Brighella (Emilia Romagna), Gerace (Calabria), Venosa (Basilicata), Montagnana (Veneto), Neive (Piedmont), Borgio Verezzi (Liguria), Civitella Del Tronto (Abruzzo), Antagnod (Aosta Valley), Magagna (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Frosolone (Molise), Sabbioneta (Lombardy), Treia (Marche), Vipiteno (Trentino Alto Adige), Sperlonga (Lazio), Montefalco (Umbria ).
2014 Edition: Gangi, Sicily
Photo of trolvag. Medieval alleys within a sixteenth-century wall, landscapes and visions of other times, of an agricultural Sicily in the heart of the Madonie. Houses all stacked on top of each other offer the image of a small and picturesque nativity scene, between narrow streets and the scent of authenticity.
- Typical products : Pecorino and Cacio Cavallo
- Typical dish : the Taralla and the Turrunedda di Gangi (typical sweets)
- Ideal period for a visit : Spring, autumn, winter
Finalists and participants in the edition:
Bosa (Sardinia) took second position , Santa Severina (Calabria) finished third .
Other participating villages were: Acerenza (Basilicata), Bienno (Lombardy), Corinaldo (Marche), Sant’Agata Dei Goti (Campania), Caprarola (Lazio), Pacentro (Abruzzo), Castiglione Di Garfagnana (Tuscany), Vogogna (Piedmont ), Portobuffole (Veneto), Valvasone (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Montone (Umbria), Vernazza (Liguria), Specchia (Puglia), Chiusa (Trentino Alto Adige), Castell’Arquato (Emilia Romagna), Sepino (Molise), Etroubles (Valle d’Aosta).