Tesmec’s 2021 results released today show an overall improvement in the main economic results compared to 2020: the company recorded revenues of 194.3 million euros (+ 13.9% year on year), an ebitda of 28.1 million (+ 33.8%), an EBIT of 5.7 million against -0.9 million of the previous year and a net profit of 1.2 million compared to -6.8 million in 2020. Net financial debt and grew by 15.9% to 121 million, as well as the total order backlog which stood at 284.2 million against 262.2 million in September 2021 and 282.4 million in December 2020. The results make the stock fly. in Piazza Affari: jump of 5.48% to 0.1424 euros.
Tesmec has made public that approximately 46% of revenues, 30% of capex (capital expenditure) and 38% of opex (operating expenses) are in line with the provisions of the EU “Taxonomy Regulation” and contribute to the first objective identified by the European Commission, namely the mitigation of climate change. The Group’s Sustainability Policy was also approved, in accordance with the guidelines of the Sustainability Plan which will guide investments for the next few years.
The president and CEO, Ambrogio Caccia Dominioni, commented: “2021 was a year characterized by a still uncertain macroeconomic context, with the impact of the fourth wave of the pandemic at the end of the year. The results recorded in 2021 are however an improvement compared to those of 2020, even if they are not yet aligned with the group’s targets. Despite the critical political scenario, further aggravated by the Ukrainian-Russian conflict and by further increases in energy prices, as well as the difficulties associated with delays in the supply chain, we are however confident in compliance with the guidelines of the 2020-2023 Business Plan. ”
According to the statements of the CEO, the sectors linked to the most recent Tesmec initiatives (Energy-Automation and Railways) recorded positive performances. The Energy Tesatura segment is recovering its past profitability, while the activities linked to the Trencher sector, although growing, were affected by the delays recorded on the American and Australian markets but will be normalized during this year.
“We confirm the focus on businesses that generate recurring revenues, less sensitive to changes in the period” said Caccia Dominioni. “Furthermore, the growing attention that the group shows towards ESG issues is increasingly strategic and recognized by the market and its stakeholders. The path undertaken aims at a sustainable approach in all our businesses and the main company kpi in 2021 were also analyzed through the lens of the “European Taxonomy”. In the next few years our goal will be to give further priority to investments with a high sustainable impact, especially in key sectors linked to the opportunities deriving from the NRP. ”
As regards the first months of the current year, the company underlined the perpetuation of criticisms on the market for supplies, freight rates and the energy structure. “The start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has brought further tensions and uncertainties on the markets, exacerbating the increase in the prices of the energy component and raw materials. The group, despite the considerable level of uncertainty both in the macroeconomic scenario and in the supply flows of goods and services, confirms its exit guidelines of the 2020-2023 Plan, also corroborated by the status of the activities of the first quarter. ”
Over the years Tesmec has developed a commercial presence and service offering in Russia through a company under local law. The group has invested and developed specific solutions and technologies for the area, but with a limited contribution to the consolidated turnover in the last period (around 2%). Tesmec’s management team is constantly monitoring the situation in order to be able to carry out assessments in compliance with EU and international rules, and estimate possible impacts in the very short term (due to currency trends and the execution of some orders in progress) without, however, that this determines a significant impact on the result for the year 2022 and on the implementation of the 2020-2023 Plan. (All rights reserved)

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