Confirmation arrives from the Swiss agency for military procurement, Armasuisse, to have at least 24 of the 36 F-35 fighters assembled at the Italian factory in Cameri. The Piedmontese center is one of the two production lines outside the United States, and the only one present in Europe. For Italy it is a confirmation of the strategic choice to participate in the JSF program from the beginning, also due to the important repercussions from an industrial point of view. The first eight Lightning II fighters will be assembled in the United States, and will be required for the training and training of Swiss pilots and ground crews. Four more fighters are also expected to be assembled at the Ruag plant in Emmen, Switzerland. Regarding the latter,The Swiss F-35s Switzerland
‘s decision to purchase Lightning IIs came in June 2021, following the announcement by the Swiss Federal Council of the choice of the F-35 in the competition to renew the Confederation’s fighters, a program also approved by a popular referendum. An expense that is confirmed to be around six billion Swiss francs (almost six and a half billion dollars). A European pole
At that time, our country’s attention had already turned to the Swiss decision, which was recently joined by Finland and Germany. The decision of Bern therefore finds Italy in a privileged position to enter the production line of F-35s destined for the nations of the Old Continent. In fact, in Cameri there is one of the only two assembly plants for the F-35, the Final Assembly and Check-Out (Faco), outside the United States (the other is in Japan), and the only one in Europe. Italy has participated in the F-35 program from the beginning and the Air Force and the Navy currently use the aircraft in the conventional version (version A) and in the short take-off and vertical landing (version B). In addition, Cameri also produces F-35As for the Dutch Air Force.The Italian F-35s
The value of the F-35 program was also reaffirmed by the Defense multi-year programmatic document (Dpp) for the three-year period 2021-2023, signed in August 2021 by Minister Lorenzo Guerini . The commitments for fifth generation hunting have all been confirmed, with the division between Phase 1 and 2. The DPP also explained that “as part of the appropriate strategy of temporal compression of the program, in 2022 the preliminary negotiation acts will be perfected at the start of Phase 2B “, to acquire 35 aircraft for a total cost up to 2031 of the order of seven billion. The commitment of the minister
Minister Guerini, among other things, giving way to the second phase of the F35 program, had stated that the decision would have offered “undoubted opportunities for further development for Cameri, also in relation to the possible accession of new European partners to the program, on which we are working with great commitment, as long as our factory is fully operational with national orders and is increasingly able to work, guaranteeing delivery times and the required quality standards “. Phase 2 of the program represented the essential condition for the desirable qualitative leap for the Cameri site, in order to make it fully complementary to the American plant in Fort Worth, which is close to the production saturation limit.

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