Someone has read about the case of the 50-year-old British woman, Juli-Anne, who was disfigured and full of sores all over her body due to her addiction to the steroid cream she used from the tender age of 3 months to treat eczema. Well, this is not an isolated case as addiction to steroid creams and also cortisone is well documented. There are also groups of people who have formed precisely to offer assistance to those who are addicted to it – a bit like ‘alcoholics anonymous’. But what are steroid creams, what they are for, how they are used and what are the side effects
Let’s see it below. Steroid creams what they are
They are creams, or ointments, that are used locally (topically) to treat dermatological problems or skin diseases. These include irritations, eczema but also psoriasis, dermatitis and others. Steroids are substances produced naturally by our body, but those used topically and modified are in all respects corticosteroid drugs, which however have nothing to do with the most famous steroids sometimes used by those who do body building. Although they exist with different formulations, they are very powerful chemical compounds, so they should always be used with caution and, above all, under strict medical supervision. Much attention must be paid in pregnancy. What steroid creams are used for
Steroid cream, or corticosteroid medication, is typically used for skin problems, including:
Rashes in general How steroid creams work
The steroid cream acts locally, or topically, on the area where applies. The active ingredient, however, is then absorbed by the body and enters the bloodstream (ie the blood). The choice of the drug is up to the dermatologist, who will prescribe the type of corticosteroid most suitable for the case. This choice can be determined by the type of skin disease, severity and so on.
The steroid cream acts differently depending on where it is applied, as the different parts of the body absorb the active ingredient in equally different percentages. For example, the face absorbs about 7% of the cream, while the forearms about 1%. The part that absorbs the most are the genitals, with 30%, then there are the armpits with 4% and the palms of the hands and feet that absorb about 0.1%. For this reason, creams cannot be used in the same way for different parts of the body, without the risk of causing damage. Furthermore, steroid creams are available in different versions and strengths: generally light, medium, strong and very strong. The warnings on steroid creams
As mentioned, steroid creams are a very powerful means of fighting skin diseases and ailments in general. Precisely for this reason, in addition to being effective, they are potentially promoters of even heavy side effects. To limit possible problems, it is always good to consult your doctor to know precisely when, how and to what extent to apply the steroid cream. In the same way, you must not apply the cream in areas other than those to be treated, or do it on your own: incorrect use can cause inflammation, itching, burning and in the worst case even desquamation with wounds and bleeding.
Steroid creams, as well as cortisone-based creams, can cause addiction or addiction, both physical and psychological. Addiction, in this case, implies that you must always use creams to contain the problem: if by chance you forget to apply them, it may happen that the skin disorder worsens in a short time or recurs in a more serious form. Likewise, many people cannot think that they can do without the cream in order to lead a ‘normal’ life. Finally, the addiction of the body means that ever higher doses are needed to contain the dermatological problem. So be careful not to use this kind of drugs unless strictly necessary and, if necessary, maybe turn to something ‘alternative’, more natural or less strong – in any case, always talk to your doctor.

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