Spirulina: an ideal composition for bodybuilding
- Spirulina – an ideal composition for bodybuilding
- Spirulina for bodybuilding: what are the benefits of this alga for those who practice this sport
- Good protein for muscles
- Essential nutrients for recovery and muscles
- Helps to lose weight
- Other benefits of Spirulina in bodybuilding
- What is the recommended dosage for Spirulina
- Spirulina: a revolutionary ally in bodybuilding
- Spirulina and iron
Spirulina, a blue-green algae, considered an excellent food supplement, earning itself the name of super food in recent decades.
Spirulina has a large nutritional content that gives you everything you need for your body to function properly and have all the substances it needs. Precisely for this reason it is suitable for sportsmen, and body builders in particular.
Like chlorella, a green algae also classified as a superfood, it can detoxify your body and provide you with key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are all too often lacking in our diets. And because it contains plant-based protein, it’s great for non-meat eaters to make sure you’re not missing out on the right nutrients. By simply adding Spirulina to your diet, you can have many benefits for your body, regardless of your lifestyle. Spirulina for bodybuilding: what are the benefits of this alga for those who practice this sport
As we have said, Spirulina algae is rich in proteins, and this makes it perfect for post-workout recovery, for any type of exercise, but in particular for body building, since it is a fairly expensive type of training.
But Exactly How Much Protein Does Spirulina Have
Algae actually contains over 60% protein, an incredible amount, in fact, that any body builder would appreciate.
Imagine pouring just a tablespoon of Spirulina powder into a little water and getting a huge amount of protein in one go.
Of course, body builders will certainly already have a diet that includes at least a nice slice of lean meat for their daily protein intake, but Spirulina also proves to be easier to digest and easier to absorb. But the benefits of this alga don’t stop there.
Spirulina also aids in digestion and the breakdown of food, making it a great pre and post workout drink. Breaking down food can translate into energy and give you the fuel you need to get out of even the toughest training sessions unscathed. Good Muscle Protein
As we mentioned, over the past 10 years, Spirulina has become an increasingly popular food for athletes and body builders.
60-70% of its dry weight (dehydrated) is made up of proteins and the rest of carbohydrates and vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and minerals such as iron, calcium, chromium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.
Spirulina is so dense in nutrients that it seems that one kilogram of Spirulina contains as many nutrients as one thousand kilograms of fruit and vegetables.
Protein, as we have said, is indispensable for body builders and this incredible alga contains a lot of it, and it is also easy to absorb, so it seems to be the ideal food for those who have to train in a prolonged and intense way. Essential nutrients for recovery and muscles
To make this alga ideal for body building and certainly the percentage of proteins, but also the other substances can be considered very important for post-workout recovery and also to gain muscle mass.
Spirulina is ideal for training because it offers:
- Reduction of total cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol (LDL);
- Antioxidant properties;
- Source of iron and other minerals;
- Source of vitamin B12 and other vitamins;
- Source of protein;
- Preventive effect on muscle breakdown and increase in performance during a test until exhaustion;
- Increased oxidation of fats.
Thanks to the strong concentration of proteins, Spirulina is an ideal post-workout snack. In powder form, you can easily add it to smoothies or any other dish. Helps Lose Weight
Athletes also need to follow a healthy diet plan and exercise routine. Consuming Spirulina also allows you to lose weight, and eliminate any extra kg.
Spirulina is a blue-green alga that grows in highly alkaline water and multiplies through photosynthesis. Spirulina’s important source of protein and nutrition makes it a perfect addition to any diet, even that of body builders.
Following a proper diet plays an essential role not only in losing weight, but helps to keep it constant; this is another parameter that athletes often have to respect.
Spirulina is rich in essential pigments, vitamins and a rich source of protein that not only satisfy your hunger, but offer your body, as mentioned, all the necessary nutrients.
Protein is better for satiating your hunger than fat or carbohydrates, and this makes Spirulina a perfect weight management option.
Spirulina is composed of simple cells that dissolve easily in water, making the proteins present in it take only a few minutes to digest and this also facilitates its absorption.Other benefits of Spirulina in bodybuilding
Your immune system will also benefit from the beneficial properties of this alga. It strengthens the immune system and can work as an antiviral medicine. The benefits on your training will also be evident. Studies have shown that Spirulina can prevent damage to skeletal muscle, which prolongs muscle exhaustion and ensures longer and more satisfying sessions in the gym.
So, integrating it into your diet will be good for your body at 360 degrees. What is the recommended dosage for Spirulina
The dosage of Spirulina varies between 1 and 8 grams per day.
The maximum doses of Spirulina that can be taken are:
- 10.9 grams per day for a person of about 68 kilos;
- 14.5 grams per day for a 90-pound person;
- 18.5 grams per day for a 115-pound person.
Although Spirulina is a natural product, this does not mean that taking large doses of it will not have side effects. Even if it is a seaweed, there is still a limit that must be respected when taking it.
Not adhering to the recommended doses of Spirulina can cause side effects, such as:
- Itchy skin and rashes;
- High fever;
- Stomach pain
- Dizziness.
Spirulina: a revolutionary ally in bodybuilding
To date, there are many researches carried out on Spirulina, which confirm all the benefits it offers to those who integrate it in their diet.
It is an algae rich in nutrients, so it also offers an energy boost for those who play sports. In addition to this, Spirulina increases stamina, agility and speed.
Spirulina is an ideal food for sportsmen and athletes because:
- Helps reduce pressure and fatigue, thereby increasing stamina;
- Regulate the internal PH of the body builders, and this results in a better physical performance;
- It helps to have all the substances a body builder’s body needs, including iron, which is also easily absorbed.
Spirulina and iron
Iron is very important for athletes, because a lot of it is consumed with physical fatigue and replenishing it is very important.
Those who integrate Spirulina in their diet will feel more energetic, less fatigued, but above all ready for strenuous and intense workouts, which they will face in the best possible way.
Spirulina speeds up the physical recovery process after training and this obviously works in favor of body builders, because it translates into better performance.
As we have seen, Spirulina is ideal for body builders, and offers many benefits that every athlete should enjoy.