During 2020 it is expected to diagnose up to 32,953 cases of breast cancer in Spain. According to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), it is estimated that one in eight Spanish women will suffer from this disease at some point in her life, although it must be remembered that in 2019 she had a 5-year survival rate greater than 90%.
These are data that are worth remembering today, October 19, Breast Cancer Day , although for some years social awareness of this disease has been great, in part due to the work of associations, health personnel and administrations .
The WhatsApp application is added to this awareness , allowing us to place a pink bow along with our initial in the app. A campaign to which thousands of people around the world have already joined.
Pink October
The initiative to wear our initial with a pink bow on WhatsApp is worldwide and aims to remind all our WhatsApp contacts that today is World Breast Cancer Day with various eventsWorldwide. During this day they remind us of the need to have routine medical exams, be attentive to the symptoms, also the details of this harsh disease, without forgetting the care that both men and women must have, first-person testimonies and messages of hope.
“ Choose your initial and place it in your status , then share it with your friends, we are going to support pink October”, indicate the messages that are shared in the statuses of the app. Do you already have yours
Publish it in the state
Do you want to have your initial appear with a pink bow
It’s quite simple . The first thing is to search in Google the initial of your name and then:
Download the image of the initial on the mobile and open WhatsApp.
Once inside the app , press the camera symbol.
Select the image and then share it. But do not share the image of the pink bow to any of our contacts, but publish it in your status . So people “will find out why you share it and it will make many aware of such an important date.”
More than 5,700 cases in Andalusia
At the end of 2020, more than 5,700 women in Andalusiawill be diagnosed with breast cancer, adding a global prevalence in the Andalusian community (after 5 years) that will be more than 22,500 women with this type of tumor, according to data handled by the Andalusian Society of Medical Oncology (SAOM), which highlights that more than 80% of women who will be diagnosed will manage to overcome it thanks to the most advanced treatments.
Despite the data, the positive news is this high percentage of women who will manage to overcome it thanks to the advances made in recent years in terms of treatments and new early diagnosistechniques, which have increased the survival and quality of life of patients”, points out the president of the Andalusian Society of Medical Oncology and coordinator of the breast cancer unit of the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital in Seville, Dr. Manuel Ruiz Borrego.