Sex improves our lives in many ways unknown to us: from brain to physical activity.
Endorphins are hormones that are released naturally during sex. They are known to improve mood, thereby increasing your happiness levels and helping you stay emotionally healthy.
Remember that good sex, and good sexual health, should be practiced throughout the year. Sex reduces stress

  • Sex reduces stress
  • Sex helps burn calories
  • Sex could promote restful sleep
  • Sex can be good for your memory
  • Sex can strengthen the immune system
  • Sex could be good for the heart
  • Sex as an antidepressant
  • Sex could prevent prostate cancer
  • Sex could reduce chronic pain and migraines

A regular sex life helps you relax.
Sex can be considered as the equivalent of a full body massage, thus deeply relaxing and reducing stress.
Relaxing also helps treat a huge number of ailments, including: pain, asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and arthritis. “Regular sex with a loving partner offers these benefits,” says sex therapist Marty Klein of Palo Alto, California. Sex Helps Burn Calories
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According to scientists, men and women burn more calories during sex than they could with other exercise or by taking supplements.
In fact, it seems that men are favored in terms of energy expenditure, as they seem to consume more energy than women during sex, so they are able to burn more calories.
During sex, men manage to burn up to 306.1 calories.
In any case, it seems that having an active sex life also helps to burn excess fat. Sex Could Promote Restful Sleep
Sex will make you feel hot and energetic, but the hormones released could seriously help you sleep better.
According to WebMD, during sexual activity your oxytocin levels, which make you feel more connected to your partner, and your seratonin levels, which make you feel happy, increase. As this happens, your cortisol levels, which control stress, drop.
This combination of connection and happiness with your partner and release from stress is aided by the fact that after orgasm your body releases the hormone prolactin which makes you feel lethargic and sleepy.
This explains why you fell asleep after sexual activity. Sex can be good for memory
Sex seems to improve memory as well, along with other brain activities.
A recent study showed that adults over the age of fifty who are still sexually active actually have better brain function than those who are not.
The research looked at 79 participants and assessed some cognitive abilities with respect to claimed sexual activity. The researchers found that participants who were more sexually active showed better results in verbal fluency and spatial ability.
The level of sexual activity appears to improve the results of other cognitive tests such as those for memory, language skills or attention span. Sex can strengthen the immune system
Sex can prolong life. Increased immunity, deep relaxation, lower blood pressure and lower risk of prostate cancer and heart attack are all associated with a strengthened immune system and a longer life.
Regular sex could extend life
Yes, according to British scientists at the University of Bristol, who carried out a study on 900 middle-aged men. Compared to those who had sex once a month or less, those who had sex twice a week had half the death rate. Sex could be good for the heart
Sex can be good for the heart and help reduce the risk of heart attacks. Many men worry that having sex could trigger a heart attack. Yes, it could, according to a recent study, but the risk is minimal and only affects those who rarely exercise.
For those who are physically active, sex reduces the risk of a heart attack.
A study of 914 men over 20 years showed that as sexual frequency increased, the risk of heart attack decreased: “Middle-aged men should be heartened to know that frequent sexual intercourse offers some protection from heart attack”.
In addition, it can also lower blood pressure.
European researchers asked 51 healthy men and women aged 20 to 47 about their sexual frequency and then measured their blood pressure. As the frequency increased, blood pressure decreased. Sex as an antidepressant
Sex improves well-being in general, as we have seen, and it is no wonder that it is also recommended by doctors and experts as an antidepressant.
Like meditation, sex gives us an all-around good feeling of being healthy and happy.
Furthermore, as we have seen above, the release of endorphins is essential for our mood and to feel happier and at peace with the world. Sex could prevent prostate cancer
A healthy sex life could ward off prostate cancer. For eight years, researchers from the National Cancer Institute monitored orgasms and prostate cancer risk in 29,342 men between the ages of 46 and 81. As the frequency of orgasms increased, especially during the twenties, the risk of prostate cancer decreased.
A comparison was made between men who reported having seven ejaculations per month during their 20s, and those who reported 21 or more; the latter were 33% less likely to develop prostate cancer decades later. Sex could reduce chronic pain and migraines
Sex reduces pain in two ways. First, it’s a pleasant distraction. During sex, people focus less on aches and pains, and as a result, they suffer less. Additionally, sex stimulates the body to release endorphins, the body’s so-called ‘pain reliever’ compounds. Dr. James McKoy, a Honolulu rheumatologist, recommends having sex regularly to control arthritis pain.

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