The decision of the Community of Madrid to decree selective confinements to stop the spread of the coronavirus has given projection to a measure that had already been previously adopted by the governments of 11 autonomous communities and that has affected almost 40 municipalities since the end of the state of alarm .
Once the regional health authorities verified that the covid outbreaks were giving way to community transmission , they have been deciding on these perimeter confinements of, in most cases, 15 days , which lasts a quarantine.
Despite the fact that the towns that have been isolated since the summer are already many, the largest population that will be affected by these confinements will be that of Madrid: 858,193 people from the 37 health zones on which this measure has been adopted. Confinement limits travel outside or towards a specific geographical area, which can be a building, an urbanization, a municipality or, as in Madrid, a basic health area.
The measure allows residents to circulate within the affected urban area as long as contagion prevention measures are respected, although it adds a recommendation to neighbors to remain in their homes.
This restriction of movement decided by the communities has been accompanied by other measures, such as the prohibition of meetings of more than six people (in Madrid), time limitations for shops, bars or restaurants, as well as reductions in capacity in public establishments and closure of parks and gardens.
First perimeter confinement
The first community to decree a perimeter confinement was Cataluna , on July 4 in the Segria region, including its capital, Lleida, to stop the outbreaks that arose among seasonal workers who arrived to collect the fruit. The next day it was the Xunta de Galiciathe one that ordered the closing of the accesses to the region of A Marina, in Lugo. Five days later, he ordered the confinement of Burela, while the residents of Viveiro, Xove, Cervo, Foz, Barreiros and Ribadeo could only travel between these municipalities.
In Castilla y Leon , the first confinement, ratified on July 16 by a court, affected ten homes in the Las Delicias neighborhood of Valladolid. This selective confinement was total , without the possibility of mobility, and occurred after the administration verified that twenty of those affected were breaching the isolation.
There are several Castilian-Leonese townsthat have had to close their perimeters to try to stop the high incidence of the coronavirus, such as the Valladolid Iscar -6,300 inhabitants- and Pedrajas de San Esteban -3,300-, which have just been confined again. In addition, Cantalejo and Carrascal del RÃo, both in Segovia, and Sotillo de la Ribera (Burgos), with about 500 residents, and Pesquera de Duero (Valladolid), with about 450. The confinement of the latter is still pending ratification by the judge . However, the largest population confinement in this community occurred on August 7, with the isolation of the nearly 32,000 inhabitants of the Burgos municipality of Aranda de Duero .
Judicial ratification
Most of the confinements ordered by the autonomous governments with judicial ratification have a duration of 14 or 15 days , the time decreed for quarantines. They are, for example, those who remained isolated the residents of the Castilian-Manchego towns of Villamalea (Albacete), confined on August 20, or Bolanos de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), from September 3 to 17. Extremadura also decreed on August 8 the isolation of Villarta de los Montes (Badajoz), a town with just over 400 inhabitants and belonging to the region of Siberia Extremena.
The Valencian Generalitatordered the confinement of Beniganim on August 31, and, two days later, the Government of Cantabria decided to isolate Santona. On September 11, Cantabria also decreed the partial confinement of the La Inmobiliaria neighborhood (about 6,500 residents) of Torrelavega, due to an outbreak caused by a baptism.
In the Balearic Islands , since September 11, the Government has ordered confinements in four neighborhoods of Palma -Son Gotleu, la Soledad Norte, Can Capes and part of Son Canals- and, as of this Friday, in the area of ​​Avenida de Arquitecto Bennassar . Likewise, there are restrictive measures in the Eixample area of ​​Ibiza and the center of the urban area of ​​Sant Antoni.
Also Aragonhas decided to maintain the perimeter confinement of the Teruel municipality of Andorra due to the sustained rise in positive cases, a situation that also affects Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza).
Murcia ordered on July 24 the return of Totana (32,000 inhabitants) to phase 1 of the de-escalation, which meant the limitation of the entrances and exits of the municipality. In this community, the populations of Jumilla and the district of Archivel, in Caravaca, as well as the urban area of ​​Lorca (60,000 inhabitants), which fell back on September 15 to phase 1 relaxed, continue to have mobility restrictions.
Finally, on September 7, the Government of La Riojaagreed to restrict mobility in Alfaro for seven days, a municipality that at that time had 264 active cases of covid, 27.5% of the total number of infections in the autonomous community.