The 2021-2022 school year begins in the province of Seville on Friday, September 10.It will be the second school year marked by concern about the coronavirus, although it may be less worrying than in 2020 due to the experience already gained and the remission of the fifth wave, not to mention a vaccination that has already exceeded 70% of general population.
Beyond the pandemic situation, we detail what the 2021-2022 school calendar is like in Seville , including holidays and vacation days, in addition to bridges.
Classes will begin in Early Childhood, Primary and Special Education on September 10 , while Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate, Vocational Training (FP), Arts and Permanent Education will begin on Wednesday , September 15 .
The Language Teaching and Higher Artistic Teaching courses will start on September 20 .
According to the Ministry of Education, the first trimester will have 70 days in Infant, Primary and Special and 67 in the rest. The second trimester will last 63 days for all categories and the third 49. Classes will end for everyone on June 24.

Holidays, bridges and vacations

The Christmas holidaysof this course will be from Thursday, December 23 to Sunday, January 9. Those of Holy Week go from Saturday April 9 to April 17, Easter Sunday.
To these holidays we must add seven national and regional holidays on these dates:

October 12 (Tuesday), Hispanic Day. Non-teaching day.

November 1 (Monday), All Saints’ Day. Non-teaching day.

December 6 (Monday), Constitution Day. Non-teaching day.

December 8 (Wednesday), Immaculate Conception. Non-teaching day.

February 25 (Friday), non-teaching day for the Educational Community Party

February 28 (Monday), day of Andalusia. Non-teaching day

May 2 (Monday), non-school day for the previous day, Labor Day

May 4 (Wednesday). Fair Day in Seville

June 16 (Thursday). Corpus Day Columbus
Day falls this year on a Tuesday, so there is no long weekend like last year. All Saints’ Day falls on a Monday, so it will add three days off. December 6 will fall on a Monday, while the Immaculate will fall on a Wednesday.
Also, in February, there will be a macro bridge with four days offfrom the 25th to the 28th, since the festival of the educational community (Friday) and the day of Andalusia (Monday) are added to the weekend. Lastly, Labor Day falls this year on a Sunday and the non-school day will be moved to Monday 2nd.
To this calendar we must add the two holidays that each municipality has . In the case of Seville capital, it will be on May 4 ( Fair Wednesday ) and June 16 ( Corpus Christi ).

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