Studying a master allows you to obtain an essential specialization whose lack makes it very difficult to enter the labor market , something that is also practically transversal to any field that we deal with, there are even some such as education in which you have to take a postgraduate training that has character enabler.
This is a real problem for many students due to the high prices of master’s degrees, with some specific ones such as MBAs .that can reach stratospheric prices. Therefore, the opportunity to access a scholarship is crucial to be able to enroll in postgraduate training that opens the doors to the development of a professional career.

Scholarships to study a master’s degree in Spain

The Ministry of Education grants various types of scholarships and grants to study master’s degrees both in Spain and abroad, varying the amounts depending on criteria such as academic records or income levels. In all cases they are granted without consideration, although requirements are established such as incompatibility with economic activities, as well as the obligation to comply with certain average grade the studies carried out.
Likewise, all the communities also grant scholarships and grants for postgraduate students, whether doctoral or master’s degrees, each regional administration establishing its own requirements. In general, they usually cover tuition and may include an amount that will vary depending on aspects such as the need to change residence to pursue studies or the scholar’s academic record.

The financial aid program for master’s degrees and postgraduate courses at EAE Business School

Apart from public scholarships, there are also financial aid programs offered by the university centers that teach the master’s degrees .. For example, the prestigious EAE Business School offers students who want to take a master’s degree or a postgraduate course the possibility of accessing everything from special financing conditions to actual scholarships .
Thus, they offer payment facilities so that the amount of the master’s degree can be paid in installments over a long period of time without charging interest , in addition to the EAE scholarship program, which has several different types of aid :
EAE Academic Excellence Scholarship
Scholarship for Accredited Disability
Scholarship for Integral Development of SMEs
Scholarship for Women in Management
Beca Emprendedores/as
Beca Directivos/ as Scholarship

admission and granting process

In order to apply for the program’s scholarships, candidates must contact an academic advisor who will arrange a personal interview , in which the applicants for aid are informed about the scholarship specific to which they can choose according to their profile and academic record, as well as the requirements and procedures required to obtain it.
After applying for the position and scholarship, the candidates submit the necessary documentation in each case, and if the evaluation of the admissions committeeis positive they will be able to enroll and enjoy the aid stipulated for their case.
It should be noted that the EAE Business School offers master’s degrees that are quite prestigious both in the academic and professional spheres, as well as being an online business school with all the advantages that this entails for the student.

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