Pino Daniele is certainly one of those Italian songwriters who did not simply write song lyrics, but poetic lyrics. In fact, his songs are born directly from the heart, they are full of sentiment and emotion, of great humanity, they speak to everyone, making us feel protagonists of those stories. One of the lyrics in which the humanity of Pino Daniele and Sara emerges , the song dedicated to the daughter , in which every father can recognize himself and can dedicate the verses of this song. The smile of the daughter Saraand the song entirely dedicated to the daughter, contained in the 2001 Medina album. The protagonist of the lyrics is the smile of the daughter, which is invoked several times in the refrain: in an arrogant world, full of futility, of useless things to do and say, the only really essential and illuminating thing is Sara’s smile, which appears in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, to illuminate her father’s life like a star in the sky. However, it is not a fleeting and intermittent vision, but remains, and present, accompanies the dreams of a father who finds courage and comfort by looking at the serene and happy face of his little daughter. Sara’s smile is the pope’s life goal: she lives to ensure that that smile always remains imprinted on her daughter’s face. And to see him shine and the confirmation that he too is contributing to her joy. It is almost a prayer: please, let that smile never disappear from Sara’s face (Sara… don’t cry).
Sara… don’t cry
Keep me locked in this room
Break your games against the arrogance of the world
Which is full of…
Useless things to do
Useless things to say
How many useless things we have in our heads
But your smile remains… In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night Pursuing a true dream
In this letter dedicated to his daughter, Pino Daniele tells her to look at the sky and aim high. Sara is still young, she still has to learn a lot from life, she has to grow up: there are many recommendations that a father could give her, but the one that the singer-songwriter chooses is to pursue their dreams, not to be satisfied, but to fight to be happy. She will not be simple: in a world made up of vain and futile things, it is easy to get lost and lose one’s goals, but Sara has yet to grow up and has her whole life ahead of her. As you grow up you will be able to get to know each other better and understand what your dreams and desires of her are.
For now, she must remember never to put aside what she is.
Sara… you have to grow up
You will learn to look at the sky
To chase a true dream The text
Sara… don’t cry
Keep me locked in this room
Break your games against the arrogance of the world
Which is full of…
Useless things to do
Useless things to say
How many useless things we have in our heads
But your smile remains… In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
Sara … you have to grow up
You will learn to look at the sky
To chase a true dream
In the things of life
Useless things to do
Useless things to say
How many useless things we have in the head
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
You are so fragile
You are so fragile
Sara, Sara …
Sara, Sara …
Useless things to do
Useless things to say
How many useless things we have in our heads
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
Sara, Sara …
Sara, Sara …
Useless things to do … yeah, yeah
Useless things to say
How many useless things we have in the head
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains … In the middle of the night
But your smile remains… In the middle of the night