Chef David de Jorge, better known as Robin Food , attended the program El Hormiguero and there he told his experience of losing more than 260 kilos of weight .
The process , according to the famous chef, has been very slow and has consisted of several operations, in addition to large doses of willpower because “this is not fixed with surgery alone,” Jorge clarified.
The decision to carry out this change of life arose when his obesity prevented him from doing everyday things such as sitting in a chair or getting out of bed., according to count. “Besides, -he commented- I was always hot. In fact, I had to get married wearing shorts. Quite the opposite of now, when I’m much colder.”
Jorge, who has always stood out for his good humor and affable character, was honest on the ants program and acknowledged that “despite the fact that I have always been happy, there came a time when I did not care if I died. alarms “.
Losing weight step by step
The first thing David de Jorge had to do was lose 200 kilos , since the doctors told him that with more kilograms he couldn’t go into the operating room. “Once he weighs 199 kilos, he will operate on me for the first time.”
The second time he went through the operating room was to performa tummy tuck , which consists of removing excess skin by losing fat . It is one of the consequences of morbid obesity: the skin stretches so much that it does not return to its origin, so everything that is left over must be removed.
And between operations, a routine without secrets that combines physical exercise, a healthy and orderly diet and “a lot, a lot of willpower “.
For Jorge, having the support of his family and always listening to the doctors has been fundamental to achieving his goals. In addition, “I haven’t won the battle yet , because every day I have to make an effort to take care of my diet, play sports and stay away from temptations.”
The chef clarified that it isa process of years and that being a cook has been very important when it comes to changing his diet. “You have to wear the shoe, you have to sweat a little and, above all, you have to reorder the intake.”
For this last step, Robin Food declared that he had lived stuffed for a long time and that now, what he tries to do is keep his meals in order , not eat anything between meals and try to eat little to go to bed with a little hunger. “Yes, I wake up very hungry in the morning,” he said.