Pain in the right arm usually occurs as a result of a mild or moderate trauma or fatigue, both of a sports type and related to the execution of repeated movements that over time create states of inflammation.
This is a very common symptom, so although it can cause temporary motor limitations, especially in right-handed subjects, in the vast majority of cases it should not be a cause for concern, because the problem will tend to resolve itself in a short time by keeping the arm at rest. .
However, pain in the right arm can also be associated with other symptoms such as tingling, swelling, protracted motor limitations, muscle weakness, feeling of hot and cold and may increase at night or in conjunction with a certain movement.
It is a phenomenon that should not be underestimated if it is persistent, this is because at the base of the manifestations there could be states of inflammation which if prolonged and not adequately treated can lead to irreversible compromise of the limb.
And then it must be emphasized that although it is customary to think that among the signs of a heart attack there is the typical pain in the left arm , in reality even the pain or the sensation of bite in the right arm could indicate a heart attack .. This is always the case if you combine all those characteristic symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, chest tightness, retrosternal burning and pain , profuse sweating, a sense of muffling and chills.
Provided the preliminary information on the manifestation of the symptom, let’s see in more detail the main causes at the origin of the onset of pain referred to the right arm.
What are the most common causes of pain in the right arm
Causes of pain in the right armthey can be varied and be caused by alterations involving different structures and districts of the body. Moreover, as we will see, even particular systemic diseases can be responsible for the appearance of this pain in addition to the traumas which undoubtedly represent the most frequent reasons for such a problem.
For this reason we have decided to rationalize the causes in the following list:
Incorrect posture
A very common, as well as trivial condition that does not require any treatment. Most of the time the pain in the right arm results from assuming incorrect postures of the arm, such as supporting the head, or keeping an arm up, perhaps under the pillow during the night .
Thepain in the right arm can also manifest itself in very anxious subjects who tend to assume poses in which the muscles remain contracted for a long time due to the accumulated tension.
Just as common as assuming bad postures. The traumas can be mild and can be associated with some bruising or redness, or more severe resulting in bruises, dislocations, wounds or fractures.
But traumas can also be generated gradually, perhaps due to repeated movements or following physical exertion, as in the case of muscle tears and strains.
Vertebral disc herniation
The term hernia means the exit of an organ from its anatomical site and in this case of the intervertebral disc which acts as a cushion between two cervical vertebrae.
The protrusion of the disc compresses the blood vessels and nerves of the brachial plexus that radiate into the arm. The result is the manifestation of tingling pains extending from the shoulder to the hand , pain and any limitations of movement.
Neurological diseases
These are inflammatory phenomena that affect the nerves of the right arm (which derive from the brachial plexus), usually of an infectious or autoimmune nature.
Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the peripheral nervous system leading to progressive disturbances both at the sensory level, causing persistent tingling and paraesthesia, and motor disturbances that lead to progressive disability.
Metabolic diseases
We refer in particular to diabetes, a disease in which there are high levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia) which have a toxic effect on the peripheral nervous system.
Inflammation of the tendons and joints
This is an inflammatory process that affects the soft tissues of the joints. In the arm, the most affected area is the elbow. Tendinitis
_they are caused both by trauma and by the execution of repeated and forced movements (the “tennis elbow” is an example). In these cases it is necessary to leave the limb at rest until complete recovery, otherwise the pain will tend to become chronic and increase over time.
Rheumatic diseases
A typical example is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that affects the joints, ie in the case of the arm, wrist, elbow and shoulder . It mainly affects the female sex causing very acute and chronic pain, motor difficulties, bone deformities and reduction in muscle strength.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
This condition is prevalent mainly in women between 30 and 60 years of age due mostly to phenomena of entrapment and compression of the median nerve (which derives from the brachial plexus) by the transverse carpal ligament.
In most cases, carpal tunnel syndrome is triggered by the perpetration of incorrect postures or repeated movements such as the use of a computer mouse or keyboard, but in some cases the disease is triggered by the use of antibiotic and anesthetic drugs.
Symptoms tend to manifest themselves especially in the night and morning hours, when there are widespread tingling in the wrist and in the lateral half of the hand (therefore in the thumb, index, middle and lateral half of the ring finger) and stinging and particularly acute pains. wake up the person affected by the disorder.
In the advanced stages of the disease, motor difficulties also develop which also involve the forearm, arm and right shoulder with a high probability of causing significant loss of muscle mass (muscle hypotrophy).
Myocardial infarction
In general, in the case of myocardial infarction, pain in the left arm is among the many symptoms, and anyone who suffers from severe pain in this area feels a sense of anguish or fear that it could be a heart attack.
It is much less common to experience the same anguish if the pain concerns the right arm, but in reality, even if it is a rarer phenomenon, it must be taken into account that in the event of a heart attack it can also hurt the right upper limb.
The same applies to the left arm, if the pain is associated with a sensation of pain and bite in the chest, retrosternal pain, difficulty in breathing, profuse sweating, mental confusion and dizziness, it is necessary to immediately call 118 or go to the nearest emergency room. without wasting time waiting for the symptoms to pass on their own.
At this point we turn the page to understand what to do in these cases and which doctor to turn to for an effective diagnosis and therapy.
Who to contact in these cases
The pain in the right arm, as we have seen, it can occur following the onset of numerous conditions: most of which require targeted treatments both to soothe the painful symptoms and to restore complete mobility of the limb.
It goes without saying that a structure as complex as that of the arm needs a competent and adequate evaluation and this can only be provided by a physician specialized in orthopedics or neurology.
It is therefore important to reiterate that it is not possible to make a do-it-yourself diagnosis based only on a collection of symptoms read on the internet, therefore, without wasting time and therefore risking further compromising the functionality of the arm, it is recommended to seek medical advice with speed.
For persistent and intense pain: consult a
doctor.If the pain in the right arm persists over time, it extends to the hand and shoulder , and if together there is also swelling, tingling in the hand , limitations of movements, muscle weakness and skin manifestations, It is necessary to contact your general practitioner who, having assessed the situation, will give indications on the visits to undergo. He will tend to prescribe a specialist visit in orthopedics or neurology.
During the visit, the specialist doctor will probe all the symptoms and manifestations reported by the patient, asking very specific questions such as:
- since when the pain started;
- whether it is continuous, sporadic or frequent;
- if it occurs on certain occasions, for example during the night , after physical exertion or at the end of a working day or computer study;
- if the pain also radiates to the shoulder , neck, wrist and hand, or if it also affects other joints in the body.
It is also of fundamental importance to investigate individual habits regarding sports activities, the tendency to assume certain postures or whether it is usual to perform jobs that require repeated movements or physical effort.
The doctor then goes to examine the arm, checking if there are swelling, points that if touched increase pain, skin sensitivity and if there are visible signs of hypotonia of the muscle , that is, if the right arm has lost part of the muscle mass compared to the left arm.
Based on the data collected, the doctor decides whether it is necessary to subject the patient to further investigations, such as a blood sample, useful for assessing the presence of factors indicating autoimmune diseases or hyperglycemia or diagnostic imaging tests (radiography, magnetic resonance) to inspect the health of both soft tissues (tendons and ligaments), bones and cartilages.
On the other hand, when the pain was caused by a strong trauma, so much so as to have determined a deformation of the anatomy of the arm, as in the case of a fracture, a dislocation or a deep wound, it is necessary to go to an emergency room promptly.
In these cases, painkillers and anti-inflammatories are administered, the dislocation or fracture is reduced by means of manual maneuvers or by surgery, and subsequently by planning cycles of physiotherapy to restore the correct mobility of the arm.
If the pain in the right arm is associated with those symptoms indicative of a heart attack , then profuse sweating, dizziness, chest tightness, chills, mental confusion, retrosternal pain, it is necessary to call 118 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.
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