‘Rich girl face’ is a new phenomenon that is progressively depopulating among very young girls and boys who attend aesthetic medicine studies to undergo a ‘transformation’ of their image and resemble more and more the beauty standards perceived according to the fashion of the moment , the one widespread among the most popular characters. Aesthetic medicine is experienced more and more often as a procedure to resemble the characters of certain ‘social’ environments, a phenomenon that underlies a very important modification of behavior. Aesthetic doctors, who live the situation from the inside, have begun to ask themselves questions, especially to protect younger patients, such as adolescents and the very young up to 24 who are increasingly influenced by social media. “Compared to the past – said Nadia Fraone, councilor of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SIME) – we record a real turnaround: while until a few decades ago there was a tendency to hide aesthetic medicine treatments, now we think of the latter as ‘wellness medicine’ understood above all as an opportunity to take care of one’s image. And also aesthetic medicine is affected by these new requests, no longer finding itself accompanying the patient in the normal path of aging but rather to ‘help’ a real transformation of the person “. now the latter is thought of as ‘wellness medicine’ intended above all as an opportunity to heal one’s image. And also aesthetic medicine is affected by these new requests, no longer finding itself accompanying the patient in the normal path of aging but rather to ‘help’ a real transformation of the person “. now the latter is thought of as ‘wellness medicine’ intended above all as an opportunity to heal one’s image. And also aesthetic medicine is affected by these new requests, no longer finding itself accompanying the patient in the normal path of aging but rather to ‘help’ a real transformation of the person “.
Aesthetic medicine as a tool to resemble beauty standards acclaimed by social media: plump lips, pronounced cheekbones, a body to expose and exhibit: these are the most common characteristics that transform people into ‘characters’, giving them a role that belongs more than at the time of the image to that of the imaginary. “It is – continued Fraone – a sociological phenomenon that reveals the fragility and insecurity of young people, who do not have a precise identity and thus find a way to create it in imitation of social media idols. This is where the awareness of the aesthetic doctor intervenes, who in his work realizes the concept of ‘beauty’ on the body of another person. And to do this he must be able to advise and listen to the young patient to make them understand that body and psyche are not two distinct but unique things, and that well-being passes through the awareness and improvement of both. For this purpose, the session includes the intervention of specialized figures such as psychiatrist, psychologist and sociologist to talk about a real phenomenon that affects anyone who has to do with young people who exasperate their outward appearance and seek acceptance from others. resorting to aesthetic medicine “.
The volumetric augmentation of the lips is the most requested intervention in aesthetic medicine by young women, but also the preventive botulinum for wrinkles or the increase of the zygomatic areas are very popular interventions. The ‘Rich girl face’ is a phenomenon within the reach of most, sustainable and reachable by most children, above all because it is a way of changing attitude towards one’s body and therefore the outside world. Among the objectives of the session, of course, the evaluation – by aesthetic doctors – of how much and when it is appropriate to intervene on the body of those who request it, interpreting and understanding the requests for needs that go beyond the real needs.
“You cannot and should not go to the aesthetic doctor with a shopping list, just as you do not go to a cardiologist with a request for a drug – warned Emanuele Bartoletti, president of SIME – every doctor must provide therapies to patients only if they need it, if there is a clinical indication. Otherwise it’s like going to the market. And whoever pleases patients uncritically is not an aesthetic doctor, but a seller of services. Aesthetic medicine and medicine because it cannot ignore a diagnosis, and the therapy follows: the doctor will treat only the defects or anomalies present and his and your goal must be the twin of the most natural result possible without changing or upsetting anyone “.