The municipal housing company in Seville, Emvisesa, recalls that in order to opt for a protected home, whether for purchase or rent, it is an essential requirement to be registered in the Municipal Registry of Protected Housing Claimants and meet the established conditions. You can physically go to the registry to register. It is located on Avenida de San Jeronimo, 5 ACC.B., and opens from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Consultation telephone number: 955 476 180.
The requirements to register in this register of applicants are included in the BOP 260 of November 8, 2012 and are the following:

To be a beneficiary of the VPO of new construction or rehabilitation the family unit and / or cohabitation applicant, must have limited economic incomein accordance with what is established for the different programs in the regional and municipal, housing and land plans. They must present their annual income calculated in accordance with what is regulated in the corresponding Housing Plan.
To be a beneficiary of VPO for rent ,The Seville Municipal Housing Plan (2018-2023) requires income that does not exceed 5.5 times the IPREM . This indicator is set in 2021 at €564.90 per month, which means that your income cannot exceed €3,106.95 per month.
Emvisesa offers rental aid for family units whose income does not exceed 3.5 times the IPREM.

None of the members of the family unit or of the cohabitation unit may be holders of full ownership of another protected or free dwelling , or be in possession of it by virtue of a real right of enjoyment or enjoyment for life, with the exceptions provided. in the regional regulations in force.
People who,owning another home or being awarded protected housing for rent, need housing adapted to their family circumstances due to increased family composition, reduced mobility disability or sudden dependency, or are victims of terrorism or gender-based violence , or the family has to move from their place of origin for work reasons and this is stated in the application. In these cases, they must transfer or renounce the home, or make it available to the Public Registry of Protected Housing Claimants in Seville.
With the exception of victims of gender-based violence or terrorism and returned emigrants, applicants who are included in any of the following situations will have preference in the allocation of housing:- Being registered in the city of Seville with a Minimum age of two years at the date of submission of the registration application.
— Have been registered in the municipality of Seville for at least five years , at any previous time.
— Have a job in a center located in the municipality of Seville, or carry out professional or business activity based therein, during the 3 immediately preceding yearson the date of submission of the application for registration.
— Not have been convicted by a final judgment in a criminal proceeding, for usurpation or damage to protected housing.
The plaintiff must effectively comply with the requirements established for access to the protected housing program in question and, where appropriate, with those of the quotas in which it is integrated.


quotas The quotas referred to in the previous section will be the following:
Special quota for homes adapted to disabled people with reduced mobility that requires them to move regularly in wheelchairs or with the help of any other technical means. Preference will be given to applicants who are wheelchair users and, in the case of vacant homes, applicants who, suffering from permanent reduced mobility in displacement or wandering, prove the need for the home to be accessible, by means of an adapted housing certificate or for confined person in a wheelchair or reduced mobility, issued by the Ministry for Equality and Social Welfare.

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