How the new platform can transform each of us into an investor in Real Estate through the digital approach to real estate lending crowdfunding .
The principle is simple: anyone can become a source of alternative capital for real estate projects practically from home, starting to invest with a few hundred euros, letting this innovative system simplify all other aspects.
Real estate companies thus find, easily and very quickly, sometimes in a few hours, the economic resources to finance their projects, which, until the end of the nineties was unthinkable since it was a financial sector accessible only to those who had of huge capital.
Today it is enough to look into this reality with an availability of 250 euros. This is the minimum investment in one of the categories of projects proposed by Recrowd, a portal with which you can earn by participating in the co-financing of properties, as well as, of course, receiving the return of the invested capital.
The idea was born in 2019 by some finance, real estate and technology experts: Gianluca de Simone (CEO), Simone Putignano (CFO), Massimo Traversi (COO) who created the Recrowd portalbrilliantly combining their long-term and diversified skills. Within a year they have become protagonists of the national scene arriving among the 8 best Milanese startups, awarded by the Bocconi university incubator, SpeedMiup.
Currently they represent the reference point and are leaders in the Italian lending crowdfunding sector, especially since the great potential of the company was noticed and acquired by the holding company Esperia Investor which became part of the share capital in 2021.
And for the next two years, the objectives are to further consolidate in the Italian market, taking advantage of the enormous possibility of growth thanks to the increase in reserved capital, open up new opportunities for development according to the new European legislation for investors, and work side by side with alongside important international players. How real estate crowdfunding works
The simple and intuitive system allows, by registering for free, to enter the world of finance without going through the bureaucracy.
A diversified catalog offers a tailored choice as it is divided into different categories by geographical area, risk percentage, minimum investment required, project duration and percentage of return. The aspiring investor can thus orient himself between real estate solutions of the Sport, Relax, Alternative type, and for some months also of the Elite type. The latter group represents a novelty that collects projects where the minimum access investment is higher than the other categories.
Quality, tailor-made service and diversification therefore constitute the core and strengths of this innovative service which gives both young savers and professional investors the opportunity to enter the real estate business.How much you earn with real estate lending crowdfunding and what are the risks
The rates of return are normally much higher than those expected by banks in general, you can go from 7-9% up to 10-13% for the Exclusive category (in which the minimum investment required starts from a base of 10,000 euros).
The risk / benefit ratio is optimal: the return is interesting, in itself real estate investment constitutes one of the safest financial products, in this case it must be pointed out that risk management is entirely delegated to the intermediary.
A careful study of the underlying real estate projects is a guarantee factor. Join Recrowdas a business it is indeed simple, but it is necessary to provide some important data.
Presenting a collection campaign is an operation that can be carried out online, using a form. The selection procedure requires the necessary information so that an in-depth analysis of the creditworthiness of the applicant and the validity of the real estate project can be carried out. This makes it possible to enhance the capital invested and minimize the risk profile.
There is therefore a contract that binds the investor to the project and obliges the latter to return the sum and the due interest plus a possible default in the event of delays.
This is a fully-fledged shared loan. Recrowdin its early years it has already raised loans for 15 million euros, divided into 56 proposals, with over 7,000 lending users; relying on the authorized French payment institution LemonWay.
This business model confirms itself as a valid alternative using a totally different channel than the financial sector in which it is inserted, being totally digitized. It allows a double opportunity for those who raise funds and for those who invest them, the peculiar characteristic is represented by autonomy: access to a personal area allows a customized selection of the project to be financed. The management of funds is totally independent through the creation of a digital wallet where you can keep track of both the investments made and the credits paid and for which it is sufficient to operate with a credit card or a bank transfer. From your personal area it is also possible to monitor the progress and development of the project in which you have chosen to participate.

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