Summer holidays are a distant memory and the return to the daily routine is now near. During the summer, you relax, it can happen to gain a few pounds as a result of a more relaxed lifestyle and a few snags at the table. Before starting every day life again, it is therefore advisable to detoxify the body to start again full of positive energy. But how to purify the body after the summer
An effective solution to regain well-being and cleanse the body in a natural way and a detox diet program associated with the use of natural supplements .
Purify the body after the summer: detox diet
During the holidays it may happen that, following the change of habits and the stay in different places from the usual ones, also the feeding and the contact with the external environment undergo variations. It is in these conditions that an accumulation of toxins can occur. A purifying diet and a diet whose purpose is to eliminate the toxins present in the body, through an adequate choice of foods to eat. In fact, by following a correct diet plan, it is possible to stimulate the body’s natural purification processes .
To be effective, a detox diet must address various aspects of nutrition. First of all it is necessary to introducefoods rich in water , fiber and vitamins , whose functional synergy helps to improve metabolic turnover. A purifying diet must be aimed primarily at not straining the digestive system. Therefore it is necessary to introduce easily digestible and low-calorie foods. Similarly, lifestyle changes should be made as much as possible by encouraging physical activity and eliminating bad habits, such as smoking and alcoholic beverages. It is also advisable to feed as much as possible with fresh foods that respect the season, avoiding the consumption of preserved or pre-packaged products.
Another aspect not to be overlooked is the quantitative one. Any detox program favors small meals , spaced out by a few hours. Therefore, the ideal scheme would be the one consisting of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. It is necessary to consume an abundant breakfast based on whole foods, fruit and herbal teas, to provide the body with the necessary caloric intake to face the day with the right energy.
Foods that must not be missing in a detox program
A detox diet involves the intake of whole foods and rich in fiber, as these foods on the one hand absorb toxins and on the other facilitate their excretion. All whole grains such as rice, barley, spelled, oats and millet are recommended to purify the body after the summer in a natural way . It is necessary to make extensive use of vegetables, such as artichokes, beets, milk thistle and chicory, which favor digestive processes.
Dandelion and asparagus are vegetables indicated for their diuretic action which favors the elimination of excess liquids and toxins. Among the diuretic vegetables, cucumber, celery and fennel also play a role of considerable importance, vegetables particularly rich in water and mineral salts, which improve water exchange, confirming themselves as excellent allies for the purification of the organism.
Another excellent choice is the intake of fresh fruit , to be consumed also in the form of smoothies and centrifuged. Watermelon is indicated in detox diets for its high water content and low sugar concentration, two very useful requirements for stimulating the body’s purifying activity. Thanks to their antioxidant power, citrus fruits of each variety offer effective support for the well-being of the organism, improving its functional performance. Obviously, an adequate supply of liquids
cannot be missing in a purifying diet , even in the form of detoxifying herbal teas based on plant extracts. Green tea , for example, is considered a precious detox ally which, in addition topromote diuresis , helps to hydrate the tissues.
How to purify the body after the summer: the beneficial properties of Aloe Vera juice
In association with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle , it is possible to use natural food supplements to help purify the body . One of the most effective natural remedies to purify the body after the summer is represented by Aloe Vera juice , a plant with undisputed antioxidant and detoxifying properties. Aloe Vera juices help to regulate intestinal function, eliminating toxins and promoting purifying and hepatic activity. Furthermore, the presence of polysaccharides , amino acids , vitamins and mineral salts represent a mine of benefits for the whole organism.