In one of the last episodes of “Who has seen
it” the point is made on an old case that I already knew, that of Assunta Marsala, called Susy, found lifeless after a period of probable mental disorder of a psychotic type.
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What amazes and continues to amaze in hearing this story, which takes place in 1998, is the absence of any intervention in months of altered thinking, behavior and mood. Or rather, the problem was first handled by a self-styled psychotherapist, who later found himself not qualified, then with more or less organized prayers and exorcisms, managed with mediation or directly by a relative.
This reminds me of a congress in the early 2000s in which we psychiatrists were called to talk about behavioral anomalies alongside other types of professionals, including an exorcist, Monsignor Balducci, whom I personally had heard mentioned for a book entitled “Worshipers of the devil and satanic rock “.
On this occasion the priest tried to define demonic possession with “clinical criteria”, a bit like doctors do to diagnose ailments. There were three criteria. The first were “inexplicable” manifestations according to the laws of physics, chemistry, etc., such as levitation. The second criterion was the aversion to the sacred, that is, if the person showed particular agitation, hostility and pain when confronted with sacred objects, consecrated places etc. The third criterion was totally unscientific, and was the judgment of the exorcist based on his experience.
The only of the three criteria that can be addressed in medical terms is the second, the aversion to the sacred. In reality, the first is not a criterion, because to consider an inexplicable phenomenon does not mean to explain it in a “religious” way, since in that case it is not an explanation, but a belief. The inexplicable phenomena have not yet occurred to me, and those considered inexplicable by others, honestly had trivial explanations or simply were not clear, and therefore so poorly defined that they could have any potential explanation.
But let’s move on to aversion to the sacred. Many psychiatric patients manifest mystical impulses, in that case lived positively, with grandeur, they need to communicate to the world that they are enlightened, to spread the word on behalf of God or whoever for him, etc. In other cases the patients instead have negative religious themes, that is to be possessed, damned, having to end up in hell, or whether they are close or surrounding people.
In such circumstances the person can have even violent initiatives, against himself and others, which are not predictable according to logic. In the case of Susy Marsala for example, her mother says that while she was hugging her suddenly she moved away from her, she took a knife in her purse and stabbed her, saying that she did it because “he was the devil”. In this we recognize the para-logic of psychosis, in which the reasoning is this: since I am Satan, I must behave like Satan. Deductively, that is, we take a thought as reality, after which we logically adapt to it, without an emotional coherence, usually with anguish or indifference. In other cases some patients, often women, say that since they hear voices saying “whore, shameless, etc.” then they do something transgressive on purpose or offer themselves sexually,
In this mechanism it is as if there is no longer an identity, but the person regulates himself on the basis of what comes to him as a message, and that becomes his identity, by logic and not by instinctive identification.
In the case in question it was always a question of negative ideas: being Satan, being impure, the cause of negative events. The behavior fluctuated between asking that others leave because she was at fault towards them, because she didn’t want to harm them, because she wasn’t worthy; to perform those acts herself.
Usually these negative themes, with this trait of grandeur (not generically being evil, but being Satan, the height of evil) indicate a bipolar matrix of psychosis. delirium, rather than for example another or an external object. Being Satan rather than seeing Satan in another is therefore more indicative of a “humoral” psychosis, and therefore a psychotic depression or a bipolar psychosis.
There are several cases in which symptoms of mental illness lead to exorcism with a bad outcome. In this case the facts are still to be ascertained, but it remains that medical care is not reached, and that the involvement of more people (family members), rather than giving a push towards medical care, had the opposite effect. An analogous case was the one that took place in Polistena, in which an entire family devoted itself to exorcistic practices, perhaps resulting from a family case of psychosis, in which a newborn was killed to “free” her from the devil.
There are also stories of people who, believing they were possessed by demons, turned to priests, magicians, fortune tellers or unspecified operators reporting a temporary improvement. This depends on a trivial mechanism: if a person who is delirious is reassured in terms of his own delusion, temporarily and quiet. For example, if I have a delirium of being attacked by aliens, and I hear, with a semblance of “science”, that the alien spaceship is back on Mars for the moment, I will go out calmly. Ditto for the effect of amulets, blessings etc. Those who attribute an objective value to these practices, it is clear that they will be reassured, seeing them as a concrete protection. However, it is equally trivial that, when the symptoms return, the person can only conclude that despite the blessing, the amulet or the exorcism and again in the same situation. In several cases these people are circumvented or exploited, accomplices their own believers, for profit or exploitation. For example, we recall the practices of “black magic” used as a weapon of blackmail against immigrant prostitutes by the organizations that manage them.
The cultural factor can certainly play a role, but probably the psychopathological factor also has its weight.
A psychotic episode has established treatments, and even before clarifying the diagnosis there are still standard treatments that target hallucinations and delusions. Reasoning with the delusional person is impossible and risks leading to quarrels, escapes, or the suspicion that people are part of a conspiracy. The psychotic person can however express, even if he does not notice the delirium, a general discomfort due to a feeling of estrangement, loss of identity, unstable mood, insomnia, which must be taken as a starting point for the relationship with a doctor. .


# 1

User 171XXX
August 17th, 2016

But serious priests, before practicing an exorcism should send to a doctor. Father Amorth himself claims to have seen very few true demoniacs in many decades. Furthermore, not all of it is scientifically explainable. The Lourdes healings all have a scientific explanation
Of course we are on a different level with respect to science

# 2

The one I mentioned was a “serious” priest, but here a discussion opens precisely on what exorcism, the devil, etc. is. Whoever believes in the devil may very well see him.
Conceptually, miracles are a void. The path of science-confirmed miracles is non-existent, and when a chance is inexplicable, either personally or no one wants to see the obvious, or you simply don’t know exactly how it went, which means nothing. From this to say that it is a miracle that the usual leap of plan always passes us, that is, it is an act of faith, something not supported by reasoning, causal links, tests etc.
There is no interchange between these two levels of relationship with things. Demonic possession remains one of those things that in psychiatry is the content of a delusion, or in psychology it is a free belief in the existence of entities and mechanisms, perhaps without this then entailing anything. One thing and, I mean, believing in the devil, one thing and practicing exorcism on a loved one when he manifests certain behaviors.

# 3

User 384XXX
August 25, 2016

Hi, Dr. Pacini, regarding the article above, I ask you, do you believe in psychiatrist-exorcist collaboration, therefore with a view to an integrated approach for this particular category of psychotic phenomena
And if so, what are in your opinion the potential benefits that actually derive from an exorcistic approach

# 4

No, there is no collaboration in technical terms. Instead, there are often collaborations on the human level in which the priest actually sends to the psychiatrist, but it is clear that these are cases in which the priest “excludes” or is not generically oriented to believe in such phenomena, because not all priests are in agreement on this.
The functions of magicians, priests and other categories, including doctors, sometimes consist in the value that their words have for the person, as regards a temporary calming or balancing effect, and in this the figures can collaborate. For the rest, however, they are two different paths.

# 5

User 384XXX
August 25, 2016

Please, would you be able to give me something objective about the topic
In the sense, you are aware of any anatomopathological alterations or brain neurochemistry, of these patients
That is, there are alterations that can explain these psychoses
Always assuming that of course they have been conducted sufficient studies on these subjects. Thanks

# 6

Which patients, the psychotic ones with demonic themes
They are not different from others clinically.
With respect to the general concept of psychosis, there is no element that indicates a different category.
On the other side, the clinical object is indefinite.
If they have done studies on people defined as possessed, I don’t know, I’ll check.

# 7

From a summary search on Medline, there are no clinical studies on samples, while there are numerous single case studies, with various possible diagnoses (bipolar psychosis, drug-induced mania, dissociative disorder, hysteria or conversion disorder)

# 8

User 384XXX
August 25, 2016

Okay, thank you for your reply, after all I am aware that often and always complex and sometimes almost impossible to define objective observations in psychiatry, especially when dealing with pathologies of a certain complexity as in this case .

# 9

It is not that they are so complex. The one above, for example, has nothing of a complex. A case of psychosis like so many others, technically

# 10

User 398XXX
December 16, 2017

Hi Doctor, I have been suffering from absurd beliefs about this possession thing for years. I have read things and have been sealed and have dreams that I wish I would not have. This thing of dreaming just what could ruin me I just don’t understand. The brain should not adopt defenses regarding this thing
. So why in the moments of greatest phobia it proposes images concerning precisely those absurd
Thank you.

# 11

This mechanism seems obsessive. The brain defends itself as it can but not as we would like it, as it is programmed, and when it is bad it may have already finished defenses, so let’s help it and treat it as well.

# 12

User 300XXX
07 May 2018

How do you explain from a clinical point of view phenomena such as leavening, the ability to speak languages ​​unknown to them, reactions to holy water (without being told which is blessed and which is not), materialization of nails in the mouth
There are several witnesses of such manifestations. Unfortunately, science starts with the preconception that paranormal phenomena cannot exist.
An exorcism must ALWAYS be preceded by a psychiatric evaluation and only in a small percentage there are real diabolical possessions.

# 13

No, it has nothing to do with an exorcism preceded by a psychiatric evaluation, in fact I personally consider it a procedural nonsense.
There is no diagnosis of exorcism, we are not on the level of science or scientific reasoning, which is why it makes no sense to “diagnose” an exorcism by excluding psychiatric diseases. First, because there is no such thing as a diagnosis of exclusion; second, because the result would be an unknown phenomenon based on existing diagnoses, and therefore there would be no additional element to believe that it is a so-called possession. For someone who believes, it is a question of believing.
Not to see inexplicable phenomena, come on. One who believes does not need to see Jesus walking on water, he believes he walks on water, and this is the difference. That said, the way I approach any phenomena that seem impossible to me, such as levitation, is the same way I approach the spectacle of a magician. Once I saw one that made sounding coins appear from every part of the body, dozens of them came out, with their bare hands.
Therefore, lending oneself, as a psychiatrist (or even as an exorcist), to draw the line between exorcism and scientifically explainable mental phenomena means not having understood much of religion and psychiatry in the same way.

# 14

Former User
September 12, 2019

The problem of Psychiatry is based on a very simple fact: It is a container. It would be credible if Psychiatry explained to us why it does not question the Source of its “knowledge”. According to psychiatrists, reality is ontologically unknowable and it is absolutely indifferent any interpretation, arguing (delirium) that the immanent is a simple manifestation that cannot be judged, unquestionable and relative. the biological box is the immanent that remains unknowable. This approach brings heavy consequences such as the indifference between what is good and what is bad, structuring the psychic structure to an object on which the Will insists.The result is aberrant and verifiable in the absence of judgment on the schools of psychotherapy that base their postulates on philosophies branded by the Holy See as an expression of Satanism.
Well it is a container of destructiveness, an aspect that is very present in psychic patients.Damage is always primary and unfortunately Freud with his Super-Man by Nietzche (Super-ego) has taught to impose the bipolar dimension in the human mental organization understood as a huge container (Es) on which chaotic forces, objects and structures insist, an ego that reorganizes its meaning under the “Will” of a Pagan Demiurge who attacks the subject. This psychic drama is not object or structural but the expression of a transmission from generation to generation I do not know Psychiatrists who ridicule the founder of Psychoanalysis in Italy when he runs into Crowley Abbey There is no psychiatrist who does not notice that there are psychotherapy schools that praise I think as a psychiatrist, if you want to do the hymn to Satan do it but at least let’s face it and have 4 laughs. It is not possible that psychiatrists do not notice that their knowledge comes from gnostics and presents serious aporias. how we get to God and explained (Augustinian neoplatonism) and explained how synderesis differs from symbiosis in which there is the destructive symbol so present in psychiatry The psychiatrist reasons with containers and contents but very often rejecting the point on which Creation insists , prodrome of authentic identity, issues sentences like a magistrate following the decay of the objects he sees. He does not know how to contextualize it. This opens the door to an enormous problem of psychological violence and its demonstrability.There are real demons (Bion will perhaps placate the psychiatric narcissistic devaluation) well known in the juridical field who dance between containers that live in absolute tranquility without noticing the enormous fragmentation they present and which is not visible in the assessment. for me it is a TV program, as soon as the television turns off, at home the Transcendent transmitted becomes something else. This speech is a serious speech. If you listened to people better instead of labeling them as “crazy” on the basis of instantaneous superficial reasoning, we would have a laugh about the Transactional (Negative adapted to who to what and wherewithout noticing the enormous fragmentation that they present and that is not visible in the assessment. If outside for me it is a TV program, as soon as the television turns off, at home the Transcendent transmitted becomes something else. This speech is a serious speech. If we listened to people better instead of labeling them as “crazy” on the basis of superficial instantaneous reasoning, we would have a laugh about Transactional (Negative adapted to who to what and wherewithout noticing the enormous fragmentation that they present and that is not visible in the assessment. If outside for me it is a TV program, as soon as the television turns off, at home the Transcendent transmitted becomes something else. This speech is a serious speech. If we listened to people better instead of labeling them as “crazy” on the basis of superficial instantaneous reasoning, we would have a laugh about Transactional (Negative adapted to who to what and wherebased on instantaneous superficial reasoning, we would have a laugh about Transactional (Negative adapted to who to what and wherebased on instantaneous superficial reasoning, we would have a laugh about Transactional (Negative adapted to who to what and where
You are ok with respect to who
to what) on the Cognitive (Coping on which insists which emotion
) on Psychosynthesis (The founder praised Lucifer and Atma) or Naranjo and Perls (Ok to cocaine and LSD and yes to polymorphic sexual practices) and gradually all the orientations. For me the most dangerous of all is Jung together with Steiner.With the Projection it is not possible to establish who is really injured.This process is explained by cluster B and with Bipolar disorder.Freud, Jung, Nietzche, Klein and gradually all the people of this world presented quite serious imbalances in the psychic sphere. What is wrong with psychiatry is not wanting to understand that the healthy mind does not work like the insane one and by watering down the values, essentially everything is absolutely indifferent except the respect of the Norm (Formalism). empty and superficial to address the subject of the individual.If psychiatry decides to truly become medicine, it should say that except for rare cases, almost all pathologies are a healthy expression of environmental discomfort. in a cognitive way: It is you, it is You … as if there was no environment, a historicization, a present actualization of absolute and non-negotiable reference values ​​and a necessary battle against many psychotherapies endorsed by Miur in general silence. easily attackable but nobody touches Crowley, Perls, Naranjo! Here there are people who in 2019 propose tarot cards and dreamlike fantasies from cocaine to truth (archetype). Basically nothing exists. Many orientations take up Descartes Shopenhauer, Freud, Jung,Klein but the end is the total destruction of individualities in the name and on behalf of automatons. I know the environment of psychiatry very well and frankly in some cases I had the distinct feeling that between psychotic and some psychiatrists there was a look The devil whether it is symbolic or existing spirit or fantasy is not demonstrable but it is equally true that the symbol of destructiveness is very present in bipolar, malignant narcissists and psychopaths (which do not appear in the DSM). it is the nosographic absence of the Psychopath. He is very often the source of malaise but being all indifferent the meaning is reversed and whoever complains becomes the scapegoat. The sources of Psychiatry must be explained.hermetic that was born at the end of 700. The results are unsuccessful

# 15

No, it doesn’t. It is a container like medicine in general and any experimental science. What is not included in psychiatry and what is not related to biology, while it must refer to it, whether it is psychology, sociology or other. For the rest, being a container is not a problem, it is venial.

# 16

Former User
September 12, 2019

I bring you an example. In his discipline there was a great psychiatrist, known in the legal field, as: “the psychiatrist of the Devil”. The professor had metacognitive skills and was a genius in the nosographic framing of the offender; systematically he was able to frame the mental illness in malign psychic structures aware of enjoying the evil inflicted. absolutely indifferent when he is psychic, we produce judicial errors but above all a sense of psychic insecurity. In America we have come to bring the dimensions of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex into evidence, to justify a malignant subject.Psychopaths are very often people who expose absolutely coherent, congruent and effective containers only to find themselves dedicated to sociopathic manifestations that are not very far from the sacred denounced by the exorcists. Now if science means arguing that it is absolutely indifferent to give mental illness to sociopaths, delegating to the criminal trial and the judgment of merit, science assumes a meaning of fragmentation of the most elementary existential bases of the individual which is redefined into an unknown object X. In Psychiatry the Quaternary (Evil Is in You) and Transformational position is used assuming that the origin of Life comes from a totipotent Cell.Gender and nihilistic approach confirms its meaning by not being able to understand that there are differences between a television and a person. of Power, the Other loses its human connotations and becomes an object (partial gaze) that should succumb to its Technical Knowledge. it retraumatizes and above all it favors the separation from the object relationship on which living magic (man) insists. I said to myself ..well it must mean something and incredibly this Caregiver explained the cult of Lilith and Dionysus with his imagination.Jung thus developed his theory which is essentially kabbalistic.Probably the word paganism contains bipolarism and the Christian Dimension has tried to eradicate tarot, witches, wizards and so on, but she was unable to do anything but reconfigure them behind a pseudoscience that is psychology. She has enormous value, not because she is a doctor but as an existing human person. stuck to the narcissistic and fusional dimension and THEY ARE NOT SANABLE. Science has taken on a hateful divine point of view as if it were a new Pagan Transformational Eye, totally demolishing the human relationship cosified in standards, procedures, pills.We are encoded petrified in an existential productive standard and in this collective Nihil the Mantra is the Malignant Narcissist.He is God but as Plato would say an evil entity has locked him up here (Demiurge) and projects in all fields. unfortunately they are at the basis of gnosis and psychiatry which insists on proposing a scheme from the 1800s. Denying the relationship between Creator and Creature, nothing exists, everything is indifferent and in this nihilistic human desolation the sciences should be the new Totem. of free will and indifference to Good and Evil is a science that proposes free antisocial psychopaths representing them as Victims of a pathological biological fact.If a person has anxiety, Nagel says but with respect to whatNagel says but with respect to whatNagel says but with respect to whatNagel says but with respect to whatNagel says but with respect to whatHe is God but as Plato would say an evil entity has locked him up here (Demiurge) and projects him in all fields. Creator and Creature, nothing exists, everything is indifferent and in this nihilistic human desolation the sciences should be the new Totem.The result of free will and indifference to Good and Evil is a science that proposes free antisocial psychopaths representing them as Victims of a pathological biological datum. If a person has anxiety, Nagel says but with respect to whatHe is God but as Plato would say an evil entity has locked him up here (Demiurge) and projects him in all fields. Creator and Creature, nothing exists, everything is indifferent and in this nihilistic human desolation the sciences should be the new Totem.The result of free will and indifference to Good and Evil is a science that proposes free antisocial psychopaths representing them as Victims of a pathological biological datum. If a person has anxiety, Nagel says but with respect to whatDenying the relationship between Creator and Creature, nothing exists, everything is indifferent and in this nihilistic human desolation the sciences should be the new Totem.The result of free will and indifference to Good and Evil is a science that proposes psychopaths free antisocials representing them Victims of a pathological biological fact.If a person has anxiety, Nagel says but with respect to whatDenying the relationship between Creator and Creature, nothing exists, everything is indifferent and in this nihilistic human desolation the sciences should be the new Totem.The result of free will and indifference to Good and Evil is a science that proposes psychopaths free antisocials representing them Victims of a pathological biological fact.If a person has anxiety, Nagel says but with respect to what
If you have anxiety, I would ask myself with respect to who or what. If the who and what becomes non-existent because ontically unknowable, I have created a cage or rather I am in the container of the Psychiatrist, that is in the primary anxiety or in a container on to understand what a schizophrenic means, it is enough to study the Cathars and their relationship with space. against hand. This setup is scientific but does not foresee people but automated things in processes that act as self without any existing human presence. If you see that a general of theAmerican army builds the temple of Satan (Aquino) and the institutions find it absolutely indifferent, she understands what this Gender science produces. she understands that everything collapses and what is happening today is happening, that is the total human disinterest for any institution that does not contain people in times of difficulty but attacks them just like a “Devil”. The result is that only in Italy it seems there are 17 million unmonitored Borderlines that do damage. The healthy go to Therapy alas. Unfortunately, to understand the bipolar dimension and psychopathy, you have to get your hands dirty with elements that are not logical but are delusions that have been returning since the dawn of time.What is certainly missing is a community of authentic individuals.Authenticity aims to demolish the automation that professionalism requires.The mentally ill must always know what it takes
According to you, in the existing it is possible No.
We are in the imaginary but if the Legislator proposes the Fantasy, who is the crazy madman
But it seems normal to you that the Basaglia propaganda cannot be explained
Basaglia is a devil for me. He allowed the State to find a trick to avoid spending a euro and expose a beautiful narcissistic facade image. bipolar approach of the Republic on Citizens. The Church maintains that this “passion” will end only with the opening of the seals. they are looking beyond the psychiatric or legal problem. Nothing works and they insist on ridiculing Don Camillo. Okay but Crowley
These who are
Honor to Lucifer
She does not notice that it is a delusion that we use these postulates to
. according to science chocolate is either an elixir or a damage. Like coffee … but the curious thing is that the man of science imposes a certain destructiveness on its faithful who act with coping as the doctor asks. This model predicts the absence of an identity and a capacity for discernment through the Will to Power.
# 17

You see, those involved in science do so in a certain sense without this being so required by society. Society deals with how a mentally ill person is sentenced, it insists on rehabilitating him as it believes he should be rehabilitated, in a totally illogical way compared to what is done in other categories of diseases, etc. Furthermore, psychiatry is a job, a collection of people who work under the laws, and who nevertheless manage to understand something about it. Those who practice understand us more, because they do not start from theories. Some theories aren’t that bad, as in all the best science. Now, you suppose that there is a shared design behind it, I assure you that there is not, it makes no sense to speak of psychiatrists as a category, as an organism that consciously or unconsciously moves in one direction, and that has a unitary idea of ​​the patient. Also because, there is no “psychiatric patient”; since diseases are different from each other. Indeed, when psychiatry is analyzed as a fact in itself, the idea that it is not primarily part of an organismic question is betrayed.
That the healthy go to therapy does not add up. It is not so.
Perhaps she had already written before. At a certain point in her reasoning we get lost in the scientific or “sector” terminology, which I assure you is not that great. These are terms that are often redundant or empty, if I put them one after the other I myself don’t understand anything.

# 18

A point but I individualize it. To be a psychiatrist one would have to go into delirium and see it from within
No, I do not agree. You don’t have to take drugs to cure a drug addict, or have been depressed to cure a depressed person. It is necessary to know the semeiotics of delirium, depression and addiction, and at the very least be critical to say that this semeiotic is not satisfactory. Sometimes and so, certain categories are silly, and not diagnostic acceptable.

# 19

Former User
September 13, 2019

I repeat what does not add up. If Semerari frames mentally ill and comes out while Basaglia offers freedom by deconstructing the categorical value of mental illness only to then resume the categorical dimension, this is not science but pseudoscience. In law we are subjected to rules but we know how to discern the rationale of the Legislator.If a flawed process leads to argue that a mentally ill person is a subject who consciously acts evil, I cannot restructure that act into a theoretical container because by acting in this way I become not a technician but a servant You believe that the subjects who emerged thanks to Semerari’s theory were mentally ill
Science provides a type of gaze: you inspect an object and use tools. The problem is that objectifying a living thing is equivalent to destroying it. Following its logic, a subject who is free from the mentally ill does not pose any problem on a logical level. Well no. Same goes for a Bipolar. It’s a speech like saying a minimum. If he reads what I wrote his colleague what he writes online
You probably have psychiatric problems but this is not the case. This happens because the psychiatrist limits himself to a literal interpretation and uses Nietzche that is, that a living man cannot be interpreted. The result is the absence of judgment but judging according to rules that come from Will of Power. This model can be admissible in surgery, in law but not on the human being because unfortunately according to the DSM no one is healthy and it is false. The category of lawyers exists and there are psychopaths who in criminology are manifest but in psychiatry no. If there is no value judgment on who produces the theory, we decontextualize it. In the world of psychotherapy we have constant references to a specific model.a scandal but it is enough simply to have the courage to say that there are schools accredited by the MIUR that praise Lucifer.
The science container has expressed many of those aporias that by now it has lost credibility. If everything is indifferent except submission to a center of Power, you will understand that science falls. It is enough to study mentalization to understand it. which the Will to Power insists is the construct of Freud’s superego but obviously does not exist.It is an oral model that is handed down and produces that structure.The problem I repeat is adapted to who or what
If the who and what is missing, it is absurd.We have paradoxical norms that produce paradoxes.If I annihilate myself and automate myself to insane, I will not notice anything.However, I realize that everything is indifferent except nihilism and the Will to Power then by historicizing and contextualizing the process he proposes falls, which has very specific theoretical philosophical and practical bases.Once known, we can explain why it is absolutely indifferent to psychiatric patient from healthy or subject who does not tolerate a psychotic and he becomes the object of interest in anxiety. If I do not historicize and I do not see that at the base there is the same vision of the Christian dimension or the demolition of the immanent only that the former entrust themselves to God and the latter to the Will of Power but they are roughly two “Theologies”not so different after all.The thing that still upsets me is the absence of judgment.I tell you the truth when I saw what happened in the court take out criminals or reduce their sentence using the norm This problem of knowing how to recognize just and equitable is independent of theoretical formalism and what we learn and I must say that if I think back to some teachers I recognize serious manic problems but the same thing happens in the classrooms This problem exists.The person has anxiety but how come he has this righteousnessadvocate of the Devil in the sense of redefining the institutions to take out criminals or reduce their punishment using the law. I recognize serious manic problems but same thing happens in courtrooms.This problem exists.The person has anxiety but how come he has this rectivityadvocate of the Devil in the sense of redefining the institutions to take out criminals or reduce their punishment using the law. I recognize serious manic problems but same thing happens in courtrooms.This problem exists.The person has anxiety but how come he has this rectivity
With respect to whom and what functioning
The problem always comes from the same banality and comes out of an inability of the institutions to want to punish sociopathic structures. are manifesting in an epidermal way in all social levels.The absence of judgment judging according to Law
Nn makes no sense if I do not historicize the norm beyond a formal respect.The priest makes laugh but also makes the founder of the Italian psychoanalysis laugh. runs to Crowley. Freud is comical too. Makes Steiner smile. Assagioli diversions. Klein
But we realize what the hell that crazy woman wrote
E Berne
I agree with the laughter but unfortunately if I go to fish the architrave of Psychology, we are honestly close to psychosis. You have ever read Assagioli’s ovoid
You know how it was signed
Now let’s be clear I can believe in Lucifer, I can do what I want but what is not right is that the state offers courses and professorships on this nonsense on the logical level but truth on the human level
When I saw shock sentences I thought with my head I didn’t say there was a trial, he issued a sentence, period.This means being stupid.If you talk to a Magistrate outside your institutional dimension, he will tell you that there is enormous corruption but once again Evil does not exist and it is all indifferent.This way of reasoning explains why we have psychotic patients in the houses, sociopaths free to move and woe to those who dare to touch these people.The result can be seen by going to the ASL that if asked she uses Oral Victimism: we have no funds. This schemino is diabolical and I understand that no professional order has any intention of authenticating it.

# 20

Former User
September 13, 2019

I’ll give you another categorical example that is from another science. There was the rule that provided for “compulsory” mediation. If I think as a psychiatrist I will say: There is a rule, there is an idea and there is an application. we knew who was behind the norm and what the true Will was. That norm created Chaos to advantage specific people. In this historical context that I quote, according to a psychiatrist, we were all paranoid. In reality, knowing how to decipher the Will of a subject or of a set of subjects allows us to know precisely what are the real wills of people hiding in a container that we call the Legislator.I know exactly how things are but in this social model you cannot express a judgment of value on the Will to Power. There is no lawyer who will tell you what that norm was hiding but we all knew it. This model is formally legal science. that ignores the norm what acts
He goes to the mediator and he will find himself in a possible situation of difficulty but the legal operator already knew this. behind the great values ​​the symbol that scares the country priest so often hides.If we do not decide to change course, I believe that the cases of crime news will increase exponentially thanks to a philosophical model based on agnostic relativism. okay but it doesn’t work and I myself have been a Victim of the system. 13 years for a diagnosis on a Bipolar Caregiver 1! It was enough to listen to the family but nothing to do. The Nietzschean Theology proposes indifference to any act.It is you who get depressed the problem, not the devil in flesh and blood who cuts it and woe to touch it. then people really decide to interpret the human values ​​that exist and demand institutions that really exist without theoretical sophisms

# 21

Former User
September 13, 2019

Last thing … I would talk to you for hours.When you work a lot on yourself and on coping, you distinctly perceive the psychic movements.It is a skill that is learned with psychotherapy that can also be lost if you do not train yourself. to have the mind in mind. To understand a psychic functioning of a psychotic I cannot say that it is unknown because if it manifests it becomes known. At most I don’t know how to explain it and I ignore it. I’ve had the Devil almost always in front of me and the repetitiveness of diabolical coping is there.A normal person relates to the other perceiving him as a living object on which in general values, shared and non-negotiable human thoughts should insist on some spheres.If I represent myself to slit her throat,I perceive that pain within Me and never act it even under torture.The ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others we label it as empathy, that is the ability to put ourselves in the Pathos of others knowing how to establish what degree of suffering or joy the other feels living it within oneself Obviously within a certain degree of human approximation. Perfection is a container on which the nihilistic Will of Power insists, that is to transform living people into finite (perfect) things, therefore death. Every living person is obviously finite and therefore perfect in death. The narcissist with the Will to Power manages to overcome this problem.To understand it, the madman unfortunately has to accept that when we want to look at him or her he sends us back primary emotions or he perceives us as an unknowable object and explodes like a hysterical child. to historicize and understand and above all to feel and perceive and who you communicate is an Object on which his or other thoughts or projected by others insist.In the psychotic or the Bipolar or in the Borderline there is only as a container. Some of his colleagues act as a patient and a doctor together. They move into the container Other they explode and I answer as a Doctor. It is a narcissistic game. In essence, the other does not exist.Lucifer or the Devil without going to take the Value of the Christian dimension is a subject who cannot perceive the other and becomes hyperlogic. Gnosis is born in this way because that subject has cut off all emotions. He is a sociopath who does not understand anything. and in order not to go into Schizophrenia he reasons like Descartes. we are giving the numbers.The psychotic uses precisely the way of thinking of Nietzche who died demented.etc etc but a cure for those who get sick in contact with these subjects who do not possess an authentic perception of Self. Authentic means that I do not need an Authority to recognize me and recognize the Real that remains. The psychotic explodes because it touches an unknowable entity and attacks him because he has not been able to structure himself as himself. We understand. Same thing as a theory or a science. To be able to act it requires not an external look but a trivial value: Common sense. Good direction for the living.Here instead we are returning to 1940 with robotic organizations of the mind that use the minimal thought that exists in science. Einstein’s theory posed the problem of mass. It does not exist if it is energy. It is a dream as Shopenhauer said. Science surpasses ” the problem by inventing a value on the mass but if it is invented with real numbers and imaginary numbers. No problem
And well the sense is that if the psychiatrist humbly decides to treat the symptoms like a doctor that’s fine but if he becomes a guru then things change and unfortunately the psychiatrist guru all-rounder and ontic relativist who has a truth that other poor fools ignore exists. I mentioned Professor Semerari but there are many other founders of scientific Churches who have nothing about science except the dogma of the Faith in the light. Those who love science discover what they did not know but it is not the omniscient Word. causing damage in my opinion in addition to the problem of unsustainable costs in the organization of patients in distress borne by the family members of the Diablo that does not exist.

# 22

In fact, the psychiatrist is a doctor, he can make sensational discoveries but he does not teach how to live, this is not his task. It is able to tell others where they are wrong, where happiness in general lies. It can only say where diseases make us wrong, and how they make us unhappy.
However, it is not anyone’s responsibility if someone poses or aims to be a guru, and if others seek the first guru in order to follow and mythologize him.

# 23

Former user
September 14, 2019

But if that were the case, I would agree but it is not because the existing is unknown and any human expression is imaginary, ergo even our dialogue does not exist. existed
Just delete it and say You dreamed of writing to me! This is Gaslighting and it exists. This is the problem of nihilism and the Will to Power. We are ontologically unknown objects and or containers on which Will to Power insists. Healthy people know instead. represent the human being and can perceive not only the moods through the face, but the perception of the human Other as Me. In bipolar disorder that can take a “satanic” and hermetic and Cartesian / Nietzschean / Swami and kabbalistic turn we develop exactly what the greats of Official Psychiatry propose to us. In essence, Binswanger and so on were probably all bipolar and in the legislative dimension the Norm is an expression of this.The great investigations on the Mafia State or the Aldo Moro case or the gray wolves lead us to think beyond the hermetic and sacred vision that there is probably behind a Democratic system in reality a system of immovable Power that absolutely does not intend to change but to maintain the his social oral system. The Counterculture as the Left anti-psychiatry psychiatry have in fact inserted into the human psychic basal systems other values ​​such as a Computer and the results are these here. Unstable minded people are too many and unfortunately dangerous if placed in Power systems. Psychiatry together with law I believe that they must make greater efforts becauseif we don’t decide to nosograph the psychopath / narcissist we will find ourselves attacking real victims for imaginative information and real Delinquents protected by imaginative images.

# 24

Okay, then if our dialogue doesn’t exist either, we are talking to do. There is not even his criticism of anything.

# 25

Former user
14 September 2019

Another problem.The Guru is endorsed by the Miur.It is not normal that I have to study where that model comes from and how it manages to overturn the Real.Here the State is missing.I go to a Technician but if he proposes to me to become a positive or negative adapted Child using a specific oral transmission, but where the heck is it written that I have to historicize him to understand that he is crazy
There is no control but it is all indifferent except the priest who says that the Black Sabbaths are satanic Well, I find the Transactional more crazy, I’m honest. redefined also in the symbolic sign but not only. As long as there are people who talk about the Third Eye and it is defined as science, I think we will never be able to find each other.

# 26

Former User
September 14, 2019

Exactly.This explains why we exist in a clear way.Instead with the institutions this truth is missing but it is false.You are a psychiatrist, you have your ideas and ok but if your ideas override the Real then you are crazy like Descartes and madness it exists and is very often manifested with Satanism because they speak primarily like psychotic children. Bipolar people are like this and unfortunately there are too many of them.

# 27

Unfortunately you see, she brings together the good and the bad and says that even the bad boast of the foundations that he does not have. He is right, but it is not a problem that comes from the roots of science. So, perfectly agreed that the arms fall when someone believes that science is the one that proves everything, and beyond there is the paranormal or the divine, but as long as this is considered an acceptable discourse … it is useless to be surprised if then in front of a guru with a non-existent charisma there are people who instead consider him charismatic and amazing.
As for Black Sabbath, the strangest thing is that one goes fishing from there when satanic music, for those who take it seriously, has gone beyond time.

# 28

Former User
September 14, 2019

Yes, but they have the Chair. I made a commitment to study a successful psychoanalyst for evident analogies with the Caregiver Ravage. Well, the pagan myth explains the Bipolar to me. If you tell the story differently of Oedipus, the psychoanalyst gets angry. must desire the Mother.No one has ever said that the work was the oral transmission of an archaic dimension but above all Bipolar that is linked to the contact with an unknown object (Mother) with the entry of sexual impulses.All psychoanalysis is a gigantic shared bipolar manifestation. I must tell the truth I did not have all these traumas but I know that the entrance of the unknown reconnected to the Will of Power.If I do not know something, I study it and try to organize it but I do not question my mentalization as a non-existent ontological assumption because by doing so I would be a lucid madman.If the imaginary and complex real numbers of science were explained, we would understand that our problem establish imagination and existent.If You exist I cannot decide it on the basis of the logic of your thought but on the basis of the distinct perception of You Body on which a focal point insists: individually. The Guru does not have a focal point in which to recognize if different from and goes into the Maniacal and into the sensationalistic advertising but not of science. The scientific process foresees clear postulates but in the psychic sphere they are not valid.Ironically, in my opinion, a real scientist is in my opinion just Semerari junior who uses a Cognitive of Sense and then leaves the subject with a subjective evaluation. Me.The Guru knows how to use precisely those coping and only a very structured Metacognitive ability manages to stem these people who are very dangerous on a social level. it is something that I cannot accept Blessed are you who in a self-evident way says and goes well … in the here and now worship Satan. Patience. But disguised with horns and takes back the Dionysian.The copings become like beams on which the mentalization insists that it is not Me but the tool to manifest Me. The Guru knows how to use those coping and only a very structured metacognitive ability manages to stem these people who are very dangerous on a social level. I can not understand how you can think of such an idiocy and why the State does not intervene. This is something that I can not accept. Patience, but disguised with horns and takes up the Dionysian againThe copings become like beams on which the mentalization insists that it is not Me but the tool to manifest Me. The Guru knows how to use those coping and only a very structured metacognitive ability manages to stem these people who are very dangerous on a social level. I can not understand how you can think of such an idiocy and why the State does not intervene. This is something that I can not accept. Patience, but disguised with horns and takes up the Dionysian againI can not understand how you can think of such an idiocy and why the State does not intervene. This is something that I can not accept. Patience, but disguised with horns and takes up the Dionysian againI can not understand how you can think of such an idiocy and why the State does not intervene. This is something that I can not accept. Patience, but disguised with horns and takes up the Dionysian again
No, in fact he becomes an American General. But how the heck is it possible
Why the Prosecutors don’t bring them in
And let’s go back to the paradox that in my mental organization it can’t exist. I believe that the problem comes from the bipolar disorder that is underdiagnosed .

# 29

Former user
15 September 2019

There are pending periods.On line I write in a hurry.If this period is read by a technician who has not passed the manic what he will say before he will write online
Disorganization of the mind and a container label comes out. The foundation of madness is the inability of people to identify and structure an idea of ​​a single collective flesh, or totipotent cell in which all possible transformational outcomes are inscribed. Darwin was bipolar.Freud bipolar.Nietzche bipolar. Jung Bipolar.Naranjo
We do not have the diagnosis but we have the diagnosis of Osho and all these people deny the most obvious thing possible: the Creation. in Sicily.Now in minimal thinking, I will say Well, no problem.He made mating women with goats and cut off their heads.The problem is that if you don’t go to hospitalize him and fill him with Haldol that then produces others crazy that we find ourselves in the various social containers. If one of these arrives in the CSM (hypothesis), how do you stop them
The Caregiver I have at home is totally crazy but taught mathematics and biology very well, she was very good but the problem is that a high IQ does not indicate a healthy mental capacity, on the contrary often an excessive intelligence builds bipolarity because they are hyperlogic. How do you explain the sense of hunger
These people would like the explanation of the transition from impulse to human manifestation but impossible. It happens because they disguise transcendent and immanent and remain in the Nihil or in the destructive and Schizofregenic nihilism. Their error lies paradoxically there. My mother one day told of a diabolical possession in hospital.Unfortunately or fortunately I was already a kind of failed psychiatrist at 10 years old and I asked the basis on which this reasoning insisted and above all the basic emotion as he built it.Today I know what happened but the problem was that even the nurses said the same thing with an uncertain and frightened primary. There was a suicide with some rather disorganized dynamics. Well, it goes round and round and always ends up in bipolar disorder.The problem is oral transmission which imposes an impossibility of communicating without known communicative containers.A very intelligent person has no coping but perceives the Real from Se and analyzes it directly and produces concrete meaning. experimental and empathy taught precisely by the healthy Church tuned to the useless suffering on Christ, Lamb of God, but they use pagan and neo-pagan oral transmissions that break mad and the Institutions do not intervene. `Ordinary people, on the other hand, do not use the experimental method and empathy taught precisely by the healthy Church tuned to useless suffering on Christ, the Lamb of God, but use pagan and neo-pagan oral transmissions that break mad and the Institutions do not intervene. do not intervene on sociopaths who are delirious in universitiesOrdinary people, on the other hand, do not use the experimental method and empathy taught precisely by the healthy Church tuned to useless suffering on Christ, the Lamb of God, but use pagan and neo-pagan oral transmissions that break mad and the Institutions do not intervene. do not intervene on sociopaths who are delirious in universities
If you explain to a Constitutionalist that the legal pearl is the only constitution in the world that does not have control over the state secret, I guarantee that they will throw it out. You are an unknown object on which the Will to Power insists. a puppet with minimal thinking and does not change much while working It is clear asking too many questions is not healthy but honestly if I have the Mafia State wiretapping and we burn them this is diabolical and we cannot overturn the existing one by saying You are not asking yourself Your business! This is mafia not juridical science.This problem concerns practically all professional orders.Ethics is valid up to a certain point, then rising in social rank, it goes round and round but fades and the diabolical or the Maniacal appears human that foresees theanother unknown every time he does not recognize the Highest Social Office he personifies Ethics collapses and ultimately society is in the hands of gurus leading us to ask but Satan really exists
The human phenomenon exists.On its origins, I explain it to myself with the paranoid delirium of the Bipolar but I must also say that by accepting the maniacal of these people and the sometimes hermetic philosophical foundations of these people you automatically have to regain possession of the Christian vision and its Values ​​that have fought witches, sorcerers and tarot cards complete with the Inquisition. What the heck do we not understand that they constitute a social alarm
The obvious explanation is the circulation of Power. It is too hallucinatory to think that we have Satanist forums and Satanist associations who also do charity but they are incredible things. Total suckers who must demonstrate total nihilism and this Mother Goddess source of Life and Death. In 2019 you do not expect it. I dream of airplanes that launch Haldol on populations

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