Polyuria is not a disease, but a condition in which the body produces too large amounts of urine . Affected individuals produce on average between 2500-3000ml of urine per day or more than 40ml of urine per kg of body mass ( source ).
The causes of polyuria can be many and are not contained in this article in an exhaustive manner. However, there are about 10 most common causes that lead to this symptom , which lead to pathologies that can represent a serious danger to health.
So let’s see what are the main causes of polyuria and what can be the different remedies for those suffering from this disorder.

Polyuria: the main characteristics
Polyuria is not intended as a simple increase in the frequency with which we urinate, but as an increase in the volume of urine close to or greater than 2500-3000 ml . If the subject urinates frequently, but the quantity of urine expelled is modest, it is not possible to speak of polyuria.
Polyuria can often be accompanied by polydipsia , which is an excessive sense of thirst . Polydipsia can be both the cause and the effect of polyuria, but these two disorders do not necessarily have to occur together. In fact, in some cases there is polyuria without polydipsia and vice versa.

What are the main causes of polyuria
As stated, at the origin of the disorder there can be many causes, both of a pathological and non-pathological nature. In general, polyuria occurs when:

  • The individual ingests more fluids than normal;
  • Increased glomerular filtration occurs ;
  • The kidneys cannot reabsorb water in the distal convoluted tubule;
  • Increases the secretion of solutes ;

Now we will analyze the main pathological and non-pathological causes of polyuria, with a non-exhaustive list of pathologies.

Pathological causes
The main pathological cause of polyuria is represented by both central and nephrogenic Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus . In the first case, polyuria is found when the concentration of glucose in the blood is so high that it is excreted in the urine , causing an increase in the volume of urine by the passage of water by osmosis.
For those who suffer from Diabetes Insipidus, polyuria can be caused by:

  • a deficiency of vasopressin , the antidiuretic hormone whose purpose is to regulate the reabsorption of water by the hypothalamus-pituitary system ( central diabetes insipidus )
  • a reduced sensitivity or refractory of the kidneys to the vasopressin produced ( nephrogenic diabetes insipidus ).

In both cases, the deficiency / ineffectiveness of vasopressin leads to an increase in the urine produced.
In non-diabetic subjects with polyuria, the disorder is often due to the abnormal concentration of aldosterone , an adrenal hormone that favors the reabsorption of sodium and water by the renal tubules and causes excretion of potassium. The lack of aldosterone or its excessive production causes polyuria in different ways and is related to diseases such ascancer of the kidney and / or adrenal glands, Addison’s disease (decreased aldosterone) and Conn’s syndrome (excess aldosterone).
Numerous disorders of the endocrine system such as hyperthyroidism (which causes increased glomerular filtration) or hypopituitarism (which can cause decreased antidiuretic hormone) can also lead to polyuria.
Speaking of mental illnesses, psychogenic polydipsia is the main cause of excessive urine production. It is a mental disorder that leads the individual to ingest large quantities of liquids in a nervous and obsessive manner, therefore causing an increase in the urine produced.

Non-pathological causes Pregnancy
can be found among the non-pathological causes of polyuria , since the uterus containing the fetus exerts considerable pressure on the mother’s bladder, with the consequent expulsion of a greater quantity of urine than normal.
Taking excessive amounts of diuretic drugs or supplements can lead to polyuria. Excessive urine production is often indicated as an undesirable effect in some edema therapy. Nocturnal polyuria
can be common in men (especially those over 40 years of age), which is the production of abundant urine during the night. These disorders are often due to prostate problems, especially benign prostatic hypertrophy.

What are the possible remedies for polyuria
Since polyuria is related to such a heterogeneous multitude of pathologies and causes, there are no single remedies against the disorder. Consequently, it is good to consult a specialist in order to identify the source of the problem and immediately start a therapy aimed at resolving the pathology of which polyuria is only a symptom.
For example, if the disorder is closely related to urinary tract infections , it is good to start therapy against the responsible pathogen. People diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitusinstead they will be directed by their own doctor towards a treatment aimed at maintaining the correct amount of insulin in the body.
As for the basis of everything, there is psychogenic polydipsia , the patient is recommended to start psychotherapy , given that at the moment the use of specific drugs is still the subject of studies and debates.
If polyuria is not linked to specific pathologies, some recommended tips are:

  • Follow a healthy diet and do not consume products that could irritate the urinary tract ;
  • Carefully check the consumption of liquids ;
  • Perform some muscle exercises (Kegel exercises ) in order to strengthen the pelvic floor, the bladder and decrease the frequency of urination.

Some False Myths About Polyuria
The main false myth about polyuria is the one that tends to identify diabetes as the sole cause of the disorder. As we have seen, excessive urine production can have very different causes. It is therefore not always true that behind polyuria there must always be an undiagnosed form of diabetes.
Another false myth sees the disorder related to sexual activity , or more precisely to prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse. In fact, it is believed that the excessive production of urine is a sort of “escape valve”, but this statement is completely false and not supported by scientific studies.
Finally, polyuria is often confused with other disorders of the urinary tract ( incontinence , infections, etc.) and this generates a lot of confusion about the incidence of the disorder. In fact, it is believed that only individuals who are too old (or too young ) can suffer from it, but since there are many causes of this disorder it is possible to suffer from it at any age. Obviously, certain causes of polyuria can occur more in a certain age group, but in this case it would be more correct to speak of the incidence of the diseases that generate the disorder, rather than the disorder itself.
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