One of the most successful terraces in Seville, the Maquiavelo kiosk-bar, on the Muelle de las Delicias, has been generating complaints from residents in Los Remedios since last October due to the loud music that it plays until the wee hours of the morning.The major surprise is that the establishment lacks a license to play music , except for a temporary permit that it had from July 15 to November 15, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., according to the municipal file to which has had access to this newspaper.
The owners of the premises, managed by the Cebolla and the Vega, have declined to give explanations to this newspaper and only reply that they have not received any notification
The file makes it clear thatThe premises have a responsible declaration presented on May 18, 2021 that allows a “kiosk-bar activity with kitchen and without music”, which in the current Andalusian catalog is called “catering establishment without music”.
The file was activated as a result of the question from Adelante Sevilla to the municipal government on November 9, 2021 addressed to the Environment on whether it had received neighborhood complaints about this establishment.The coalition of IU-Podemos asked about the complaints registered by the residents of Los Remedios in relation to the Machiavelli terrace regarding music played at very high volume until the wee hours of the morning. The complaint was registered in the Los Remedios District. The municipal group asked if the Municipal Planning and Environment Management had received these complaints.
The municipal response came on December 2 from the Ecological Transition area directed by David Guevara. The Environmental Protection Service clarifies that “if a complaint has been received from the Community of Owners Virgen de Robledo, 1 (registered on October 28, 2021) as well as a communication from the District of Los Remedios, accompanied by another copy of said complaint (sent on November 3, 2021), where the indicated complaints are manifested.”
The file cites the three complaints made by the Local Police to the establishment .
The last one is on October 12, 2021 because it is 1:55 in the morning and the activity is open with musical elements not contemplated in the license. There were up to 42 different loudspeakers (according to those responsible) installed and distributed throughout the establishment. The activity is evicted with 522 people inside.
The previous complaint, dated October 1, 2021, occurs at 00:17. It is denounced for exceeding the conditions established in the license. It is observed that he has music on computers.
The other complaint is from July 4, 2021 at 00:25 a.m. for having music abroad open to the public without having a license to do so.
In the file it is said that there are three serious infractions of article 20.1 of the Law of Public Entertainment and Recreational Activities of Andalusia (LEPARA) for having an activity for which it does not have a license, for exceeding in the exercise of such activities the limitations of your license, and for doing so outside of permitted hours. The law establishes a fine of 300.51 to 30,050.61 euros.
The Local Police has filed three complaints since July 2021 for three “serious” infractions committed and the Environmental Discipline service has opened a disciplinary file and imposes a 3,000-euro fine.
According to the Environmental Discipline file, dated November 12 with departure on November 18, 2021, a sanctioning procedure is initiated against the Maquiavelo kiosk-bar, managed by the company Puerto Delicias SL, and a fine of 3,000 euros is imposed for three “serious” infractions, “considering the importance of local complaints due to the inconvenience generated as a result of the noise generated as well as the intentionality in the commission of these, since the facts are withdrawn and widely exceed the permitted hours.”
Environmental Protection assures, in its response to Adelante, that after accessing two reports of the Local Police complaint, dated October 1 and 10, 2021, “it has led to the opening of file 1,376/2021 of the Disciplinary Section Environmental”.
Adelante Sevilla asked what type of license the establishment has and if the terrace “can play music in the open air until 3 in the morning.” Environmental Protection responded that “the license granted does not allow the provision of music” and that the establishment has a “license for shows of an occasional nature for extraordinary activity”, processed in file 1,305/2021, having been granted this for the implantation of “bars bar and sound reproduction and amplification equipment”, in the period between July 15 and November 15, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The authorization for that period was given by the Urban Planning and Environment Management (GUMA).
Adelante Sevilla also asked if an inspection has been carried out at the establishment to verify that it complies with the regulations. Environmental Protection responds that “it is understood that GUMA has had to carry out the pertinent verification visits, in accordance with the determinations contained in the Ordinance regulating works and activities; however, this question must, therefore, be answered by said body.”
And it is added in the response that an imminent technical inspection visit is expected by the Environmental Discipline Section (Disciplinary Inspections Bureau) within the processing of disciplinary file 1,376/2021. The service clarifies that “the sanctioning file has already been initiated, and a technical inspection visit will be carried out imminently, as a result of which the appropriate resolution will be adopted, imposing, where appropriate, the sanctions that are appropriate. ”.
The owners of the premises, managed by the Cebolla and the Vega, have declined to give explanations to this newspaper and only reply that they have not received any notification in this regard.