In the field of fiction we currently have series for all tastes, but none with an extraordinary impact like Game of Thrones had at the time, among others. The time of Twin Peaks, Friends, Lost or The X Files is over, and it’s long gone. Now it is unthinkable that a series would give rise to a trail behind it of prizes and number of viewers; Perhaps the ones that come closest to doing it today are The Crown or the Queen’s Gambit.
Spanish fiction is also in the doldrums, fundamentally in the mainstream channels.The only production that deserves mention in this section so far this year would be La cocinera de Castamar (Antena 3) and I’m alive (La 1). Streaming viewing has taken over, and now the viewer prefers to see the fiction at their own pace and without schedules.
Patria , the HBO series created by Aitor Gabilondo and based on the homonymous novel by Fernando Aramburu, which was an authentic sociocultural phenomenon, promised at the end of last 2020. Scheduled for May 2020, the series suffered the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in terms of post-production, but it finally saw the light on September 27.
The story of Patria focuses on two families, that of Bittori, whose husband was killed by ETA, and that of Miren, the mother of an imprisoned terrorist. The fear that the controversy prior to the premiere of Patria was an omen for the series was finally confirmed, in part. It was feared that Patria would forget to polish the tricky main themes, and not only does this happen, but the great performances of Elena Irureta and Ane Gabarain failed to express what the book declares between the lines. A great series, but not exceptional.
The last great bet of Movistar + has been Anti- riot,by Isabel Pena and Rodrigo Sorogoyen, a job that promised to fill the empty space of a dignified, black, adult and painful police officer such as the Central Brigade. After an eviction in the center of Madrid that ended with a deceased, a riot team will be in the crosshairs of the entire country. A slow-cooking thriller, with images that transmit vital suffocation and grateful strokes of black humor. Two first supreme chapters, and then a plummeting down the hackneyed and predictable.a pity
Atresplayer also rolled the dice and crossed his fingers with Poison ., the Los Javis series about the transsexual Cristina Ortiz who rose to fame in the mid-90s thanks to Tonight We Cross the Mississippi, Pepe Navarro’s late night. In addition to its necessary vindictive character, this series delves into the recent history of Spain, the culture of the television show and pop mythology. A minority product that does not pretend to be otherwise.
Amazon Prime launched two historical blockbusters, Ines del alma mia and El Cid.The one based on the novel by Isabel Allende, with a brilliant leading duo formed by Elena Rivera and Eduardo Noriega, entertains despite the historical licenses. El Cid, for his part, is visually ambitious but doesn’t make sense of it.
‘Tierra amarga’ confirms this Sunday the Turkish phenomenon
‘Tierra amarga’, which premieres on Sunday night on Antena 3 although it will later go on to air from Monday to Friday at half past five, it is the last landing of Turkish fiction in our country. A true invasion that started in Nova at the hands of ‘Fatmagul’ three years ago.
In 2019 ‘Madre’ confirmed the boom and last year he made the leap to the generalists with ‘Mujer’, on Antena 3. Divinity has also profited from this phenomenon. Set in the 70s, ‘Tierra amarga’ has a much more careful setting and production, worthy of a cinematographic product.