- You feel pain in the scrotum
Here’s what it can originate from and how to behave - Symptoms not to be overlooked
- You also have scrotal pain issues
- Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the scrotum
- Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
- Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for problems of scrotum problems
You feel pain in the scrotum
Here’s what it can originate from and how to behave
When we talk about pain in the scrotum , we often refer to a painful symptomatology affecting the skin of the scrotum or affecting the scrotal contents. The pain can appear suddenly or slower and in some cases it can be associated with the presence of an edema, or swelling with relative redness of the area. There is also an increase in skin temperature.
Pain in the scrotum can also be a symptom of non-local causes which, however, determine a painful irradiation in this area, think for example of the innervation of the testicle.
To assess the extent of the problem and recognize the cause it is necessary to perform a careful anamnesis of the characteristics of the painful phenomenon and perform a palpation of the scrotum. Symptoms not to be overlooked
The appearance of inflammatory voiding disorders, which precede a painful swelling in the scrotum, are indicative of the inflammatory nature of the disorder. For example, it could be acute epidymitis.
If pain in the scrotumoccurs without causing urinary disorders the cause may be torsion of the spermatic cord, thrombosis of the pampiniform plexus, acute hematogenous orchitis, a testicular trauma, a scrotal hernia or a testicular tumor. Extra scrotal pathologies that cause pain in the area are the presence of ureteral stones, acute appendicitis, injury to the urethra or corpora cavernosa, inguinal hernia.
Symptoms vary based on the cause. In the presence of low ureteral stones, pain in the scrotum is usually associated with urination disturbances. If there is kidney involvement, the pain radiates to the side.
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Talk to a andrologist could be much simpler than you think. Contact Dr. Francesco De Luca, also via Whatsapp and request an appointment immediately.
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The diagnostic process varies from patient to patient and starts from the general state. In carrying out an anamnesis of the case, the specialist doctor makes use of some diagnostic tests such as:
- Urinalysis.
- The presence of fever and any skin changes is assessed.
- Palpation of the abdomen is useful in excluding peritonism.
- The two hemiscrotes are always compared, and it is possible to palpate the scrotal contents, evaluate the spermatic cords, delimit the testicles from the epididymis.
- Rectal examination allows you to monitor the prostate and seminal vesicles.
- Other diagnostic tests useful in identifying the correct therapy to solve the problem are ultrasound, doppler and echo-color-doppler.
To arrive at a definitive diagnosis it is advisable to contact a specialist doctor from the onset of the first symptoms and do not underestimate the appearance of color in the scrotum.
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an appointment with Dr. Francesco De Luca for an andrological examination for problems and pain in the scrotum. Choosing to rely on his skills means that you will have the certainty of quality services and highly professional medical advice. Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for problems of scrotum problems
Book now a consultation visit with the surgeon specialized in Uro-Andrology for all your types of ailments. For any necessary information, Dr. De Luca will be at your complete disposal.
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